do you think any of the candidates can make a difference, if elected?

Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2008 08:23 am
g-man;57712 wrote:
America has faced these issues before. In much worse circumstances.
Pushing the panic button and installing a man who has about a years worth of experience and 0 accomplishments, who's friends consist of people like American terrorist who have bombed Washington and wish they could have done more, 2 hate whitey preachers for 20 years, Louis Farrakhan. And is endorsed by the likes of Hugo Chavez, and considered "interesting" by Ahcmedinijhad is seriously over the top. Watch the man as he gazes at the crowds when they gather to hear him. He actually thinks he is the "great one". He sees no one as he speaks.
He has the look of, you are blessed to be in my presence.

He has more experience than a man who now has his face on our money and carved into the side of a mountain.

Which of his "friends" have bombed Washington?

McCain not only has/had the endorsement of his nutty pastors, his words run parallel to their views. I've not once heard Obama talk about "whitey" or "AIDS being government made".

So Hugo likes him. Bandar is a personal friend of Bush and his wife wired money to the 9/11 hijackers. Now, remember... women do only what their men tell them over there. Members of his cabinet have been good friends with enemies of America (Rummy shaking hands with Saddam... good pic!).

I felt the Right wing machine rev up this year... I mean FELT it. That, or the Lobbytalk Express just rolled by.

Did you know that his wife bankrolls his flights? Yeah, it's a loophole he uses that allows her to supply him with company jets. Much like Enron back in 2000.
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2008 11:52 am
He has more experience than a man who now has his face on our money and carved into the side of a mountain.
Prove it. From what i read Lincolns got him hands down "He served four successive terms in the Illinois House of Representatives Obama 3. If you wanna count how many days he is a senator for congress you have to discount his no vote record. Project Vote Smart - Senator Barack H. Obama Jr. - Voting Record I counted 46 no shows. He was there for 95 votes. Lincoln still has his ass.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2008 12:42 pm
Sabz5150;57713 wrote:
Eight years ago we were promised change in the form of "Bringing honor and integrity back to the White House." We got the short end of that stick.

Statement based on personal hatred likely stemming from the spanking the dems got in the 00 and 06 elections. Dems experience great anxiety and distress when they don't get what they want. "power". They think they deserve power.
Not based on any factual absence of integrity. Especially in the honoring of one's wife and marriage vows. Which in reality, do matter.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2008 01:50 pm
Sabz5150;57714 wrote:

1. He has more experience than a man who now has his face on our money and carved into the side of a mountain.

2. Which of his "friends" have bombed Washington?

3. McCain not only has/had the endorsement of his nutty pastors, his words run parallel to their views. I've not once heard Obama talk about "whitey" or "AIDS being government made".

4. So Hugo likes him. Bandar is a personal friend of Bush and his wife wired money to the 9/11 hijackers. Now, remember... women do only what their men tell them over there. Members of his cabinet have been good friends with enemies of America (Rummy shaking hands with Saddam... good pic!).

5. I felt the Right wing machine rev up this year... I mean FELT it. That, or the Lobbytalk Express just rolled by.

6. Did you know that his wife bankrolls his flights? Yeah, it's a loophole he uses that allows her to supply him with company jets. Much like Enron back in 2000.

1. Hardly comparable.
2. Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn.
The pentagon, the capital building.
Three of his Weatherman cohorts were killed when a nail bomb they were building blew up.
Ayers and his wife Dohrn were signees on a declaration of war against the government of the United States.
Charges were dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct.
He has declared he regrets only that he could not have done more.
3. McCain was endorsed by Hagee. No other connection between the two exist. Especially 20 years of spiritual guidance. McCain was quick to reject the endorsement once he heard of the politically incorrect statements made by Hagee.
4. The picture of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Hussein in no way made them friends. Anyone Chavez likes is a dead give away that that person is not capitalistic. Chavez hates capitalism.
5. Yea right. Thats why McCain, a borderline liberal is "all" it has for a nominee.
6. No, I did not know that, who provides Obama his jet rides?
I'm just glad tax payers aren't paying for his ride.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2008 08:59 pm
g-man;57744 wrote:

4. The picture of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Hussein in no way made them friends. Anyone Chavez likes is a dead give away that that person is not capitalistic. Chavez hates capitalism.



wasn't it you that was complaining how Obama was speaking with the enemy?
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 04:24 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;57757 wrote:


wasn't it you that was complaining how Obama was speaking with the enemy?

