Hey, Can A Woman "Ask To Get Raped"?

Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 10:37 pm
I'm simply congratulating you on the fact you never felt a need to make sure you were desired as a partner. I just hope it isn't early onset dementia. What a great life, of course all women want you and men want to be you.
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 10:48 pm
the fact you never felt a need to make sure you were desired as a partner.

Because it is the men who are responsible if women dont communicate, natch, because the feminist story has been bought is that women are scared little things that cant talk unless special procedures are followed.

Now we know, the feminists believe that females are the weaker sex. And they have largely convinced all of America that this is true.

I never would have believed it if someone had told me as a boy the women would be arguing that men are better.
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Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 11:00 pm
I'm simply congratulating you on the fact you never felt a need to make sure you were desired as a partner.

Strange as I was never of the opinion that finding out if a women desire to have sexual congress with me require written or verbal for that matter permissions at every step of the process.

You know the old fashion means of mutual kissing, mutual running hands over either other bodies and the mutual removing of clothing and so on was enough of a hint and a means of mutual non-verbal and non-written communications.

When sadly the lady did not wish sexual congress saying no or not tonight and or getting up or pulling back from the kissing or whatever was happening at the moment seems to work just fine.

By the way why the hell do I need to explain this to another adult? Glitterbag are you a virgin and or asexual?

Strange world you wish to live in where sex is something you need to have a written contract to take part in.
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 11:10 pm
It is very much like if every time we headed out to Safeway to buy groceries the government told us we had to write up an agreement:

" Wife will drive. There will be no going over the speed limit. We will listen to 97.5 on the FM at a volume that allows conversation. We can stop for coffee under the following conditions......"

Who knew that Americans are so anally militaristic? Cant make a move without comprehensive regulations in place and agreed to.
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 11:34 pm
Hawkeye we are living in a strange universe as when the Antioch college guidelines became known the college became the laughing stock of the nation and to the point that they went out of business, but now this same silliness have overwhelming passed the California senate if not the California house yet.

I would love to have this kind of code enforce on the senators who passed it for their state young men to live under in college.

Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 11:44 pm
No matter how many times a plan of action fails there is always "next time" (I am from Chicago see, A CUBS fan, we know all about this). For instance a rational person would look at the history of giving government the power to regulate the behavior of individuals to the point of abuse sterling record of not working out, and would reject the idea. But there is always next time. It sounds good, we want it to work, so it could work. Right? The hope is illogical but we are partly irrational beings so this is not a deal breaker.
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Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 12:13 am
These two tools would be happier thinking I'm gay, fridgid, asexual or pick some other thing which would prove I'm a stranger to the magnificent powers of those eunuchs. I've lived a very full life, I'm happy that most men were raised properly and my dad taught me defense techniques. Some people are forced to figure their own way to deal with sex, and for the most part I was able to avoid boys or men who thought saying no was just a coy way of saying yes.

Bill seems to remember there was never a discussion, Hawk crows that sometime he binds and gags his vessel when ever the mood strikes. Peter Sellars raised that to an art form when he was constantly stalked by Kato. I really don't think Bill or Hawk need to worry about getting locked up, they have the perfect arraignments. Their women can suppress the revulsion factor and meet all their needs. Hooray for bill and hawk.
Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 12:29 am
glitterbag wrote:

These two tools would be happier thinking I'm gay, fridgid, asexual or pick some other thing which would prove I'm a stranger to the magnificent powers of those eunuchs. I've lived a very full life, I'm happy that most men were raised properly and my dad taught me defense techniques. Some people are forced to figure their own way to deal with sex, and for the most part I was able to avoid boys or men who thought saying no was just a coy way of saying yes.

Bill seems to remember there was never a discussion, Hawk crows that sometime he binds and gags his vessel when ever the mood strikes. Peter Sellars raised that to an art form when he was constantly stalked by Kato. I really don't think Bill or Hawk need to worry about getting locked up, they have the perfect arraignments. Their women can suppress the revulsion factor and meet all their needs. Hooray for bill and hawk.

You did not use the word " justice" once.
nor fair
nor equality
nor reasonable
nor freedom

Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 01:31 am
there was never a discussion,

You are a strange being without the will to say no or I am not interested it would seems if a man begin to made a sexual move toward you that is not welcome.

Only if the man give you a full printed out contract ahead of any actions can you find the will power to say no thanks in words or in deeds.

Sorry but you are either a virgin or asexual or both if you are claiming that the normal manner of male/female interactions is the man asking for verbal permissions or even written permission to place his hands on your hair and to lean over to kiss you in a romance moment.

In my 66 years on this earth I had never ran into a woman that lack the ability to let me know if such a move on my part would be welcome or not welcome without verbal discussions let alone written contracts!!!!!!!!!

