How many sons does God have?

Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 10:39 am
I agree that is the truth campbell. Bush has saved some children. But he has killed others. He calls them collateral damage. I call them children who were killed.

It is also the truth that Bush is directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in both Afganistan and Iraq , not to mention getting close to 4,000 american soldiers and many more injured people whose Lives will never be the same.

Bush now admits that over 100,000 civilians have died in Iraq. Most say the number is closer to 600,000 but lets use Bush's number .

How do you think the lives of the 100,000 compare to the abortions Bush has stopped or at least we hope they were stopped. No way to know that for sure, people ignore laws all the time.
How do the 100,000 dead people , many children in Iraq fit into your way of thinking campbell?

I am really eager and interested to know. My dad has used his own treasure to publish a pro life paper for at least the last 15 years. He travels to fairs and anywhere they will give him a voice for pro life ideals to be heard. In all these years though my father has never been able to tell me how he feels about supporting a man who kills already born children, men and women. So I am really hoping you will campbell. Your ideals seem much like my fathers so maybe you will help me to understand how he thinks better and I love him very much that would be good.

I am against abortion , wish it did not happen campbell, but even more than I am against abortion I am against killing people who are already born.

Your thoughts on Bush and the people he has ordered killed?

Campbell34;39820 wrote:
If Bush is a Fake Christian, at least this fake Christian was the first president to sign into law the banning of Late term ABORTIONS. And now there will be many more children walking around, who will not have had their brains sucked out. And I can assure you, your candidate Kerry never would of signed that bill. And oh, how the Democratic party hated to see that bill signed into law.
Yes, and that is the truth.
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 01:39 pm
wvpeach;39824 wrote:
I agree that is the truth campbell. Bush has saved some children. But he has killed others. He calls them collateral damage. I call them children who were killed.

It is also the truth that Bush is directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in both Afganistan and Iraq , not to mention getting close to 4,000 american soldiers and many more injured people whose Lives will never be the same.

Bush now admits that over 100,000 civilians have died in Iraq. Most say the number is closer to 600,000 but lets use Bush's number .

How do you think the lives of the 100,000 compare to the abortions Bush has stopped or at least we hope they were stopped. No way to know that for sure, people ignore laws all the time.
How do the 100,000 dead people , many children in Iraq fit into your way of thinking campbell?

I am really eager and interested to know. My dad has used his own treasure to publish a pro life paper for at least the last 15 years. He travels to fairs and anywhere they will give him a voice for pro life ideals to be heard. In all these years though my father has never been able to tell me how he feels about supporting a man who kills already born children, men and women. So I am really hoping you will campbell. Your ideals seem much like my fathers so maybe you will help me to understand how he thinks better and I love him very much that would be good.

I am against abortion , wish it did not happen campbell, but even more than I am against abortion I am against killing people who are already born.

Your thoughts on Bush and the people he has ordered killed?

The Bible states if possible live at peace with all men. IF POSSIBLE. I don't like war, yet sometimes if you don't defend your nation others will take it from you. I do believe in the end America will be taken from us. Bush did not know when he came into office that the towers would fall, yet that happened. When he learned who did it, he went after them. This same group had already destroyed two american embassays resulting in the deaths of many hundreds of innocent people, then they blew up an american war ship resulting in more americans dieing, then thousands more died when the towers fell. How long do you wait until you react. Do you just let them keep killing until everyone is dead. What would you have done?
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 01:54 pm
That is not what I asked you campbell and we could debate if Bush went after who he should have since 19 of the high jackers were from saudi arabia and he did not attack them. I can get behind a eye for a eye biblical justice. But that is another topic for another thread.

I asked you campbell how is it that you are not upset about at least 100,000 people , civilians who have died in Iraq? I have seen on BBC and other news channels the pictures. Men, women and children, blew apart. Burnt piled in mass graves. They have to bury them in mass graves because many of the morgues are not rationed power to keep them on ice and they decay in the heat. I saw them open the door to what should have been a cooled freezer , but had no power and fathers, sons, mothers, and babies were all piled one on top of the other in no certain order. Flies swarming and reporters vomiting from the smell. The morgue keeper ask's for volunteers weekly to bury them as the smell gets out of the cooler that is not a cooler after all without electric.

I asked you what your feelings were for all those dead people , many who were just huddled in their home , hoping the war did not come to them. Many who have not let their children go to school or even out to play since the war started but still a bomb fell on their house . How do you feel about the mother who sees her baby get a hole torn in its belly from a shot from no where and tries to hold its broken body together with her hands. Praying that the blood will stop and the baby will live. What would you say to that mother when her baby dies?

