Right to life groups mad at the YMCA

One Man Clan
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:17 pm
STNGfan;21880 wrote:
so you condone murdering millions of cow and chickens for your convience because you don't want to take the extra time and effort to find a balanced diet without meat.
Wow.. how humans have evolved.
truly ethical.
face it you let millions of animals be slaughtered everyday for your tastebuds and your convience.
Must be nice to be able to use animals for your mere selfish needs.
I wonder how they feel when they die knowing they are dying for no real reason except for your taste buds and conviences.

Who cares? They don't have "human consciousness" :FU1:

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:17 pm
COws have no reason for existence other than to provide for humans, they are a domesticated animal. Sorry, but it's just natural that humans, as omnivores, can eat meat.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:17 pm
Reagaknight;21878 wrote:
Yeah, and the law used to say that slavery was okay. Like trying to ban alchohol or segregation.

Banning alcohol did not work.

Slaves had human conscoiusness this is why is was unethical to enslave them.

They had feelings and emotions and awareness of how they were being treated.

A fetus has none of those things.

agian we are dealing with beings that have human consciousness and beings that done.
We kill dogs, and other animals all the time..why? why is it ok to kill them and not a fetus with the same brain wave pattern?

Simply because it has human DNA.

I think it is arrgent to treat animals different than humans considering Humans are just a higher evolved form and an animal.

The only difference between us and them is brain size and awareness.

Fetus brains are not fully formed and they have no consciousness or awareness.

If you want to stop killing all the dogs and animals based simply on selfish needs like you don't want to feed and house them then I will be happy to be pro life. All life treated equally but this crap that some how a human fetus is worth more than a cat or a dog is ridiculous.
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One Man Clan
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:18 pm
Slaves had human conscoiusness this is why is was unethical to enslave them.

Do animals have that, too?
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:20 pm
Okay, first of all, my point was that the law isn't always the right thing.

Simply because it has human DNA.

Making it human. Why do you hate your own species so much?
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:21 pm
Reagaknight;21884 wrote:
COws have no reason for existence other than to provide for humans, they are a domesticated animal. Sorry, but it's just natural that humans, as omnivores, can eat meat.

crap from the bible.

The cows are not here for us to abuse them. We should not kill if we do not have to.
We do not have to kill cows to survive.
Animals should only be eaten if it is needed to survive otherwise it is abuse.

cows are put here for carnivores I agree.

We are in charge of the animals on this earth and we should be protecting them not abusing them for our pleasure.

face it..you abuse your rights as a higher being. Instead of doing the right thing and moving on to a better food source without the necessary killing of animals you choose to eat meat for your mere pleasure and convience.
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:24 pm
Yes, Exodus 100:22 "And the humans domesticated wild animals because of God's will" lost verses of the Bible. Cows exist as they are today because beef was convenient for humans a long time ago, so we domesticated them, and now their reason for being is to provide food for humans.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:27 pm
Reagaknight;21888 wrote:
Okay, first of all, my point was that the law isn't always the right thing.

Making it human. Why do you hate your own species so much?

the human race is sufficating this planet. The extinction rate on this earth is more rampant than that before the extinction of the dinosaurs. We are spreading so fast and abusing the environment so much that we may end up killing ourselves indirectly.

The trees are like the lungs of this planet and we have cut down 1/2 of the planet lungs and we continue to cut at an alarming rate to make housing for even more expansion of humans.

We are too many and if abortion will slow the growth and homosexuality will slow the growth good because you may want to sufficate from the lack of oxygen or starve due to overpopulation or drown because of global warming be my guest but I am going to support anything that slows the human virus on this planet.

I do not hate humans but I do feel humans are like a 10 year old in a automobile driving down the road. They have the technology to make a difference but the mentality that can cause disaster.

In essence human don't know what he **** they are doing and they are destroying everything on this planet that took billions of years to create. we are destroying with in a century.
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:31 pm
Overpopulation, huh? That doesn't exist. So, plant some more trees, which we do. Problem solved.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:33 pm
Reagaknight;21892 wrote:
Yes, Exodus 100:22 "And the humans domesticated wild animals because of God's will" lost verses of the Bible. Cows exist as they are today because beef was convenient for humans a long time ago, so we domesticated them, and now their reason for being is to provide food for humans.

using for our "need" is one thing. Abusing them is another.

We do not need to put them through unnecessary death anymore. It is disrespectful to kill and animal unless it is for our survival.

You people claim to be for the sanctity of life but abuse the animals as if it is acceptable to murder them for your tast buds but cry out about a fetus.

A cow and chicken or whatever fear when they die. They feel the pain of that last breath and are aware that they are dying. IT is unnecessary pain and suffering for nothing more than a good burger to taste and the convience of not eating othe protein sources.
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:41 pm
Reagaknight;21895 wrote:
Overpopulation, huh? That doesn't exist. So, plant some more trees, which we do. Problem solved.

we are trying too but the rate at which we are cutting down the trees we plant cannot grow fast enough.

