For my reply I invite you to my latest attempt for controversy also under Politics "Politicians and Media contemptuous of the Silent Majority".
Bill W
Your indictment is rather too general. I am not a fan of a large number of policies and philosophies pushed by this particul government, but absolutes aren't terribly helpful.
Hmmm-----most of the participants must feel the same way---Oh well-----being from Canada and an intellectual you may not relate to our silent majority.
Hmmm-----most of the participants must feel the same way---Oh well-----being from Canada and an intellectual you may not relate to our silent majority.
Actually, I am quite interested in the matter of US citizen disassociation or apathy. And I am very interested in US politics, intellectually for sure, but also simply as a world citizen.
The apathy situation is perhaps not quite so critical here, but really similar sorts of forces are at work, I think.
I must confess a certain unease with the term 'silent majority' however. Not just because Pat Robertson is one of my least favorite humans, but because it is a term like "Americans" which gets used in sentences such as "Americans believe x" or "Americans are tired of y". One can just fill in what one agrees or disagrees with and forward the false impression of unity or sameness.
If one uses the term 'silent majority' in a non-partisan way, such as to indicate that set of people who don't bother to vote, then it has some usefulness.
Me believe you do not know the true silent majority - I have to agree w/blatham! Let your other thread run its course, it is trite, baseless and irrelavent.
Please let's take this to the other thread---I'll post my response.
Thanks for your opinion..........................Next!
Bill w
Your last post is insulting. Please leave that at the door. We each feel justified in our opinions or we wouldn't hold them.
Blatham, you certainly have the right to your opinion, I would not think of dishonoring you of that. Of course, and I have mine or I wouldn't hold it either.
You said(talking about my other thread that you wouldn't comment on)" Let the other thread run it's course, it is trite, baseless and irrelevant"
That's not an insult to me? We can let the moderators umpire this on if you like.
Your other thread in my opinion is:
Trite - hackneyed or boring from much use : not fresh or original.
irrelevant - not relevant : INAPPLICABLE <that statement is irrelevant to your argument>
baseless - without base, actually a combination of both the others, superflous I guess - so skewer me. I probably meant - groundless and argumentative without purpose.
I'm sorry but no moderator or anybody else will change my mind or make me go to your other site to post. I guess I could say that I have been hurt by your insistence that I go to your other site, but I'm not thin skinned. Sorry, won't play the game!
BillW, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, and invited to express it. In my opinion, the response of yours which brought about this digression was boorish, ill-mannered, and rather juvenile. You yourself as a person may be none of those things. That particular post may well have been totally out of character for you. Unless and until you demonstrate otherwise, I shall continue to think so.
It is possible to disagree in a civil manner, or to state a criticism without resorting to perjorative or insult. I may differ with your political or philosophical leanings, or your taste in food or clothing, but I respect your right to hold and espouse your positions and preferences. Should I take issue with a given pronouncement, I would seek to rebut it factually and logically, or perhaps even ignore the thing altogether, as opposed to dismissively disparaging the pronouncement or its maker. Respect is a reciprocal matter; it must be given to be gained.
Be it as it will, I still won't go and post to the other site. Thanks for your opinion, I will weigh it and file it!
I do see one thing Timber, I attack a thread and you just attack me - but, once again I am not so thin skinned and arrogant as the right leaners. Sigh, there the gap will stay.
Timber is exactly right, BillW. That was a suggestion, not an attack. You are, of course, entirely free not to post where ever you choose.
Thanks Roger. I would also like to add Roger that I was not complaining just illustrating an example!
BillW, no attack was made on you. That to which I voiced objection was the manner in which your earlier post was made. It was that single, specific, hopefully isolated action to which I and others took exception, not your person, your standing, or your opinion. The same sentiment could have been expressed in far less confrontational fashion, had you but given it a bit of thought. Now, before you go foaming at the keyboard, let me assure you no one is trying to tell you what or where to post, nor is anyone implying you are other than a thoughtful, considerate individual. In point of fact, I'm sure all involved anticipate and look forward to seeing thoughtful, considerate posts from you all over this board, as generally has been your practice. You've amply demonstrated your ability to be informative, provacative, and entertaining. You do yourself and everyone else a disservice by being churlish, disputatious, and obnoxious. There is a difference between debate and diatribe. I prefer the former.
timber, I will repeat to you what I told Roger, "I was not complaining just illustrating an example!" But if you wish for me to say that, "You win" - then, so be it. After all, I am "boorish, ill-mannered, and rather juvenile" on top of "churlish, disputatious, and obnoxious".
Again, so be it! Again, I am not thin skinned and wish not to harm any delicacies. They will heal I hope.
The English verb "to be" is flawed in that it doesn't clearly differentiate between when a person is being <insert adjective> or when a person is <insert adjecvtive>.
I think he meant the gerund example which would mean an action was classified by those adjectives not your person.
In any case this is pretty silly and has nothing to do with the topic. If this must continue can it be done by PM please?