How many sons does God have?

Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 02:54 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 07:59 pm
I would say well Jehovah ( Yawah) could you please tell me who created the earth? As the bible contradicts itself so I must admit oh holy one I do not have a a clue . But if you will tell me I will know the truth.

Thats what I would say campbell.

Campbell34;37566 wrote:
Well I might be one of those in need of mercy, but if Jehovah should ask me who was the one that created the earth alone and by himself ? I will say it was you Jehovah and no one else. What would you tell Him?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 07:12 am
wvpeach;37551 wrote:
Sorry greatest.

I was willing to believe you were a brother in Christ then a servant of you real father the devil.

But your posts make no sense and are NOT OF GOD.

So I have a problem with you as those that serve Satan do niot serve my Lord and your posts are off the wall and not in agreement with the words of God .

So you had a friend and somebody who was willing to listen to what you said, but you squandered that with your silliness.

No problem.

You kind of threw me of when you started to see demons in people.
You can keep your real demons and angels.
Your God must be strange if He needs help. A weakness that mine does not share. He needs no middle men.

If you do not listen then you loose.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 12:38 am
wvpeach;37592 wrote:
I would say well Jehovah ( Yawah) could you please tell me who created the earth? As the bible contradicts itself so I must admit oh holy one I do not have a a clue . But if you will tell me I will know the truth.

Thats what I would say campbell.

I wonder about this very thing. InHis, 1,000 year reign will we really have these question at all? Or if it is heaven first will I be so amazed or spiritual will thses questions be even worthy of thought?
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 01:02 am
wvpeach;37592 wrote:
I would say well Jehovah ( Yawah) could you please tell me who created the earth? As the bible contradicts itself so I must admit oh holy one I do not have a a clue . But if you will tell me I will know the truth.

Thats what I would say campbell.

I believe then Jehovah will say to you WVPeach, have you not read in the Scriptures that my Word is true. Tim. 3:16 That all scripture is given by inspiration of God. Have you not read in the Pslams, That my Word is true from the beginning; and every one of they righteous judgements endureth forever. Hebrews 4:12 "The law of the Lord is perfect.

Who told you it was full of contradictions?
And I believe His next question might be. WVPeach do you believe Johovah Words are lies?

I don't believe Jehovah is a liar, and if Jehovah states that his Word endureth forever I believe that. I guess you believe Jehovah can split the sea, but He can't get His Book right. I believe who ever told you that the Bible is full of counterdictions are the real liars. I could never belong to a group that calls Jehovah a liar.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 10:16 am
Campbell34, maybe He, might tell others that dropping to hard on another believer (no matter how off center they might have come on the written word of the Lord God) deserver's a talking too. lol.
Yes the Bible does have some conflicting stories or so it seems to be an accepted fact. I find having to different stories of Adam & Eve or the stories of Cain & Able where Cain is marked in the foreehead so he won't be killed by others and something about giants a bit confusing. But it doesn't weaken my faith.
In fact the giants of this period gave me a theory on what sience says is a period of the Dinosours to Adam & Eve. Satan knew Gods', plan and tried to destory it by creating man first.

But if we have faith enough to believe then we need to pull together as the time of our martyrdom draws soon! Besides wvpeach hasn't tried to get you to join the church wvpeach uses. Your free will hasn't been infringed upon, has it?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 11:45 am
The 1000 year reign of the lord christ is on earth , this fact is clearly stated in the bible in many places.

I would go into detail for you , but do not like wasting time till I know people are serious in their desire to seek God and study the truth of his Holy Word.

But for a good site that you can start to study try. Revelation 20 and the following site ERROR Message Don't know why it shows a error message , but the link works and its a good explanation of the 1000 year reign of the Lord here on this earth mulrp .

Blessings to you and yours.


mlurp;37916 wrote:
I wonder about this very thing. InHis, 1,000 year reign will we really have these question at all? Or if it is heaven first will I be so amazed or spiritual will thses questions be even worthy of thought?
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 11:52 am
Campbell the simple truth is that you are picking and choosing what parts of God's word to accept and believe while totally discarding others.

shame , shame on you campbell.

I meant only to show you that if you do not seek to know the truth of God's word in many places it will seem to contradict itself. But it never does. Gods word is all true campbell and you must search and study to find the truth as it has often been masked and changed by men .

So campbell when you find something like The Father created the world and then the NT is full of The Christ son of God creating the world , you should first pray for guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit and then diligently study the word. God will answer your prayer and the truth will be made known to you. But you have to give up the teachings and traditions of your earthly fathers as they are against the teachings of God .

