Right to life groups mad at the YMCA

Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:47 pm
it is not a "baby" it is a fetus and does not have citizenship or qualify for human rights until it is born. Please state where in the consitution that we cannot kill a "life form" a fetus is just a life form. We put dogs down every day because we do not want to take care of them or feed them. We kill cows by the millions for food we do not even need. We can live fine with out meat yet we continue to take their life for our own selfish need for the taste. we no longer need meat to survive yet we kill for our own pleasure.
A fetus is no different.
It has no rights and is not human until it developes human awareness. Which is why abortion is illegal after the 3rd trimester when it developes organized brainwaves.
Your statement is not valid.

So, I guess by that logic we can kill illegal immigrants, they aren't citizens after all. And I don't want them benefitting from American programs without paying taxes, taxpayers shouldn't have to take care of them! What sort of 'life form' is it? Human, right? It's a human, and a baby. What is a baby? A little child, which is what fetus means. The name implies that it is a human. Which it is. From the moment of conception, it is alive and growing, and it has all of it's genetic information, so it is defined as a human, in the basics. And that's why it's different from an animal.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:47 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;21850 wrote:
You would force the woman to live with that jackass?

no they can live seperatly she will have the baby for 2 weeks and he will have the baby for 2 weeks. Then he can find day care for when he works and wake up at 2 in the morning to feed and wipe the babies poop.

Only fair.
and if the father hurt the baby. Throw him in jail and fine him some more money.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:48 pm
Reagaknight;21855 wrote:
So, I guess by that logic we can kill illegal immigrants, they aren't citizens after all. And I don't want them benefitting from American programs without paying taxes, taxpayers shouldn't have to take care of them! What sort of 'life form' is it? Human, right? It's a human, and a baby. What is a baby? A little child, which is what fetus means. The name implies that it is a human. Which it is. From the moment of conception, it is alive and growing, and it has all of it's genetic information, so it is defined as a human, in the basics. And that's why it's different from an animal.

illegals have human awarness.

no we are animals.. Humans are classified as mammals. We are animals the only thing that makes us "higher" than other mammals is human awareness which fetus's do not have.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:50 pm
Another animal. It is a human, sorry, not a wolf or a cow, or whatever. It is a human. And all of it's genetic information is there, so it is already defined as a human with different characteristics from another animal. Why don't you go tell a lion to be vegetarian, see how far you get. It's natural for humans to eat meat.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:52 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;21851 wrote:
Except for various people with mental disorders, right?

Who are you to judge when a fetus is conscious? That's a slippery slope. Let's not try to define when a human deserves life.

Mentally retarded people still have human consciousness. They are still aware of themselves.

Because the the courts have decided it is acceptable and that is the law in the United States.

I do not care if it is a slippery slope.

If all options have been laid on the table and my daugher choose to have an abortion than I will accept her decision and support it.
I would never get an abortion because I do not believe in killing a fetus personally but I will not make that choice for others.

What right do you have to say to rule other womens bodies?
One Man Clan
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:54 pm
STNGfan;21853 wrote:
The only difference between a dog, cat, or bird and a human is that human have obtain awarness what you call a soul.

No, I don't believe in souls.

I'm not a moron.

This is not obtianed with out the brain waves.

Animals have brain waves too, bud.

A human is an animal it is classified as a mammal.

No ****?

To think that a human is above other animals is arrogant.

Really? What other animals talk, read, and write?

We only are smarter than them and can predict what will happen in the future with logic.

We can't predict what will happen in the future.

Every other aspect we are an animal.

In EVERY aspect we're an animal.

Until a fetus gains human awareness it is just a mammal and DNA in a shell.

No, it's a human. Get used to that fact.

Yes I do.

Really? That's cool, because someday I just want to kill some woman's baby for no reason. She may not like it, but it's just a fetus.

The law says I have the right to kill a fetus regardless of what your stupid bible says.

Human laws in this country are above Gods laws and your superstition.