You may recall that at the time that Rumsfeld shook hands with Hussein, he was not the enemy.
I could not likely complain that Obama has spoken with the enemy as he has yet to speak to anyone in an official capacity. I have objected to his statement of having tea and a chat with Achmedinijhad however.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2008 07:26 pm
g-man;57896 wrote:
You may recall that at the time that Rumsfeld shook hands with Hussein, he was not the enemy.

That makes it even worse.
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2008 10:37 am
g-man;57744 wrote:
1. Hardly comparable.

Do explain how.

2. Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn.

Later in 1969, Ayers participated in planting a bomb at a statue dedicated to police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket Riot.

Obama was 5.

Dohrn did the nasty during the 70's. Obama was a teenager.

The pentagon, the capital building.
Three of his Weatherman cohorts were killed when a nail bomb they were building blew up.
Ayers and his wife Dohrn were signees on a declaration of war against the government of the United States.
Charges were dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct.
He has declared he regrets only that he could not have done more.

Did Obama participate in ANY of this? Did he set any bombs? Cause any terror?

3. McCain was endorsed by Hagee. No other connection between the two exist. Especially 20 years of spiritual guidance. McCain was quick to reject the endorsement once he heard of the politically incorrect statements made by Hagee.

Really? Strange he would want this person's endorsement without any other connections. Stranger is Parsley, who mirrors Hagee, is called a "moral compass" and "spiritual advisor" by McCain.

4. The picture of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Hussein in no way made them friends. Anyone Chavez likes is a dead give away that that person is not capitalistic. Chavez hates capitalism.

Odd. I usually don't shake hands with someone I am not friendly with.

Obama never shook Chavez's hand. He also did not seek an endorsement from him.

5. Yea right. Thats why McCain, a borderline liberal is "all" it has for a nominee.

It's called "Playing defense", and I see the Right doing a LOT of it.

6. No, I did not know that, who provides Obama his jet rides?
I'm just glad tax payers aren't paying for his ride.

I'm pretty certain he does.

Technically, Cindy could write off the jet travel for her hubby and the taxpayers WOULD pay for it.
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2008 12:31 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;57911 wrote:
That makes it even worse.

What? Obama wants to sit down to tea and crumpets with Ahmenijhad who publicly declares his desire to wipe Israel and friends from the face of the planet and shaking hands with Hussein was worse? At the time, Hussein was at war with Iran with our support. Is this an expose' of leftist situational ethics?
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2008 01:23 pm
Sabz5150;57923 wrote:

1. Do explain how.

2. Later in 1969, Ayers participated in planting a bomb at a statue dedicated to police casualties in the 1886 Haymarket Riot.
Obama was 5.
Dohrn did the nasty during the 70's. Obama was a teenager.
Did Obama participate in ANY of this? Did he set any bombs? Cause any terror?

3. Really? Strange he would want this person's endorsement without any other connections. Stranger is Parsley, who mirrors Hagee, is called a "moral compass" and "spiritual advisor" by McCain.

4. Odd. I usually don't shake hands with someone I am not friendly with.

Obama never shook Chavez's hand. He also did not seek an endorsement from him.

5. It's called "Playing defense", and I see the Right doing a LOT of it.

6. I'm pretty certain he does.

7. Technically, Cindy could write off the jet travel for her hubby and the taxpayers WOULD pay for it.

1. I need to explain the difference between Washington being nominated for president, never asking for the position and Obama, a not quite one term Jr. Senator's quest for the presidency? A man who was prepared to kill and to sacrifice his life for his new country being coerced into accepting the presidency and a person who has done nothing but enjoy the fruits of the labors of those who have created America seeking to be it's leader?
Promising nothing more than undefined change. Obama is a Marxist. That is the major difference.
2. Doesn't matter when Ayers did what he did.
What defines Obama is the company he keeps.
Terrorist, Anti-American preachers, indulging in politics from the pulpit and accepting the tax exemptions not due his organization for the indulgence.
No, Obama is not guilty of anything worse than choosing those who oppose America as spiritual guides and mentors then attempting to convince Americans they had no effect on his love of country and his idealogical changes will be the best thing for them. Stupidity keeps them from demanding details of said changes.
3. McCain did not seek Hagee's endorsement. When McCain learned of his politically incorrect attitudes he rejected his endorsement.
Obama on the other hand reacted with, I can no more turn my back on Rev. Wright than I can on the black race. Admirable. But quite hypocritical. His own father turned his back on him. He does not recognize the white half of his heritage. You know, the 1/2 that accepted the responsibility for him and raised him. Proclaiming that "our time is now".
4. You're obviously not a politician. They all do it.
5. What ever that means.
6. Well then, perhaps you could find out. After all, McCain is painted as bad for paying for his own flights by yourself. If Obama pays for his own, so too could he write them off, passing it on.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2008 02:46 pm
g-man;57935 wrote:
What? Obama wants to sit down to tea and crumpets with Ahmenijhad who publicly declares his desire to wipe Israel and friends from the face of the planet and shaking hands with Hussein was worse? At the time, Hussein was at war with Iran with our support. Is this an expose' of leftist situational ethics?

