Sabz5150;57923 wrote:
1. Do explain how.
2. Later in 1969, Ayers participated in planting a bomb at a statue dedicated to police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket Riot.
Obama was 5.
Dohrn did the nasty during the 70's. Obama was a teenager.
Did Obama participate in ANY of this? Did he set any bombs? Cause any terror?
3. Really? Strange he would want this person's endorsement without any other connections. Stranger is Parsley, who mirrors Hagee, is called a "moral compass" and "spiritual advisor" by McCain.
4. Odd. I usually don't shake hands with someone I am not friendly with.
Obama never shook Chavez's hand. He also did not seek an endorsement from him.
5. It's called "Playing defense", and I see the Right doing a LOT of it.
6. I'm pretty certain he does.
7. Technically, Cindy could write off the jet travel for her hubby and the taxpayers WOULD pay for it.
1. I need to explain the difference between Washington being nominated for president, never asking for the position and Obama, a not quite one term Jr. Senator's quest for the presidency? A man who was prepared to kill and to sacrifice his life for his new country being coerced into accepting the presidency and a person who has done nothing but enjoy the fruits of the labors of those who have created America seeking to be it's leader?
Promising nothing more than undefined change. Obama is a Marxist. That is the major difference.
2. Doesn't matter when Ayers did what he did.
What defines Obama is the company he keeps.
Terrorist, Anti-American preachers, indulging in politics from the pulpit and accepting the tax exemptions not due his organization for the indulgence.
No, Obama is not guilty of anything worse than choosing those who oppose America as spiritual guides and mentors then attempting to convince Americans they had no effect on his love of country and his idealogical changes will be the best thing for them. Stupidity keeps them from demanding details of said changes.
3. McCain did not seek Hagee's endorsement. When McCain learned of his politically incorrect attitudes he rejected his endorsement.
Obama on the other hand reacted with, I can no more turn my back on Rev. Wright than I can on the black race. Admirable. But quite hypocritical. His own father turned his back on him. He does not recognize the white half of his heritage. You know, the 1/2 that accepted the responsibility for him and raised him. Proclaiming that "our time is now".
4. You're obviously not a politician. They all do it.
5. What ever that means.
6. Well then, perhaps you could find out. After all, McCain is painted as bad for paying for his own flights by yourself. If Obama pays for his own, so too could he write them off, passing it on.