Also the human expansion we will soon be consuming more oxygen than the plant life here will put out.

I am not sure when the critical point will be but it is on its way. Be there no doubt about it.

Overpopulation... you mean like China...India and Japan??

Just because the U.S hasn't gotten there yet doesn't mean it wont be there in a few hundred years.

If we keep expanding at this rate we will kill ourselves.

our oceans are becoming empty of fish..our rivers polluted and killing off fish. 80 percent of the species will be extint in the next 100 years.

yes humans are so good for this planet. We are so much better than other animals.

I know of no other animals dumb enough to cause their own demise either by nuclear weopons, chemical or virus warfare or the absoule abuse and abliteration of their own environment.

yes what a wonderful species we are.
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 07:57 pm
STNGfan;21832 wrote:
First of all I would not be fear mongering here about how sex is evil and all that crap so she would already tell me when she is sexually active. One I see her with a solid boyfriend we take a trip to planned parenthood and put her on a pill. It is idiot parents like you who tell their kids not to have sex and not protect them and then they get an abortion to hide it from you. You would never find out about it.

My daughter will be on the pill age 14-16 depending on when she chooses to be sexually active. I have absolutly nothing against teen sex. I had sex myself at 16 and never regretted it for a second.

I would not let my daughter have sex in my home because that is just too wierd for me to have my daughter getting some boy off in my house but I am not going to punish her or make her feel bad if she has sex somewhere else.

If she is on the pill she has no need to ever have an abortion.

If she accidently got pregnant on the pill or whatever she would be open enough with me because I would never make her feel ashamed about these things with crap about it being sinful and all that garbabge. She will know that it is natural to feel this way at this age.

We would have a very long talk and have all options open including abortion. I would highly discourage abortion but if that was her choice. I would take her to the Planned parenthood myself and if I could hold her hand during the process.

I will not condone bringing a child into this world that is unwanted. I do not care if it is killing a life or not.

I grew up as an unwanted child. I was abused, neglected and molested. I grew up dysfunction and on the system. I later discovered that I had Post Trumatic Stress Disorder and was on Disability for a very long time.
I will put no child through that and if that means I have to put it down to spare it the life I grew up as. Than so be it.

I would condone my daughter killing a fetus.
It is not my grandchild until it is born. A child is a born being. A fetus is not a child or a baby. It is DNA...with no brain waves or consciousness that makes it a full human yet.

again..My children will be well protected by sexual education and being on the pill and this is unlikely to happen.

Unlike idiots who teach abstanince only and then their kids get pregant and have abortions behind your back.
good parenting.
First of all I would not be fear mongering here about how sex is evil and all that crap so she would already tell me when she is sexually active.
Sure she would. So what do you tell her, sex is good and she should whore around? Have as many partners as possible? You think it ok for her to have sex and not be in love?
One I see her with a solid boyfriend we take a trip to planned parenthood and put her on a pill.
Why wait? Who's gonna tell her what the pill does, you or planned parenthood? "Her dear, swallow this so you don't come home pregnant.
It is idiot parents like you who tell their kids not to have sex and not protect them and then they get an abortion to hide it from you. You would never find out about it.
This would apply if i had kids, Not!
My daughter will be on the pill age 14-16 depending on when she chooses to be sexually active. I have absolutly nothing against teen sex. I had sex myself at 16 and never regretted it for a second.
How many girls did you screw before you met ms. right? How many do you hope your daughter will?
I would not let my daughter have sex in my home because that is just too wierd for me to have my daughter getting some boy off in my house but I am not going to punish her or make her feel bad if she has sex somewhere else.
Back seat of his car is fine? What about if he brings his friends for four or moresume? In any case, like you have stated, it is not up to you. If she decides to have sex in your home you shouldn't have anything to say. It's not your decision.
If she is on the pill she has no need to ever have an abortion.
I guess you can always hope she remembers to take it.
If she accidently got pregnant on the pill or whatever she would be open enough with me because I would never make her feel ashamed about these things with crap about it being sinful and all that garbabge. She will know that it is natural to feel this way at this age.
So would you condone her killing your grandchild?
I will not condone bringing a child into this world that is unwanted. I do not care if it is killing a life or not.
How tolerant of you. Even if she didn't want it you would not take it? How could it be unwanted, it is the result of a commited act that is required to bring another life into this world.
I grew up as an unwanted child. I was abused, neglected and molested. I grew up dysfunction and on the system. I later discovered that I had Post Trumatic Stress Disorder and was on Disability for a very long time.
I will put no child through that and if that means I have to put it down to spare it the life I grew up as. Than so be it.
You would take there life yet you don't have the balls to take your own? You sure have alot of pity for someone that cannot decide or defend itself. So your pretty much saying some one should of taken your life to relieve you of all that misery? You would of considered them doing you a favor?
I would condone my daughter killing a fetus.
It is not my grandchild until it is born. A child is a born being. A fetus is not a child or a baby. It is DNA...with no brain waves or consciousness that makes it a full human yet.
You've already stated, even if it was born you would murder it.
again..My children will be well protected by sexual education and being on the pill and this is unlikely to happen.
How many parents do you think have said that?
Unlike idiots who teach abstanince only and then their kids get pregant and have abortions behind your back.
Haha, won't happen to me, that i can garantee, you on the other hand? What is the difference between behind or infront? Oh you want to be there to hold her hand. To bad you don't feel that way about your grandchildren.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 08:00 pm
STNGfan;21847 wrote:
it is not a "baby" it is a fetus and does not have citizenship or qualify for human rights until it is born. Please state where in the consitution that we cannot kill a "life form" a fetus is just a life form. We put dogs down every day because we do not want to take care of them or feed them. We kill cows by the millions for food we do not even need. We can live fine with out meat yet we continue to take their life for our own selfish need for the taste. we no longer need meat to survive yet we kill for our own pleasure.
A fetus is no different.
It has no rights and is not human until it developes human awareness. Which is why abortion is illegal after the 3rd trimester when it developes organized brainwaves.
Your statement is not valid.
Are you under the assuption that things don't die for you to live?
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 08:07 pm
STNGfan;21856 wrote:
no they can live seperatly she will have the baby for 2 weeks and he will have the baby for 2 weeks. Then he can find day care for when he works and wake up at 2 in the morning to feed and wipe the babies poop.