Oh no you didn't.

The sex was not an accident but my daughter would be on the pill because we will have gone and gotten the pill for her for her sexual activity. IF she gets pregnant on the pill and the boy refuses to wear a condomn on her side it is an accidental pregnancy. So either the boy must take full responsibility financially and physically for the fetus when it is born or the fetus will be termintated.

Right, so it wasn't an accident. Do you know how the pill fails? If the girl doesn't take it properly. It only says 99.99% on the bottle in order to avoid lawsuits. And if the boy wasn't wearing a condom she shouldn't have had sex with him, should she?

I have every right to do it by the U.S laws... and if that changed because of you religious nut jobs. I would do it illegally.

Oh no you didn't.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:55 pm
Reagaknight;21859 wrote:
Another animal. It is a human, sorry, not a wolf or a cow, or whatever. It is a human. And all of it's genetic information is there, so it is already defined as a human with different characteristics from another animal. Why don't you go tell a lion to be vegetarian, see how far you get. It's natural for humans to eat meat.

Well lions are conivors so they cannot eat vegetables. Humans however are omnivores they can survive off either or both. With Tofu and other proteins human no longer need meat for their diet. They can get nutrition from other protein sources such as beans, soy and other. We no longer need to eat meat. The only reason we do is because we like the taste of meat and not for survival. This is unethical. We are enslaving animals and murdering them purely for our tastebuds...not for survival and that is an abomination.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:56 pm
Because the the courts have decided it is acceptable and that is the law in the United States.

Same thing with slavery, it didn't make it right.

What right do you have to say to rule other womens bodies?

What right does a woman have to kill the fetus, another body, not hers?
0 Replies
One Man Clan
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:57 pm
STNGfan;21860 wrote:
Mentally retarded people still have human consciousness. They are still aware of themselves.

Tell me, at what point does a fetus gain this "human consciousness"?

Because the the courts have decided it is acceptable and that is the law in the United States.

Appeal to authority. You fascists are everywhere these days.

I do not care if it is a slippery slope.

Of course you don't. You think it's a Slip n' Slide.

If all options have been laid on the table and my daugher choose to have an abortion than I will accept her decision and support it.


I would never get an abortion because I do not believe in killing a fetus personally but I will not make that choice for others.

Really? Why don't you believe in it?

What right do you have to say to rule other womens bodies?

The woman's body isn't the issue. The issue is the baby's life.

If the woman doesn't want to have a baby, maybe she should have safe sex?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:58 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;21862 wrote:
No, I don't believe in souls.

I'm not a moron.

Animals have brain waves too, bud.

No ****?

Really? What other animals talk, read, and write?

We can't predict what will happen in the future.

In EVERY aspect we're an animal.

No, it's a human. Get used to that fact.

Really? That's cool, because someday I just want to kill some woman's baby for no reason. She may not like it, but it's just a fetus.

Oh no you didn't.

Right, so it wasn't an accident. Do you know how the pill fails? If the girl doesn't take it properly. It only says 99.99% on the bottle in order to avoid lawsuits. And if the boy wasn't wearing a condom she shouldn't have had sex with him, should she?

Oh no you didn't.

Your just going to have to get over it. I will let my daughter have an abortion if she chooses it and if the laws are changed I will do it illegally and there is nothing you can do about it. There will be a great demand underground for it and just like illegal drugs you can't catch everyone.

but keep trying to change the laws...good luck with that one.. LOL
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:59 pm
STNGfan;21863 wrote:
Well lions are conivors so they cannot eat vegetables. Humans however are omnivores they can survive off either or both. With Tofu and other proteins human no longer need meat for their diet. They can get nutrition from other protein sources such as beans, soy and other. We no longer need to eat meat. The only reason we do is because we like the taste of meat and not for survival. This is unethical. We are enslaving animals and murdering them purely for our tastebuds...not for survival and that is an abomination.