No it's worse because we befriended a genocidal dictator.
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2008 06:31 am
g-man;57942 wrote:
1. I need to explain the difference between Washington being nominated for president, never asking for the position and Obama, a not quite one term Jr. Senator's quest for the presidency? A man who was prepared to kill and to sacrifice his life for his new country being coerced into accepting the presidency and a person who has done nothing but enjoy the fruits of the labors of those who have created America seeking to be it's leader?
Promising nothing more than undefined change. Obama is a Marxist. That is the major difference.

Well, you just failed in front of everybody!

I was referring to Lincoln.

However I love the "marxist" comment. Sounds like all the other conservative spin and dittotalk I have been hearing.

Exellent flag wrap though. Looks like the Right has that little schmooze down pat.

2. Doesn't matter when Ayers did what he did.
What defines Obama is the company he keeps.
Terrorist, Anti-American preachers, indulging in politics from the pulpit and accepting the tax exemptions not due his organization for the indulgence.
No, Obama is not guilty of anything worse than choosing those who oppose America as spiritual guides and mentors then attempting to convince Americans they had no effect on his love of country and his idealogical changes will be the best thing for them. Stupidity keeps them from demanding details of said changes.

So you're gonna shoulder Obama with things SOMEBODY ELSE did when Obama wasn't even of legal age? Right, you are grasping for straws.

How about this: McCain is defined by Hagee and Parsley... or is he? That's the company he keeps. Same with the K5. No? Really? He sure sounds like Hagee and Parsley...

Nice flag wrap again. You're good at that.

3. McCain did not seek Hagee's endorsement. When McCain learned of his politically incorrect attitudes he rejected his endorsement.
Obama on the other hand reacted with, I can no more turn my back on Rev. Wright than I can on the black race. Admirable. But quite hypocritical. His own father turned his back on him. He does not recognize the white half of his heritage. You know, the 1/2 that accepted the responsibility for him and raised him. Proclaiming that "our time is now".

4. You're obviously not a politician. They all do it.

Excellent justification! So that means that if Obama were to shake hands with.. Chavez, that means that they aren't friends. He's a politican, they all do it!

5. What ever that means.

You're skeptical about your own candidate, most polls show that the Right is currently "unenthusiastic" about this year. You've got more questions than answers from Hagee to the Keating Five to the current flip-flop on the AMT.

You're on the defense and it is showing a LOT.

6. Well then, perhaps you could find out. After all, McCain is painted as bad for paying for his own flights by yourself. If Obama pays for his own, so too could he write them off, passing it on.

McCain did not pay for his own flights. Three fails in one post! Cindy (his wife) use her company jets to fly Mickey around the US for his campaign. Of course, this is normal for the Right, as Ken Lay gave Bush jets from Enron to use.
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2008 10:07 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;57946 wrote:
No it's worse because we befriended a genocidal dictator.

We didn't befriend him. We used him.
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2008 10:43 am
Sabz5150;57959 wrote:

1. How clever. Which president you picked off the side of the mountain means nothing when comparing to Obama.
I'll judge Obama by what Obama does. Which won't take long. Once he exposes himself as another Jimmy Carter and a negative force for American tradition.
2. I don't care if you or Obama don't like flag wrapping. America matters to me. If it does not to you or him, To hell with you both.
3. Obama has hung with Wright for 20 years or better. Ayers has been personal with him for an extended period. When he learned of Ayer's actions and Wright's attitude toward whitey, he should have broke from them.
Obama "is" responsible for supporting their anti-American attitudes passively.
The same as non-violent Arabs are passive supporters of terrorism.
4. Key words "McCain's campaign".
5. I can't say if Obama would be friends with Chavez, but, considering the company Obama keeps and the anti-American venom from fatboy they seem likely to be compatible.
6. I don't know about the right, but McCain is not my choice for president. He's far too liberal for my taste. He's even more liberal than George Bush. And that's frightening.