That is what I asked campbell. I asked what do you think about these people who are dying in this war? Does God want these innocents killed campbell? Is God keeping track of the innocents killed in the war? How biblically do you see war and the killing of innocents since you have such strong opinions on abortion I would think you would have strong opinions on the killing of any living human being.

Not for your ideology about why the war is okay. I have heard that before. Its the people I care about.

I am listening , you have the floor.

Campbell34;39856 wrote:
The Bible states if possible live at peace with all men. IF POSSIBLE. I don't like war, yet sometimes if you don't defend your nation others will take it from you. I do believe in the end America will be taken from us. Bush did not know when he came into office that the towers would fall, yet that happened. When he learned who did it, he went after them. This same group had already destroyed two american embassays resulting in the deaths of many hundreds of innocent people, then they blew up an american war ship resulting in more americans dieing, then thousands more died when the towers fell. How long do you wait until you react. Do you just let them keep killing until everyone is dead. What would you have done?
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 04:04 pm
wvpeach;39858 wrote:
That is not what I asked you campbell and we could debate if Bush went after who he should have since 19 of the high jackers were from saudi arabia and he did not attack them. I can get behind a eye for a eye biblical justice. But that is another topic for another thread.

I asked you campbell how is it that you are not upset about at least 100,000 people , civilians who have died in Iraq? I have seen on BBC and other news channels the pictures. Men, women and children, blew apart. Burnt piled in mass graves. They have to bury them in mass graves because many of the morgues are not rationed power to keep them on ice and they decay in the heat. I saw them open the door to what should have been a cooled freezer , but had no power and fathers, sons, mothers, and babies were all piled one on top of the other in no certain order. Flies swarming and reporters vomiting from the smell. The morgue keeper ask's for volunteers weekly to bury them as the smell gets out of the cooler that is not a cooler after all without electric.

I asked you what your feelings were for all those dead people , many who were just huddled in their home , hoping the war did not come to them. Many who have not let their children go to school or even out to play since the war started but still a bomb fell on their house . How do you feel about the mother who sees her baby get a hole torn in its belly from a shot from no where and tries to hold its broken body together with her hands. Praying that the blood will stop and the baby will live. What would you say to that mother when her baby dies?

That is what I asked campbell. I asked what do you think about these people who are dying in this war? Does God want these innocents killed campbell? Is God keeping track of the innocents killed in the war? How biblically do you see war and the killing of innocents since you have such strong opinions on abortion I would think you would have strong opinions on the killing of any living human being.

Not for your ideology about why the war is okay. I have heard that before. Its the people I care about.

I am listening , you have the floor.

For years now I have been doing all that I can do to stop the slaughter that has been going on here in America. In my lifetime I have seen the numbers grow from thousands to now sixty million, and you asking me how I feel about six hundred thousands dieing on the other side of the world. I'm numb. I have seen to much killing, and I have little control over world conditions.
During the Iran, and Iraq war over 1 million men were lost, yet I could do little to stop that. When the former leader of Iraq was in charge, his sons got off by putting hundreds of men in telephone crushing machines, sometimes head first, sometimes feet first. Sometimes his sons would feed his enemies children to hungry dogs and make their parent watch them eat them alive.
I find no joy in war, we fought a war in europe and sixty million died there. War will be with us until Christ returns. The Bible gives us the right to protect ourselves, and yes innocent will die because evil men abound. War is not something that will go away, it will only increase. If I had my way there would be no wars. I can't stop a war from happening. God knows everything, and he knows who is dieing, and why. I can't speak for our President or are generals. They will all have to give an account to God someday. Yet perhaps if another president had took after Bin Laden years before when we could of gotten to him, 911 never would of happened. So who will give account for the thousands of dead Americans. The president who acted, or the president who did nothing. And if Bush had not gone to war, and there was another attack here in America, would you of blamed him for not acting? See it's easy to judge another mans actions when your not sitting in the drivers seat. Sometimes if you really care about people, you have to do things that are not easy, but they are necessary. And that is why the Bible tells us, IF POSSIBLE live at peace with all men. God would love it if this world turned to Him. What a wonderful world this would be. Yet evil abounds, and nations cannot ignore the realities of evil. And if you believe that we can look the other way and evil will just go away, you would be mistaken. I do have strong opinions about war, yet if it has taken me all these years to help stop the killing in this country, what could I possibly do to stop the killing overseas?