Rape or sexual assault is not leaning over to kiss a woman in a romance moment without getting written permission first it is using force or the threat of force to achieve sexual contact against the lady express will and desire,
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Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 01:56 am
Hawkeye Glitterbay is a strange bird indeed as for example how by either your or my statements did she get the idea that we would used force on a woman that was not interested in having sex with us?

A man have a right to made a polite sexual move on a lady he is dating and the lady have the right to rejected him if she wish to do so.
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Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 02:25 pm
My daughter was punished for showing too much of her (gasp!) legs. Her school is normalizing the notion that girls’ bodies are a distraction. That girls bear responsibility for boys’ reactions to their bodies. That boys have thoughts that are inherently impure and will lead to misconduct.. The school’s chosen mode of punishment is disrupting girls’ educational experiences and quite possibly hindering their legal right to an education. The message and actions perpetuated by gender-biased implementation of school dress codes—the blaming and shaming of our girls—has got to stop.


It has got to stop because we have got to stop hoping that through repression we can get males to stop sexually wanting females. It has got to stop also because we have to stop assuming that males who want females will abuse them to get sex on a regular basis. It has also got to stop because looking at sexy females is some of the best stuff that happens to me in a day.

That boys have thoughts that are inherently impure
of course they do, and that is OK. How did we ever get back to the worst of protestant morality and brutality towards humans?

and will lead to misconduct.
Males wanting females will lead to misconduct. So will females wanting males. So will every other thing that humans do.
Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 02:45 pm
There surely is a war on young men that include false claims such as the high rates of sexual "assaults" on college campuses that the news media had turn into rapes not the incredible broad and silly list of what is to be consider sexual assaults to get the one in five victims numbers.
Reply Mon 9 Jun, 2014 02:58 pm
My post was about the war on sexy thoughts. I hear that burkas work. Sexual abuse in fundamentalist muslim countries from all accounts is in the range that the feminists are driving for.

Of course you cant win a war on sexy thought with the internet fully loaded with porn, so we are going to have to find a way to clean that up. We will kill what it was supposed to be, but that is a small price to pay to get men's minds where the feminists want them.
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Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 10:41 pm
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:22 pm
Well, no no no no no. I'm so disappointed, but I should have realized how young and stupid you are. Get back when you are 40 years older, I'm hoping I'll be dead. But i also hope you have many daughters who will be so pissed and deride you for being such a dweeb, that they look to other Dads for male maturity protective parental advice. Because if nono can't do it, there are real Dads who can.
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 12:24 am
He's not that young, he's simply emotionally infantile, but he sure is stupid.Laughing

Someone should tell him that all the state rape laws are written and passed by predominantly male state legislatures. I suppose that makes all of those men "feminists". Smile

He seems to have no concern, at all, for those men who are sexually assaulted by other men...these alleged "men's rights" supporters don't give a hoot about gay or bisexual men. That sort of exposes their agenda as being primarily anti-female. And they do so much self-pitying whining, about how they are victimized by the "FEMINISTS", their legitimate issues in terms of custody, alimony, etc. get drowned out in all the noise. These guys need to grow up.

That nitwit would probably claim this man was "forced to penetrate" by the elderly woman who obviously enticed him into her bed...
Jun 6, 2014 8:34 PM by katc

Opelousas Man Accused of Raping Elderly Woman

An Opelousas man is behind bars, accused of raping an elderly woman multiple times. Opelousas police say around 10:00 a.m. Friday, an 83-year-old woman told them she was asleep last night when she was awakened by a man lying in her bed, at a home on W. Cherry Street in Opelousas. The woman told police he raped her several times throughout the night. When the man, identified by the first name of Karl, fell asleep, the woman told police she ran out of her home. When officers were notified about the rape, they say the suspect was still in the home. Officers say when they went into the home, 31-year-old Karl Shelvin was asleep in the victim's bed.

Shelvin was arrested and booked on Home Invasion and Aggravated Rape charges. He will go before a judge Monday.

Police say Shelvin was arrested April 9th for allegedly trespassing, after the same victim reported he had been lurking on her property.

This one claims the sex was consensual, and he'll probably say the 81 year old--who suffered extensive internal injuries--wanted it "rough"...
It was consensual! Lawyer for married state trooper, 43, accused of brutally raping 81-year-old woman says witnesses saw them drinking and walking to hotel together
By Snejana Farberov
10 June 2014

A former Connecticut state police trooper, 43, has been charged in the brutal rape of an 81-year-old woman – but his lawyer insists their relations were consensual.

Jeffrey Laporto, a married father of two from Windsor, is facing two counts of first-degree sexual assault and one count of first-degree unlawful restraint.