At this point it is clear to me you have no intention of giving up the traditions and teachings of men, because your treatment of me with all your thinly veiled insults proves to me that your heart is far from christ and the Holy Spirit. You seek to elevate yourself in some persons eyes instead of the real truth of Gods words and you will never get there that way

Campbell34;37920 wrote:
I believe then Jehovah will say to you WVPeach, have you not read in the Scriptures that my Word is true. Tim. 3:16 That all scripture is given by inspiration of God. Have you not read in the Pslams, That my Word is true from the beginning; and every one of they righteous judgements endureth forever. Hebrews 4:12 "The law of the Lord is perfect.

Who told you it was full of contradictions?
And I believe His next question might be. WVPeach do you believe Johovah Words are lies?

I don't believe Jehovah is a liar, and if Jehovah states that his Word endureth forever I believe that. I guess you believe Jehovah can split the sea, but He can't get His Book right. I believe who ever told you that the Bible is full of counterdictions are the real liars. I could never belong to a group that calls Jehovah a liar.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 01:14 pm
wvpeach;37977 wrote:
The 1000 year reign of the lord christ is on earth , this fact is clearly stated in the bible in many places.

I would go into detail for you , but do not like wasting time till I know people are serious in their desire to seek God and study the truth of his Holy Word.

But for a good site that you can start to study try. Revelation 20 and the following site ERROR Message Don't know why it shows a error message , but the link works and its a good explanation of the 1000 year reign of the Lord here on this earth mulrp .

Blessings to you and yours.


I know that it is a thousand years. And if anyone wants to dicover God, his son Jesus or the Comforter, the Holy Spirit they need only to start with prayer and open the bible and follow the steps Christ has set out for them in the Gospels. No beginner needs so much detail passed their way all at once IMHO. But what shakes your boat and keeps you afloat is up to you. I know I haven't brought anyone to Christ and I doubt I shall try enless I am approached by one who wants more info. My sin not yours.

And I really would like an answer to what church you belong to wvpeach? I won't pass judgement I promise.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 02:16 pm
I have said several times in several thread mlurp I am a sabbath keeper.

I attend church on saturday ( the sabbath ) at Yawehs House about a hour from my home. We do not consider our meeting part of any denomination.

I get your meaning mlurp about not giving a babe in christ so much detail as to offend them.

Although neither campbell or died for you seem to be babes in Christ except by their own choosing .

When a topic comes up and the truth is not spoken are you saying we should remain silent ? That in fear of offending the truth should not be brought up?

I am interested to hear what you think about this mlurp.

As for instance in campbell's case I feel the Holy Spirit may be calling him to put aside the teachings of men and search the scriptures himself. And the Holy Spirit is using my fingers to type the message.

mlurp;37992 wrote:
I know that it is a thousand years. And if anyone wants to dicover God, his son Jesus or the Comforter, the Holy Spirit they need only to start with prayer and open the bible and follow the steps Christ has set out for them in the Gospels. No beginner needs so much detail passed their way all at once IMHO. But what shakes your boat and keeps you afloat is up to you. I know I haven't brought anyone to Christ and I doubt I shall try enless I am approached by one who wants more info. My sin not yours.

And I really would like an answer to what church you belong to wvpeach? I won't pass judgement I promise.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 05:41 pm
wvpeach;38012 wrote:
I have said several times in several thread mlurp I am a sabbath keeper.

I attend church on saturday ( the sabbath ) at Yawehs House about a hour from my home. We do not consider our meeting part of any denomination.

I get your meaning mlurp about not giving a babe in christ so much detail as to offend them.

Although neither campbell or died for you seem to be babes in Christ except by their own choosing .

When a topic comes up and the truth is not spoken are you saying we should remain silent ? That in fear of offending the truth should not be brought up?

I am interested to hear what you think about this mlurp.

As for instance in campbell's case I feel the Holy Spirit may be calling him to put aside the teachings of men and search the scriptures himself. And the Holy Spirit is using my fingers to type the message.

No I asked a simple question. I won't ever say to share the word is wrong. I believe we have free will of choice so as long as one respects another with the right to life and respect their space then go for it. be civil as the one we share words and thoughts of.

I just would like you to share the name of the church you belong to. Really, and for all who post along with us please I have trouble enough so don't put words of your choices to my public listed train of thought.

I promise to not do it to you. Thanks.

Any other questions wvpeach? I will answer as best I can. But just type the name! Don't play. I don't toy with you, right. And I back some of what you say. Like I do with others. And I don't say I have the real answers to all that means God.
But I have made it plain from where I come from with what I do share and point too.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 06:36 pm
The actual writing above the door of the church is I believe.

[SIZE="6"]Yaweh's House[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Yeshua's Tabernacle[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"] All are welcome [/SIZE]

At least that is what I think is written above the door on a hand made sign, I will check next saturday as i have been going there about five years and I can't say I have looked at the sign lately...... Good point!

