blatham wrote: On another thread, I mentioned yesterday that the federal government here is about to table legislation banning all political contributions from either unions or corporations, limiting individual contributions, and making all contributions over $200 mandatorily transparent. There is, I'd argue, a policy elasticity available to smaller and less economically established states (such as Canada) which are terrifically difficult to bring about in your country, simply because of the inertia of your power structures, constitution notwithstanding.
How does your Federal government tabling the legislation demonstrate more elasticity? We've already passed such a law (Campaign Finance Reform plus the already existing laws on individual contributions...) and it kicked into effect just last month. Maybe I'm just misreading your paragraph?
But, in my inference at least, we could, at least in theory, have an entire revolution within the confines of our existing Constitution which is very different from the legal and political situations of Ancient Rome, Egypt, The Mayans, Aztecs etc.. We can literally implode and remain as a Federal nation/state.