Police allege Laporto met the victim at a Windsor Locks hotel bar. A conversation that ensued led to both going to her room just after midnight Friday.

The victim’s son called police about two hours later reporting the rape. Police say the octogenarian was taken to hospital for treatment of ‘extensive internal injuries.’

Windsor Locks' police chief described the attack as ‘a sickening crime’ and praised his investigators for arresting Laporto less than 24 hours after the incident.

During his arraignment Monday, Mr Laporto’s attorney, Donald Papcsy, told Judge Kathleen McNamara his client and the alleged victim were seen drinking together in a hotel bar before
consensually heading to the woman's room, reported Hartford Courant.

Laporto has no prior criminal record. He was fired from his job as a state trooper three years ago for unspecified reasons. He currently lives in Windsor with his wife and two young daughters.

The alleged rape took place between midnight and 12.30am Friday at Quality Inn on Route 75 in Windsor Locks.

Police were called to the motel by the 81-year-old's son. When responding officers entered the woman's room, they reportedly found her badly injured and in need of medical care.

Detectives were able to determine that the octogenarian and Laporto retired to the woman's room between midnight and 12.30am after having a conversation over drinks in the hotel bar.

Laporto's lawyer insisted in court Monday there was no dispute between the pair at any point during their encounter.

After the arraignment, Mr Papscy told reporters that his client and the elderly woman were adults and there was nothing illegal about their tryst.

‘It’s very common in today’s world to see 80-year-old people with much younger girlfriends and spouses,’ the attorney told the station WFSB, citing disgraced NBA owner Donald Sterling and his 31-year-old girlfriend V. Stiviano as a case in point.

Mr Laporto was released from jail after posting $250,000 bond. He is due back in court June 23.


Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 12:46 am
Someone should tell him that all the state rape laws are written and passed by predominantly male state legislatures. I suppose that makes all of those men "feminists"

they are the same bankrupt spinless assholes who stand in front of their boys and say " If mamma ain't happy, nobody is happy" .

These guys need to grow up.
which would mean growing a pair. You dont want to think too long about the ramifications of that happening.
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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 01:23 am
Arrested: Serial rapist called himself ‘the gentleman rapist’, feared he could be like Ted Bundy

EVERETT — A serial rapist who referred to himself as “the gentleman rapist” and who once said he could be end up being another Ted Bundy was charged this week with second-degree assault with sexual motivation for allegedly grabbing and kissing a 19-year-old woman against her will near the Arlington Airport in April.

The Snohomish County Prosecutor’s Office filed the charge Wednesday against Robert Raymond Raethke, 59, and sought $1 million bail.

According to court documents, a 19-year-woman was walking her dog on a trail near the Arlington Airport April 30 when she passed a man later identified as Raethke, who smiled at her. They both said hi as they passed. The woman walked down the trail, came to an end and turned back. At that point, and the defendant stopped right in front of her, the documents said.

“He repeatedly told her she was beautiful. He then asked if he could have a hug,” the documents said. The woman, who had worked in nursing homes and was used to being asked for hugs, put her arm up to tap the man on the back briefly, the papers said.

“He stepped forward and grabbed her in a ‘bear hug’ around the waist,” the documents said. She struggled to get away and yelled at him to get off her and let her go. “The defendant kissed the side of her neck” and tried to kiss her on the mouth, the documents said.

She managed to break and away and told him she was calling the police, at which time he jogged down the trail.

Police said their investigation led them to Raethke because he was wearing a Department of Corrections’ GPS monitoring bracelet and that data from it showed he was at that location at that time.

Detective Peter Barrett said that, in an interview, Raethke admitted he kissed the woman on the neck but denied the kissing was sexual in nature.

“I told Raethke that I disagreed with him, and that I had researched his previous offenses,” Barrett said. “I told Raethke that the incident the previous day closely matched the modus operandi (M.O.) from his past incidents. I told Raethke that I was concerned he was ‘slipping.’ Raethke stated ‘I would agree with you.’ Raethke stated that he felt he was ‘falling back.’”

In 1985, Raethke was convicted of four counts of first-degree rape, one count of kidnapping and one count of attempted rape. In all of the cases, between 1982 and 1983, he grabbed teenage females in wooded areas and forcibly engaged in sexual contact and intercourse, the court documents said.

After his conviction, Raethke remained in prison until 2012. While in treatment in prison, the court documents said, Raethke said that if he had not been stopped he could have been another “Ted Bundy,” who in the 1970s raped and murdered dozens of women in several states.

The court documents said, “The defendant called himself ‘the gentleman rapist,’ saying that he was nice to his victims because he sometimes walked them back to the trail where he abducted them.”

