aaronssongs;59327 wrote:Lord help us. A woman in the White House. And given her temperment, and her obvious lack of judgment and parenting skills, she'll, undoubtedly, leave much to be desired.
Gotcha. That was a fantasy.
You people severely underestimate the climate and pulse of the nation.
Folks are pissed. Pissed at the last 8 years. And if you think folks are going to go with McCain, which would be a vote for 4 more years of the same, somebody is doing "crack", and fiendin'.
Palin is "Hillary Lite", and without the skills or the experience.
Give me a break! A woman in the WH is just what we need! A woman isn't afraid to blow the whistle on her croneys if they are abusing power (just like home). We don't sit around and worry about the feelings (or bank accounts) we might hurt if someone is doing something wrong. That comes from having to deal with "injustices" everyday of our lives.
Her parenting skills? What? Since when does raising a family mean it is just the mom's job? She has her husband and extended family that is all involved in her kids lives. If my daughter had the opportunity that Sarah has I would be quitting my job and moving to Washington to help with the grandkids!
Because her 17 year old got pregnant? Is that your point? I would dare bet that if she would have been a lib that pregnancy would never have seen the light of day because the parents would have forced an unwanted abortion on her. It happens in the best and the worst of families. It's how it is handled that makes the difference. A hundred years ago a 17 year old was the median age for getting pregnant! Most women weren't given much of a different option - you got married and had babies!
Explain temperment and lack of judgement... I need examples of why your state that.
Why is Hillary a better woman? Because she was a lawyer who lived in the WH and forgave her man for cheating on her constantly? I consider that a lack of judgement.
I have a personal friend who knows her personally and says that her language and temper would put a truck driver to shame! Is that the personality to raise a daughter? But, on the other hand, they say Sarah is the same at home as she is in public. That's a compliment!
I raised five kids - one with cerebral palsy - and was always involved in community, church, schools, and other service organizations and never felt that my family suffered. In fact, they are all very well educated and are go-getters in their lives! I say "Go get 'em, Sarah"!