Defense against what? Your comedy?
8. So, whose paying for B Hussein's flights?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2008 11:44 am
g-man;57961 wrote:
We didn't befriend him. We used him.

...and that makes it better how? You're still a hypocrite.

Obama talks to a cruel dictator (or wants to) and you criticize him but cheney actually does and that's okay? whats worse is Cheney actually befriended him, something Obama would never do.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 08:18 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;57963 wrote:
...and that makes it better how? You're still a hypocrite.

Obama talks to a cruel dictator (or wants to) and you criticize him but cheney actually does and that's okay? whats worse is Cheney actually befriended him, something Obama would never do.

Are you kidding? What made you think that "Rumsfeld" actually befriended Hussein? I never said I approved of using Hussein. I simply stated that we did.
But, I'd rather "use" them than be friends with them.

I don't think Obama wants to befriend anyone either. I think he wants to appease them in the hopes that they won't push him into a war that he has foolishly convinced himself is "always" unnecessary. They will of course show him the truth. Besides, he already cohorts with Anti-Americans, so why would we expect anything different if he becomes president.
Obama will be proven to be nothing more than another politician who lies to his minions and looks down his nose at them cause he can't believe how grossly stupid they were for falling for his bullshit. He's got black America thinking he's black. Simply by not mentioning his white side except to disrespect his white grandmother. He's a joke and so are liberals lapping at his feet.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 11:41 am
g-man;57975 wrote:
Are you kidding? What made you think that "Rumsfeld" actually befriended Hussein? I never said I approved of using Hussein. I simply stated that we did.
But, I'd rather "use" them than be friends with them.

well, I'd hate to think we gave all those weapons and training to enemies.

I don't think Obama wants to befriend anyone either. I think he wants to appease them in the hopes that they won't push him into a war that he has foolishly convinced himself is "always" unnecessary.

Now how the **** did you come to that conclusion? Because he doesn't want to go into Iraq or Iran and further fuel the hatred and decline of our dollar somehow means he thinks ALL wars are unjust, exactly how?

They will of course show him the truth. Besides, he already cohorts with Anti-Americans, so why would we expect anything different if he becomes president.

Yes because everybody who doesn't wear a flag pin is un-american.

Obama will be proven to be nothing more than another politician who lies to his minions and looks down his nose at them cause he can't believe how grossly stupid they were for falling for his bullshit.

You certainly go out of your way to make absurd speculative statements about people whom you disagree with and have never met.

He's got black America thinking he's black. Simply by not mentioning his white side except to disrespect his white grandmother. He's a joke and so are liberals lapping at his feet.

He's made his white heritage no secret, but i here nothing but "foul-play" from conservatives who claim he has some advantage.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 01:11 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;57977 wrote:

1. well, I'd hate to think we gave all those weapons and training to enemies.

2. Now how the *** did you come to that conclusion? Because he doesn't want to go into Iraq or Iran and further fuel the hatred and decline of our dollar somehow means he thinks ALL wars are unjust, exactly how?

3. Yes because everybody who doesn't wear a flag pin is un-american.

4. You certainly go out of your way to make absurd speculative statements about people whom you disagree with and have never met.

5. He's made his white heritage no secret, but i here nothing but "foul-play" from conservatives who claim he has some advantage.

1. It's the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing".
2. No, nothing like that. Making Arabs hate infidels takes no more effort than being an infidel. Therefore, kissing their tails and sipping tea with them will do nothing to quell their hatred. Until they proclaim their insatiable, burning desire to love Israel and America. Don't even say hello to them.
3. No, his expressed desire to not exhibit patriotism is a tiny piece of the puzzle. Rather the fact that the most prominent folks in his past happen to hold America in extreme disrespect. One proclaiming his hatred for the race that is half Obama's the other exploding bombs with the intent to kill. Not to mention a wife who just now has a reason to be proud of America.
4. You think I've gone out of my way? You think that Obama hasn't provided the facts that expose that his agenda is anything other than total socialism?
5. I've made no claim to advantage for him. At some point black Americans may catch on that he's "half". Or white Americans may catch on to his disregarding them when he declares himself the first "black" presidential candidate. Disengaging himself from them despite the fact that his black father abandoned him and his white family took care of him in Indonesia.
Or maybe some will actually take note that in his book he notes that Frank Marshall Davis was one of his mentors.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2008 04:36 pm
g-man;57978 wrote:
1. It's the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing".

