@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;38175 wrote:When far-left nutjobs attack a man of honor like Petraeus, it only helps the Republicans. It shows the true mean-spirited, obsessive mindset of the lefties and makes it easy for those in the middle to step to the right. So let's hear more! We need you to keep up your attacks. Spill it!
Ok...coming from "far-left nutjob emeritus"...Petraeus, is obviously a "stooge" of the WH...Anybody...let me repeat that...anybody...no, I don't think you heard me...any body who thinks that the hearts and the minds of the Iraqi people can be won, by the likes of American imperialistic machinations, doesn't understand history, past or present, culture, self-preservation, or the hatred of occupation.
It is by our own design that things are exacerbated....the factions and the warring tribes have united to deal with a common enemy, and invader...the US.
Iran, is not even Arab...but they have ties to Arab nations, and they are seen as comrades, in the fight against the West...It comes down to racism and imperialism. These people don't want Western democracy...the sooner we realize this, the better off we'll be....the war cannot be won. They will fight to the death...as would we...and is that what we want? A world without Arabs? Without Islam? So we can have the oil and lands all to ourselves...because you have to play the movie to the very end....Nuclear strikes? Annihilation?
How would that work in a global economy? Oh, that's right...it wouldn't be global anymore....a sizable portion would be missing....as if there would be no counter strikes. Oh, you say...so what if NYC goes up...so what if Philadelphia is obliterated...the US could still run Starbucks, and Fox News....
People don't know what they are demanding....they are just sheep following a "mad shepherd".....to destruction.