Upon his release from prison, Raethke was initially placed in a sex offender home in Marysville, but moved after young females working at nearby espresso stand said he was hanging around and “creeping them out.” He was then moved to a sex offender home in Arlington.

The prosecutor’s office said that if he is convicted of the new offense, Raethke would be a “persistent offender” and would be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of early release.

His next court date is July 10.

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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 04:09 am
He's not that young,

I'm WAY younger than you. Laughing

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Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 09:56 am
Rape and the Warrior's Code
JUNE 13, 2014
Julia Baird

At last, we have a military leader who refuses to allow male soldiers who witness rape to think of themselves as guiltless bystanders.

Every soldier has a “simple, terrible choice: to be a protector or a perpetrator,” says Lt. Gen. David Morrison, the head of the Australian Army. There is, he said in a London forum, no other choice, either in cases of a soldier witnessing a rape by another soldier, or by civilians in war zones. “I have deliberately excluded a third choice, to be a bystander while others commit sexual violence. There are no bystanders — the standard you walk past is the standard you accept.”

General Morrison was invited by the British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, to share a stage with Angelina Jolie at the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict. More than a hundred countries sent leaders and experts to the four-day summit, designed to eradicate the myth, as Ms. Jolie put it, that “rape is an inevitable part of conflict,” not a “weapon of war aimed at civilians.” The figures are overwhelming: More than 150 million young girls and half as many young boys are sexually assaulted every single year; this is far more likely to happen in conflict zones. Somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000 women were raped in Rwanda in 1994. In the Republic of Congo, according to Unicef, some 40 percent of women are thought to have experienced sexual assault.

The role of the military in protecting people from assault during conflicts is crucial. But the challenge for an armed forces leader is this: how do you stop military violence in conflict when you can’t stop it in your own ranks?

General Morrison says: “You can’t.”

In other words, if female soldiers are not safe, female civilians are not safe, and if the military does not treat women in its ranks with respect, it will not be able to assure that female civilians are treated with respect.

Which is troubling. Studies suggest that every year around one in three of the female members of the United States armed forces are sexually assaulted. This is double the civilian rate.

In Britain in 2013, a sexual assault was reported by a member of the military once a week. In most countries, including Australia, only a fraction of reports result in a conviction.

General Morrison has spent 35 years in the army, and three years as its chief, but is best known for a three-minute speech on YouTube, a directive he gave his soldiers to leave the forces if they did not accept that women had to be respected and treated as equals: “If that does not suit you,” he almost shouted, “then get out.”

“You may find another employer where your attitude and behavior is acceptable, but I doubt it. The same goes for those who think that toughness is built on humiliating others. ... Show moral courage and take a stand against it.” One and a half million people have now seen it.

The message was startling because it is so rare to hear a military leader speak with aggressive, determined candor — not defensiveness — about the need to expose and combat sexual assault in his ranks.

Australia’s sex discrimination commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick, who has worked with the militaries of a host of countries on the question of sexual violence, says this video “is talked about in NATO and leadership institutes across the world — military and civilian alike.”

“When it first came out,” she says, “he was perplexed.”

“‘What’s so interesting about an old man telling people that if they don’t treat women equally they should get out of my army?’ I told him: ‘What’s so interesting is that powerful decent men don’t often take such a public stand on behalf of women, particularly not on the issue of violence.”’

But even as General Morrison has publicly tried to call to account those responsible for sexual assault, the allegations of rot in the armed forces in Australia have continued: of rape, ugly, traumatic initiation rituals called “bishing,” and a host of offenses including a group of soldiers calling themselves the “Jedi Council” broadcasting sex with women without their knowledge, and demeaning them in emails.

Just this month further allegations concerning serving officers emerged. But slowly change is occurring, and at the least the leadership is showing willingness to subject the army to external scrutiny, and vow to take it seriously.

To effect change, General Morrison recommends that military leaders open all areas of military service to women, and, crucially, “appoint an independent statutory authority to review the treatment of women, and of men and women from ethnic minorities who comprise the force.” A task force set up in November 2012 to investigate allegations of abuse in Australia has received 2,400 complaints and passed on 63 cases to the police.

In his London speech, General Morrison argued that an inclusive and diverse army is more, not less capable: Armies, he said, that “revel in their separateness from civil society, that value the male over the female, that use their imposed values to exclude those who don’t fit the particular traits of the dominant group, who celebrate the violence that is integral to my profession rather than seeking ways to contain it — they do nothing to distinguish the soldier from the brute.”

At the heart of this debate is not what it means to be a soldier, but what it means to be human.

Julia Baird is a journalist and a television presenter with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and an author who is working on a biography of Queen Victoria.
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