Sat 30 Aug, 2008 10:26 am
This is my rant.
McCain has the female base, now?....
Does Mccain think this stuff through, IM not quite sure he does? Lets face it he doesn't. OK, Let's add a woman (Palin) to the ticket. We can grab those Hillary voters for sure now. McCain "assuming" that just because a woman is on the ticket that he is going be able to get that vote, because of this move. IM sure that women will not vote for a woman just because she on the ticket. Women don't vote on the gender as the Mccain camp would like you to believe. If women did vote on gender, then what was the big issue over rumors Obama picking a female senator from Kansas, that was not Hillary. The women hated it. See my point?
McCain's thought process?....
What about the problems, and the forseen-bagage that came along with this pick? I don't think McCain gave any credence to that thought. Seeing as the Hillary voters was only thing on McCain's mind, he didn't give any thought beyond that. I can see that McCain doesn't think long term when picking a Vice president. What was one thing McCain hammered again and again? It was the "experience" issue. So they pick Sara Palin. "Opps." She has considerably less experience then Obama. But I guess McCain forgot about that "issue" didn't he?
You would assume that McCain wouldn't want a pick that could bring "controversy" to the table for the McCain campaign. Well, she does bring "controversy" to the table. It looks to be a another big fault by McCain, in choosing Palin as a Vice president. Lets not worry though because "I" McCain will have that female vote that wouldn't vote for Obama come this fall.
What about the picking "a" Vice President for a state? That would be a smater move on Mccain's part. His pick wasn't though. McCain didn't see a state strategy as working? Palin doesn't help him in this department at all. I assumed he would want to fight for every state he could win. Tom Ridge and Pennsylvania Vs Biden and Pennsylvania there is a battle for that state.
There is my rant.
She wants creationism taught in school
i let out a big "who?" after i first heard the annoucement.
I'm not impressed.
I like biden. he was my #2 behind paul.
but, i don't like obama.....
and i don't like mccain either... everyday he talks i shake my head at him more and more.
does biden have enough pull as vp to keep obama in check?
Quote:does biden have enough pull as vp to keep obama in check?
Not when Hussein is your boss.
Quote:She has considerably less experience then(sic) Obama.
Can you verify that statement?
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;59134 wrote::eek: Saddam still alive
Nope, barry hussein, we don't know how long he will make it alive.
Curmudgeon;59150 wrote:Can you verify that statement?
Personally i think she is more qualified. As far as years served, there about the same. I believe she edges out Hussein in foreign policy as she has two countrys on her borders, Russia and Canada.
Drnaline;59175 wrote:Nope, barry hussein, we don't know how long he will make it alive.
Why is that ? is someone right-wing racist going to kill him ?
Drnaline;59176 wrote:Personally i think she is more qualified. As far as years served, there about the same. I believe she edges out Hussein in foreign policy as she has two countrys on her borders, Russia and Canada.
She only get her passport last year ! foreign policy :rollinglaugh:
Sounds like you liberals are running scared! She's the new face of politics so get ready 'cause the race is on guys!
She's smart, unafraid, down to earth, not one of the "good ole boys," articulate, and everything we need in Washington.
I was a Romney fan and was very hopeful for his nomination but am delighted with the choice of Palin. It has the libs running around trying to figure out what to do!
I am woman, hear me roar!
westernmom;59195 wrote:Sounds like you liberals are running scared! She's the new face of politics so get ready 'cause the race is on guys!
She's smart, unafraid, down to earth, not one of the "good ole boys," articulate, and everything we need in Washington.
I was a Romney fan and was very hopeful for his nomination but am delighted with the choice of Palin. It has the libs running around trying to figure out what to do!
I am woman, hear me roar!
Mccain met her once and picks her for VP,Palin herself when interviewed about the nomination said what exactly is it a VP does ? :lightbulb:
Well she has just accepted the nomination for that job !
And how many jobs have you ever accepted without asking what would expected of you? She said asked this question of a reporter when he asked her about being considered for the position. It was a rhetorical question...
Why does one have to have personal meetings to determine whether someone will make a good choice for VP? Her history was out there. They met months ago - Feb to be exact - and I'm sure there was ongoing communication since then. Don't believe everything you read on left wing websites especially the Huffington Huffer!
westernmom;59206 wrote:And how many jobs have you ever accepted without asking what would expected of you? She said asked this question of a reporter when he asked her about being considered for the position. It was a rhetorical question...
Why does one have to have personal meetings to determine whether someone will make a good choice for VP? Her history was out there. They met months ago - Feb to be exact - and I'm sure there was ongoing communication since then. Don't believe everything you read on left wing websites especially the Huffington Huffer!
Would you pick someone you have met once to be your second in command ?
westernmom;59195 wrote:Sounds like you liberals are running scared! She's the new face of politics so get ready 'cause the race is on guys!
If by "new face of politics" you mean "has no understanding of history" then you would be correct.
She seems to think that the phrase "under god" was added to the pledge during the time of the founding fathers. But then she would be wrong.
"The words "under God" were added to the Pledge on 14 June [SIZE="4"]1954[/SIZE] when then U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill into law."
Pledge of Allegiance criticism: Information from
You guys are just upset that McCain was smart enough to choose someone who would shake up the establishment and would actually make a race out of this!
You vote for a President - have you ever actually met him??? Come on, if McCain has a close personal relationship with someone should not the criteria of the VP. It was outstanding judgement on his part. I can't wait for her to get into the townhall meetings and debates because she will kick butt! Bring it on!
westernmom;59232 wrote:You guys are just upset that McCain was smart enough to choose someone who would shake up the establishment and would actually make a race out of this!
You vote for a President - have you ever actually met him??? Come on, if McCain has a close personal relationship with someone should not the criteria of the VP. It was outstanding judgement on his part. I can't wait for her to get into the townhall meetings and debates because she will kick butt! Bring it on!
Do you really think Palin is going to "shake up the establishment" she has made one speech of note.
"You vote for a President - have you ever actually met him ??? thats a bit different from actually running for president don't you think ? no-one said mcCain had to have a close relationship with his running mate,but you would expect them to have met more than once.
In this day and age we can tele-communicate without actually "meeting" at length. I am sure that he spent a lot of time communicating with her.
Why does it bother you so much? If you had a bad accident and needed major surgery to save your life would you want to spend time with your doctor and meet him several times before putting your life in his hands? Or would you depend on what recommendations of other qualified people?
And yes, I truly think she will be shaking up the old guard. She isn't afraid to fire people who aren't doing their jobs or who are a drain on the taxpayers. Kind of reminds me of Walkin' Tall!
I really wish you had your own opinions. If I wanted to watch Utube I would do that instead of trying to have a debate here.