Only fair.
and if the father hurt the baby. Throw him in jail and fine him some more money.
That's fuckin funny, it's ok for her to hurt the baby when it's inside her womb but it
's not ok for him to do it outside of the womb yet you think you have the right to kill it born or unborn if it is unwanted?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 08:11 pm
STNGfan;21860 wrote:
Mentally retarded people still have human consciousness. They are still aware of themselves.

Because the the courts have decided it is acceptable and that is the law in the United States.

I do not care if it is a slippery slope.

If all options have been laid on the table and my daugher choose to have an abortion than I will accept her decision and support it.
I would never get an abortion because I do not believe in killing a fetus personally but I will not make that choice for others.

What right do you have to say to rule other womens bodies?
I would never get an abortion because I do not believe in killing a fetus personally but I will not make that choice for others.
I will put no child through that and if that means I have to put it down to spare it the life I grew up as. Than so be it.
Can you see the contradiction?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 08:20 pm
STNGfan;21863 wrote:
Well lions are conivors so they cannot eat vegetables. Humans however are omnivores they can survive off either or both. With Tofu and other proteins human no longer need meat for their diet. They can get nutrition from other protein sources such as beans, soy and other. We no longer need to eat meat. The only reason we do is because we like the taste of meat and not for survival. This is unethical. We are enslaving animals and murdering them purely for our tastebuds...not for survival and that is an abomination.

You must be vegan, you do no that vegan is an old indian word that mean "lousy hunter," LOL.

Being vegatarian, you must eat alot of farm products? You eat grains and stuff right? How many mice/rodents do you think live per acre on any given plot of farm land? What do you think happens to them when a combine comes through? Never new that piece of bread had blood on it huh? Did you know you were reponcible for hundreds if not thousands of needless deaths due to your eating habits? How do you feel about fish, is it ok to eat those? Or are they needless deaths too?
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 08:26 pm
STNGfan;21872 wrote:
bears cannot create their own food source. Bears cannot think of things like soy plants and study that that protein is just as good as meat.

Humans can think for themselves.. Bears cannot not. Human know better that if there is a better option not to kill life they should take it. Humans have a choice. Bears do not know they have a choice.
Humans know they can survive without meat..and choose not to because of their lust for the taste of meat. They choose pleasure over the sanctity of life.
They choose pleasure over the sanctity of life?
I will put no child through that and if that means I have to put it down to spare it the life I grew up as. Than so be it.

Boy your just all over the place arn't you?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 01:54 pm
Your so ignorant and hateful dranline I am not even going to take the time to respond to your quotes.
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One Man Clan
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 03:06 pm
As for killing animals for convenience... that's what nearly all "vegetarians" do.

Unless you plant and pick your own crops, you're being a hypocrite. As Drnaline pointed out, animals die due to the machinery and chemicals used in farming. If you're willing to do it the old way no animals die.

So what's it gonna be, convenience or the lives of animals, bud?

I chose convenience.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 04:22 pm
I will talk to you because you have some common sense even though we do not agree on things. I am not a hypocrite. I admit I use animals for pleasure of it's taste and for convience as I vote pro-choice. Life comes and goes. My point if you are pro life and you care so much for the sanctity of life than why do you kill animals for no real good reason.
Using animals for labor is acceptable as long as they are not being abused. We don't even do that now with trackers and plowers and stuff. Killing them is much different than using them for labor.
And I am not a bud I am a girl.
Animals do not die if you buy organic.
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