well that worked out real well, didn't it? :no:

2. No, nothing like that. Making Arabs hate infidels takes no more effort than being an infidel. Therefore, kissing their tails and sipping tea with them will do nothing to quell their hatred. Until they proclaim their insatiable, burning desire to love Israel and America. Don't even say hello to them.

It's negotiation not appeasement. If we can save American lives with negotiation then it should always be an option. This is you just being bull-headed, no problem has ever been solved that way.

3. No, his expressed desire to not exhibit patriotism is a tiny piece of the puzzle. Rather the fact that the most prominent folks in his past happen to hold America in extreme disrespect. One proclaiming his hatred for the race that is half Obama's the other exploding bombs with the intent to kill. Not to mention a wife who just now has a reason to be proud of America.

Obama disassociated himself from wright for that very reason. And why should his wife be proud of America if it is performing unethical acts? If you support you country even when it is acting unethically that is called "nationalism" and history has shown time and again that it is very dangerous. people should always think critically.

4. You think I've gone out of my way? You think that Obama hasn't provided the facts that expose that his agenda is anything other than total socialism?

No in fact i don't, people have been so desperate to attack him they've gone so far as insinuating his "fist bump" was a terrorist sign, tell me that that isn't the least bit ridiculous.

5. I've made no claim to advantage for him. At some point black Americans may catch on that he's "half".

has it not crossed your mind that they already have and support him anyway? black people would sooner support a white man that reflects their values than a black man who does not.


Or white Americans may catch on to his disregarding them when he declares himself the first "black" presidential candidate.

he is black......and he is white.
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2008 05:01 am
g-man;57962 wrote:
1. How clever. Which president you picked off the side of the mountain means nothing when comparing to Obama.
I'll judge Obama by what Obama does. Which won't take long. Once he exposes himself as another Jimmy Carter and a negative force for American tradition.

And apparently what he doesn't do, as I will show shortly.

2. I don't care if you or Obama don't like flag wrapping. America matters to me. If it does not to you or him, To hell with you both.

If your idea of "America matters" is lapel pins and other superficial tokens, I am extremely sorry. America is more to me than that. You could say it's the only thing I have any "faith" in.

3. Obama has hung with Wright for 20 years or better. Ayers has been personal with him for an extended period. When he learned of Ayer's actions and Wright's attitude toward whitey, he should have broke from them.
Obama "is" responsible for supporting their anti-American attitudes passively.
The same as non-violent Arabs are passive supporters of terrorism.

Here's the judging Obama on what he didn't do. Did he plan any attacks? Did he say anything wrong about "whitey"? No? Really.

You mean Obama... didn't do any of those things?

This "passive" support is the Right scraping the bottom of the barrel. Same with the "fist tap" thing. Seriously, is this all you can bring up?

Typical. Tepid. Pathetic. And guess what? Won't work!

4. Key words "McCain's campaign".

Mickey didn't stop them! He knew how inflammatory these people were, he should have broken from them! He supports Hagee and Parsley passively. Hagee's and Parsley's attitudes were known LONG before McCain sought their support.

Besides, who's campaign? Who is responsible for it? I'm hoping the person whose name it bears.

5. I can't say if Obama would be friends with Chavez, but, considering the company Obama keeps and the anti-American venom from fatboy they seem likely to be compatible.

You can't say? Therefore you are pulling this out of your ass. Sounds about right.


6. I don't know about the right, but McCain is not my choice for president. He's far too liberal for my taste. He's even more liberal than George Bush. And that's frightening.

Absolutely frightening that your definition of "liberal" is that skewed.

Defense against what? Your comedy?

Well, seeing that you are bringing nothing to the table but a bunch of baseless arguments, it would seem that your comedy is the defense I speak of.

8. So, whose paying for B Hussein's flights?

His campaign is. Like it should. I see there's no counterargument from you on this topic.

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