@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote: We will ban people for trying to have a greater say than they deserve by monopolizing conversation (flooding) and being disruptive. We prohibit behavior, not ideas.
Any rational review of this thread would serve as ample evidence that RM has done precisely that. He has regularly posted a half a dozen times in a row, frequently posted the same mindless dribble over and over again, gamed your very system and bragged about it, and you have done nothing… save attack me.
Robert Gentel wrote: So again, I put it to you: what is your rule. Stop acting so damn flabbergasted that I compare your inability to be civil with theirs. Take personality out of it entirely: what is your rule? What behavior should result in a ban?
This is not complicated Robert. I object to the deliberate targeting of innocents for abuse. The only bans I’ve ever advocated were against people who do this.
You continue to act like you don’t know what constitutes trolling. Here:
wiki wrote:In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
You are being patently dishonest to suggest my posting history is in the same category as, let alone worse than, that of the demented trolling duo.
He who violently attacks another is a batterer. He who responds in kind is not.
He who shows up with the purpose causing emotional injury to an innocent is a troll. He who responds in kind is not. Both the action and reaction can be attributed to the troll, and removal of same is the logical remedy.
Pretending that Shorteyes’ and RM’s deliberate button pushing is merely opinion, rather than the deliberate trolling it is, is as absurd as it is dishonest. There is no rational excuse for suggesting a woman is lying about having been beaten for failing to climax, because she didn’t fake it. No rational human being could have trouble assessing the intent of such a comment. It is pure mean-spirited trolling, and you damn well know it.