92b16vx;35857 wrote:This is NOT a liberal value (not a real liberal anyway), it may be a democrat value, but democrats are not nescessarily liberals. Taxing someone because they made a lot of money, and redistributing it to the poor is A) thievery, and B) Socialist.
America IS a capitalist society, and that works in its favor. Look at all the socialist and communist countries past and present, third world mostly. If people have no reason to work hard, they don't, and in order to maintain a progressive society, we need to work hard. Look at the poor areas in the country, they sit around and blame everyone else for their problems, and try to milk the system for what they can get, it drains the system, and leaves less for what is actually needed.
Agreed (with the first part) However, is it unreasonable to expect everyone, including "the rich" to pay their fair share? ( we all know there are tax loopholes which the rich ply their lawyers to shield them against paying their "fair share" of taxes....don't be naive, I'm not)
America is indeed a capitalist society, and also, "allegedly", compassionate yet conservative. People should work, and hard. However, if the playing field is not level, and equal opportunity is just a slogan and not a practice..then people start to fall through the cracks, and get left behind, and overlooked, and due to the human drive of survival, are forced "to survive", by any means necessary (and we all know that code)...hence, it would behoove society to insure that good nutrition and prenatal care is afforded to all. Good and affordable education, and child care is afforded to all...programs which promote personal responsibility should be funded and accessible...people should be offered a living wage, to be able to support their families, without having to struggle because of minimum or low wages. Common sense ought to be the default mode instead of profiteering and unfair business practices...etc...
Personal responsibility, yes, but marginalization, bias, prejudice, and favoritism, and general disdain for the worker class, no.