g-man;57998 wrote:My idea has to do with Americans taking care of themselves. Taking responsibility for themselves. Never waiting for the government to do anything for them. Self control. Education. being what people take upon themselves to learn. Not depending on some government entity to train them and judge them as educated. My America needs no government. Government is good for nothing but building and maintaining streets and maintaining a military to protect our nation and kick whoever's ass needs kicked.
So you don't need Police? How about Fire? EMT? Any idea who pays for this stuff?
Quote:Obama sat in Wright's church being indoctrinated for 20 years.
Of course the politician can not nor will ever state that he supports the antics of the moron. He knows he would lose whitey. I did not say he is stupid. He is not. I don't have good things to say about him. But, I assure you, I don't consider him stupid.
Does Bam sound like Wright? Clearly not. However Mickey sounds a whole hell of a lot like the Hag. "Bomb, bomb, bomb... bomb, bomb, Iran!" is all that needs to be said. That's what I look for... who sounds like their kooky priest of choice.
Quote:McCain's background with Hagee is short lived. Whatever you turn it into won't get you far.
Sure it will! McCain sought the endorsement and even got onstage with the guy saying how proud he was to get the endorsement. None of which Bam has done concerning his wacky pastor.
Then there's Parsley...
Quote:My definition of liberal may well be skewed in your eyes. But, anyone who is not functioning for the good of the nation is a liberal. Liberals only care about issues important to themselves. You know, the ones that drag a nation down like homos and abortion and the saving of lives of people who opt to take life.
Liberalism. A nasty filthy business. Designed for nothing more than to create a nation of anything goes and no consequences.
A nation of anything goes and no consequences? Such as...
Confirmed torture, a violation of constitutional law -
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/19/2008 | General who probed Abu Ghraib says Bush officials committed war crimes
Violation of federal law -
Bush White House e-mail controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Then there's this -
Movement to impeach George W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Care to knock 'em all down?
Quote:By the way, what have you brought to table? Any reason someone would vote for Obama?
First off, there's this crazy idea that the trillions of dollars being wasted in Iraq would be better suited to... like I said, this is INSANE... repair and upgrade our nation's base infrastructure. Silly things like railroads, bridges, the power grid, so on and so forth. Meaningless stuff... we don't need that to survive.
He also has this odd notion that we need to focus on IT security and proper network deployment/usage. It's silly... he thinks we need to keep those pesky Chinese out of our government systems (
FT.com / World - Chinese hacked into Pentagon ). He also wants to make a new position in the cabinet for a tech guru. How stupid! I mean it isn't like we can be pwn3d by our coffee makers or anything... (
SecurityFocus )
But here's what I find the WORST of them all... he wants to bring SCIENCE education to the forefront! Science! Can you believe that?! Just when we started pushing legislation to teach this controversy, he wants to come and screw it up!