So there is no mistake we are seventh day sabbath keepers, and there are about four such meetings within a hour of my house. I am just partial to the group I most often join as we have many sweet elder servants of God and his son Christ and a up and coming group of children who like to grace us with performances to honor our God and our Lord.

All four meetings get together for the Holy days and Feasts as God commanded and I can tell you they are people that seek to do the will of God and the Son Christ who is the head of the church.

wvpeach;38012 wrote:
I have said several times in several thread mlurp I am a sabbath keeper.

I attend church on saturday ( the sabbath ) at Yawehs House about a hour from my home. We do not consider our meeting part of any denomination.

I get your meaning mlurp about not giving a babe in christ so much detail as to offend them.

Although neither campbell or died for you seem to be babes in Christ except by their own choosing .

When a topic comes up and the truth is not spoken are you saying we should remain silent ? That in fear of offending the truth should not be brought up?

I am interested to hear what you think about this mlurp.

As for instance in campbell's case I feel the Holy Spirit may be calling him to put aside the teachings of men and search the scriptures himself. And the Holy Spirit is using my fingers to type the message.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 10:05 pm
Sounds nice. Give my blessings and ask them to pray for me in the things I do and my travel coming up as I have to return to Indiana to close on my house and pack up a few more items and return. We cross several HWY bridges across several major rivers. lol. No prayer from others is a good thing. I want as many people praying for me as possible.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 12:28 am
wvpeach;37981 wrote:
Campbell the simple truth is that you are picking and choosing what parts of God's word to accept and believe while totally discarding others.

shame , shame on you campbell.

I meant only to show you that if you do not seek to know the truth of God's word in many places it will seem to contradict itself. But it never does. Gods word is all true campbell and you must search and study to find the truth as it has often been masked and changed by men .

So campbell when you find something like The Father created the world and then the NT is full of The Christ son of God creating the world , you should first pray for guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit and then diligently study the word. God will answer your prayer and the truth will be made known to you. But you have to give up the teachings and traditions of your earthly fathers as they are against the teachings of God .

At this point it is clear to me you have no intention of giving up the traditions and teachings of men, because your treatment of me with all your thinly veiled insults proves to me that your heart is far from christ and the Holy Spirit. You seek to elevate yourself in some persons eyes instead of the real truth of Gods words and you will never get there that way

WVpeach whe Jehovah makes a bold statement such as He created the earth alone and by Himself, and you can't agree with His statement, then it is you who need to pray about it. When Jesus Christ tells you He is the Alfa and
Omega and you can't agree with His statement, then again it is you who need to pray about it. I agree with them, I don't disgree, it is you who can not agree with the statements of both Jehovah and Jesus. Who here is following the traditions of men, not I, I agree with Jehovah and Jesus. You do not.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 07:38 am
Prayer done and going up as I post mlurp.

Have a safe trip.

mlurp;38079 wrote:
Sounds nice. Give my blessings and ask them to pray for me in the things I do and my travel coming up as I have to return to Indiana to close on my house and pack up a few more items and return. We cross several HWY bridges across several major rivers. lol. No prayer from others is a good thing. I want as many people praying for me as possible.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 07:41 am
campbell study the links I provided in the post above or for that matter any other scripture.

Show me you are studying the Word of God and I will be happy to discuss it with you. As it is you are just repeating the traditions and teachings of man.

Which are wrong, as per the bible , so our discussions are pointless.

When you start letting the Holy Spirit teach you campbell let me know , we'll talk again. I have no desire to hear the spewed up mess the churches teach as I have heard and studied that all before and that is all you say when you open your mouth. I am not interested, been there done that , rejected it a decade ago.

Campbell34;38105 wrote:
WVpeach whe Jehovah makes a bold statement such as He created the earth alone and by Himself, and you can't agree with His statement, then it is you who need to pray about it. When Jesus Christ tells you He is the Alfa and
Omega and you can't agree with His statement, then again it is you who need to pray about it. I agree with them, I don't disgree, it is you who can not agree with the statements of both Jehovah and Jesus. Who here is following the traditions of men, not I, I agree with Jehovah and Jesus. You do not.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 09:43 pm
wvpeach;38122 wrote:
campbell study the links I provided in the post above or for that matter any other scripture.

Show me you are studying the Word of God and I will be happy to discuss it with you. As it is you are just repeating the traditions and teachings of man.

Which are wrong, as per the bible , so our discussions are pointless.

When you start letting the Holy Spirit teach you campbell let me know , we'll talk again. I have no desire to hear the spewed up mess the churches teach as I have heard and studied that all before and that is all you say when you open your mouth. I am not interested, been there done that , rejected it a decade ago.