Fine, tell a bear then. They are omnivores. With protein gained from nuts and their separate diets of honey and berries, they do not need to eat meat! Still natural.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:59 pm
and we are "still" animals and always will be.. LOL
0 Replies
One Man Clan
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 01:59 pm
STNGfan;21863 wrote:
Well lions are conivors so they cannot eat vegetables. Humans however are omnivores they can survive off either or both. With Tofu and other proteins human no longer need meat for their diet. They can get nutrition from other protein sources such as beans, soy and other. We no longer need to eat meat. The only reason we do is because we like the taste of meat and not for survival. This is unethical. We are enslaving animals and murdering them purely for our tastebuds...not for survival and that is an abomination.

Wow, so animals have a "right to life" but babies don't?

What's wrong with you?

As for not eating meat, did you know what many scientists are finding an abundance of estrogen to do?

Make men gay.

I don't want to be gay.
0 Replies
One Man Clan
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:01 pm
STNGfan;21867 wrote:
Your just going to have to get over it. I will let my daughter have an abortion if she chooses it and if the laws are changed I will do it illegally and there is nothing you can do about it. There will be a great demand underground for it and just like illegal drugs you can't catch everyone.

but keep trying to change the laws...good luck with that one.. LOL

So this is what you do when you lose an argument?
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:01 pm
Reagaknight;21868 wrote:
Fine, tell a bear then. They are omnivores. With protein gained from nuts and their separate diets of honey and berries, they do not need to eat meat! Still natural.

bears cannot create their own food source. Bears cannot think of things like soy plants and study that that protein is just as good as meat.

Humans can think for themselves.. Bears cannot not. Human know better that if there is a better option not to kill life they should take it. Humans have a choice. Bears do not know they have a choice.
Humans know they can survive without meat..and choose not to because of their lust for the taste of meat. They choose pleasure over the sanctity of life.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:03 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;21871 wrote:
So this is what you do when you lose an argument?

How did I lose. I wasn't here to change your mind but obviously you were trying to change mine and you have failed. So it is you who has lost the arguement.

You are trying to tell me I have no right to kill a fetus. THe United States Law states otherwise.

Then you try to control me by trying to change the laws but abortions will still happen.

You can do nothing about it.
Your the one losing here.
Getting abortion banned is like trying to ban alcohol.

Good luck with that.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:06 pm
I'm not eating crap, okay (you'll just have to get over it). Meat is much more convenient than tofu or other vegetable sources in terms of getting protein, because there are two necessary types of protein, and while meat has both, you must balance out and eat a lot of vegetables to get both.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:08 pm
You are trying to tell me I have no right to kill a fetus. THe United States Law states otherwise.

Yeah, and the law used to say that slavery was okay. Like trying to ban alchohol or segregation.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:12 pm
Reagaknight;21875 wrote:
I'm not eating crap, okay (you'll just have to get over it). Meat is much more convenient than tofu or other vegetable sources in terms of getting protein, because there are two necessary types of protein, and while meat has both, you must balance out and eat a lot of vegetables to get both.

so you condone murdering millions of cow and chickens for your convience because you don't want to take the extra time and effort to find a balanced diet without meat.
Wow.. how humans have evolved.
truly ethical.
face it you let millions of animals be slaughtered everyday for your tastebuds and your convience.
Must be nice to be able to use animals for your mere selfish needs.
I wonder how they feel when they die knowing they are dying for no real reason except for your taste buds and conviences.
One Man Clan
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2007 02:16 pm
STNGfan;21874 wrote:
How did I lose. I wasn't here to change your mind but obviously you were trying to change mine and you have failed. So it is you who has lost the arguement.

You are trying to tell me I have no right to kill a fetus. THe United States Law states otherwise.

Then you try to control me by trying to change the laws but abortions will still happen.

You can do nothing about it.
Your the one losing here.
Getting abortion banned is like trying to ban alcohol.

Good luck with that.

No, you lost.

That's why you've stopped debating. Hell, you've appealed to both authority and status quo.
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