I Have already given you chapter and verse, it is not the traditions of men that I am following, it is the Word of God, it is Jehovah and Jesus own words you donot believe.. Remember when Jehovah said He made the earth alone and by Himself, it was you who did not agree with His Words found in the Old Testament. When Jesus said He was the first and the last it was you who did not agree with His Words in the New Testament. This is not the traditions of men, this is the Bible and Gods own Words you donot believe. Don't come here telling me I'm following the traditions of men. I believe all the statements that have been made by Jehovah and Jesus, YOU DONOT. And that is why you cannot acknowledge the BOLD statements made by Jehovah and Jesus in the Bible are true. And then you tell me I'm being deceived by the Devil because I believe what Jehovah and Jesus have both stated. Give me a break.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 10:02 pm
campbell study the links I gave and then we will talk.

Unless you are afraid to look at things academically and in the spirit of learning.

Otherwise I am not going to keep going over your very much sounding like a broken record posts.

Peace and blessings this night to you and all under your roof campbell, I ask in the name of the son of God Jesus Christ.


Campbell34;38223 wrote:
I Have already given you chapter and verse, it is not the traditions of men that I am following, it is the Word of God, it is Jehovah and Jesus own words you donot believe.. Remember when Jehovah said He made the earth alone and by Himself, it was you who did not agree with His Words found in the Old Testament. When Jesus said He was the first and the last it was you who did not agree with His Words in the New Testament. This is not the traditions of men, this is the Bible and Gods own Words you donot believe. Don't come here telling me I'm following the traditions of men. I believe all the statements that have been made by Jehovah and Jesus, YOU DONOT. And that is why you cannot acknowledge the BOLD statements made by Jehovah and Jesus in the Bible are true. And then you tell me I'm being deceived by the Devil because I believe what Jehovah and Jesus have both stated. Give me a break.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 10:35 pm
wvpeach;38231 wrote:
campbell study the links I gave and then we will talk.

Unless you are afraid to look at things academically and in the spirit of learning.

Otherwise I am not going to keep going over your very much sounding like a broken record posts.

Peace and blessings this night to you and all under your roof campbell, I ask in the name of the son of God Jesus Christ.


WVpeach I know your links, and the only reason I sound like a broken record is because you refuse to answer or confirm the truth of what Jehovah or Jesus has already stated. And if you can't agree with them, I don't expect you to agree with me. The only one you will agree with is the Watchtower society, actually I believe you have more faith in them, then you do the Bible.
Reply Wed 19 Sep, 2007 11:37 pm
Believe what you want campbell.

You have nowhere proven that you have read anything or any link I have given you. The links and scriptures I have given you campbell are all bible scriptures . So either

A - You just like to argue and don't really care what the bible says.


B- God has given you over to a strong delusion and your eyes are closed to the truth of the scriptures.

No matter only God can open your eyes . I cannot.

I do not know why you are so hung up on the watchtower and JW's .

Let me say again, I am not a Jehovahs witness in denomination.

But then again I certainly am a witness to the truth of the words of Jehovah the most high and only God. So in part you are right except I call the mighty one true God Yaweh and his son our Lord Yeshua . I only use the common mistranslations of the KJV of the bible when talking to people like you campbell who might not know the real name of God and I don't want to insult them with their lack of knowledge.

Jehovah is a mistranslation in English , something the JW's admitted to me they know but do not think its important enough to change. Well I happen to believe getting the name of the one true God Yaweh right as it appears in the original greek and hebrew is important enough to get it right.

After all Christ our Lord made a point of saying in prayer : Father I have came to make your name known to the world.

I am not associated with the watch tower in any way.

The Jehovah witness lost me when they started to claim things like Jesus returned to the earth in 1914 and is here fighting against Satan in another dimension .

I will not talk bad about them but suffice it to say , they and you campbell have a lot in common. They are following the teachings of a man and taking them for truth just like you are . Instead of the real Word and truth straight from the bible campbell. They are a little confused and have believed some lies of Satans campbell just like you.

But never fear God has a plan to bring them and you back into the fold in the end. One day soon you will know the truth campbell .

Until then if you are too frightened to even study the scriptures , you and I have no purpose in talking.

So unless you want to study scripture together I will not be answering your posts directly anymore. But don't expect me to let Satans lies pass for truth when other people than the two of us are involved campbell.

Campbell34;38238 wrote:
WVpeach I know your links, and the only reason I sound like a broken record is because you refuse to answer or confirm the truth of what Jehovah or Jesus has already stated. And if you can't agree with them, I don't expect you to agree with me. The only one you will agree with is the Watchtower society, actually I believe you have more faith in them, then you do the Bible.

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