Now you have the floor.
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 04:18 pm
I like your post campbell . It is important to always take note whenever innocent people die. Doesn't matter if they die because of abortion, starvation, disease, or wars God knows each of them and when they fall. Doesn't matter where in the world they are . Or if they have been born yet. God knows .

And something I often have a hard time reconciling is the fact we are told God appoints those who rule this world. I know its true GW Bush would not be president if God had not decreed it before the world was formed. Neither would have Saddam hussein had not God allowed and appointed it. So its all in God's plan and I have faith its the best plan we could ever get.

War and death , famine and disease. I pray the time is coming soon for our Lords return campbell.

Campbell34;39874 wrote:
For years now I have been doing all that I can do to stop the slaughter that has been going on here in America. In my lifetime I have seen the numbers grow from thousands to now sixty million, and you asking me how I feel about six hundred thousands dieing on the other side of the world. I'm numb. I have seen to much killing, and I have little control over world conditions.
During the Iran, and Iraq war over 1 million men were lost, yet I could do little to stop that. When the former leader of Iraq was in charge, his sons got off by putting hundreds of men in telephone crushing machines, sometimes head first, sometimes feet first. Sometimes his sons would feed his enemies children to hungry dogs and make their parent watch them eat them alive.
I find no joy in war, we fought a war in europe and sixty million died there. War will be with us until Christ returns. The Bible gives us the right to protect ourselves, and yes innocent will die because evil men abound. War is not something that will go away, it will only increase. If I had my way there would be no wars. I can't stop a war from happening. God knows everything, and he knows who is dieing, and why. I can't speak for our President or are generals. They will all have to give an account to God someday. Yet perhaps if another president had took after Bin Laden years before when we could of gotten to him, 911 never would of happened. So who will give account for the thousands of dead Americans. The president who acted, or the president who did nothing. And if Bush had not gone to war, and there was another attack here in America, would you of blamed him for not acting? See it's easy to judge another mans actions when your not sitting in the drivers seat. Sometimes if you really care about people, you have to do things that are not easy, but they are necessary. And that is why the Bible tells us, IF POSSIBLE live at peace with all men. God would love it if this world turned to Him. What a wonderful world this would be. Yet evil abounds, and nations cannot ignore the realities of evil. And if you believe that we can look the other way and evil will just go away, you would be mistaken. I do have strong opinions about war, yet if it has taken me all these years to help stop the killing in this country, what could I possibly do to stop the killing overseas?

Now you have the floor.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 06:18 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;22826 wrote:
How many sons does God have?

Genesis 6 4
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Who fathered these sons of God?

Scripture indicates that Jesus was the only son of God.


This is simply talking about human beings...those who were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2007 07:58 am
Brian@764;41097 wrote:
This is simply talking about human beings...those who were filled with the Holy Spirit.


Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2007 05:41 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;41143 wrote:


Don't you know that those who are filled with the Holy Spirit are sons of God?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 09:06 am
Brian@764;41194 wrote:
Don't you know that those who are filled with the Holy Spirit are sons of God?

If God is everywhere then we are all infused with the spirit and are therefore all sons of God. Is this your position?

Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 08:05 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;41268 wrote:
If God is everywhere then we are all infused with the spirit and are therefore all sons of God. Is this your position?


Yes God is everywhere, but God is not active in the minds of everyone. In Christians, God has imparted His nature in them. All human beings yes are sons of God by virtue of the fact that God made Adam and eve, but a true son of God is one that is born of God by the receiving of the Holy Spirit at baptism.
Reply Sat 13 Oct, 2007 04:12 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;22826 wrote:
How many sons does God have?

Genesis 6 4
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Who fathered these sons of God?

Scripture indicates that Jesus was the only son of God.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 09:24 am
Brian@764;41359 wrote:
Yes God is everywhere, but God is not active in the minds of everyone. In Christians, God has imparted His nature in them. All human beings yes are sons of God by virtue of the fact that God made Adam and eve, but a true son of God is one that is born of God by the receiving of the Holy Spirit at baptism.

This makes a God that plays favorites or needs to favour a certain group.

God is the God of all. To restrict Him to just Christians of a certain stripe is inappropriate. God began as master of all to say that He does not end the same way make him a back slider.

To say that He only infuses Christians with His essence is to say that some souls are better made than some others. Do you not see the folly of this statement that you make.

0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 09:32 am
Brian@764;41469 wrote:

With all the interpretations available we may never know exactly what the Bible is referring to.

Since they were, as we all are, works of God, and knowing that all works of God are Perfect, then why do you think God would destroy His Perfect works.
He would not create these just to destroy them.
What was the purpose of their destruction? Why were they created in the first place?

Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 10:32 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;41488 wrote:
With all the interpretations available we may never know exactly what the Bible is referring to.

Since they were, as we all are, works of God, and knowing that all works of God are Perfect, then why do you think God would destroy His Perfect works.
He would not create these just to destroy them.
What was the purpose of their destruction? Why were they created in the first place?


You either belive what the Bible says or reject it and then come up with your own imagination. The truth is very clear to those whom God has given it to.
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 12:24 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
You either belive what the Bible says or reject it and then come up with your own imagination. The truth is very clear to those whom God has given it to.

How come then christians can't even agree on what the bible means? What you are saying is either I believe what YOUR interpretation of the bible is, or I've rejected the whole thing? Why would god only give the truth to some people? Does god play favorites?
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 01:21 pm

God does not give the truth to just some people. God will give it to whom he chooses. I personally never put down a persons interpretation of the bible , because God reveals truth as humans are ready to receive it. Christ talks about people being fed water, milk, wine, bread and meat in the bible . Each receives the strength of food they are able to handle .

Unfortunately some people choose to always remain babes and never get beyond the milk and water of the word of God. They are never ready for the strong meat and wine of the word of God and that is why their is so much disagreement. But its irrelevant in the scheme of things.

mommamia;41511 wrote:
How come then christians can't even agree on what the bible means? What you are saying is either I believe what YOUR interpretation of the bible is, or I've rejected the whole thing? Why would god only give the truth to some people? Does god play favorites?
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 01:24 pm
mommamia;41511 wrote:
How come then christians can't even agree on what the bible means? What you are saying is either I believe what YOUR interpretation of the bible is, or I've rejected the whole thing? Why would god only give the truth to some people? Does god play favorites?

Because like all human beings, Christians are human and not every one has the same level of understanding. A 10 yr old will have the understanding of a 10 yr old, and a 15 yr old will have the understanding of a 15 yr old. What I did not understand in the Bible 8 yrs ago I now understand...my understanding grows as I study the scriptures.

But you might as well ask those questions, how come God chose a particular people in the Old Testament to be His people? Is God playing favorite here? How come it will be only those who do the will of the Father, will enter the kingdom of heaven? Is God playing favorite here? How come God only gives His Holy Spirit to a few people? Is God playing favorite here? How come it will only be the saints who will rule with Jesus in the kingdom of God when Jesus returns? Is God playing favorite here?

Exodus 33:19 (KJV)
19 And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.

Romans 9:8-24 (KJV)
8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
9 For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sara shall have a son.
10 And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac;
11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)
12 It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger.
13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?
20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,
24 Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 01:27 pm
wvpeach;41517 wrote:

God does not give the truth to just some people. God will give it to whom he chooses. I personally never put down a persons interpretation of the bible , because God reveals truth as humans are ready to receive it. Christ talks about people being fed water, milk, wine, bread and meat in the bible . Each receives the strength of food they are able to handle .

Unfortunately some people choose to always remain babes and never get beyond the milk and water of the word of God. They are never ready for the strong meat and wine of the word of God and that is why their is so much disagreement. But its irrelevant in the scheme of things.

Very good, how so true your words are.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 02:19 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Ok, peach I understand, and respect your form of christianity from what I can see of it on here, I know and love to talk bible with many christians. I was responding more to Brians comments that said from what I could tell only christians are gods children.

but a true son of God is one that is born of God by the receiving of the Holy Spirit at baptism.

In Christians, God has imparted His nature in them

And only christians???

You either belive what the Bible says or reject it and then come up with your own imagination. The truth is very clear to those whom God has given it to.

As if he didn't give that to everyone, and as if it is only apparent in a book that those who say they follow it can't agree on the message of?

I have read and studied the bible, then I realized I didn't want to read what the prophets said, I wanted to have what the prophets had, that being a personal relationship with my creator. Your relationship may be different from mine, just as my relationship with my 14yo son is different from my relationship with my 8yo daughter. And what god wants from you may be different than what god wants from me. Maybe your understanding is much higher, maybe mine is. That is not for me to judge.

I just find it rather vain to suppose that only those who follow a certain type of belief are god's children. The truth in every sacred writing can be revealed to those who search for truth, but christians need to learn to respect that not everybody believes like them, and most likely aren't meant to. I am definantly not a christian, having rejected the trinity, the need for baptism and many other core beliefs, but I am definantly a child of god. I have felt his presence, and actually credit god for saving one of my children's life, without his reply to my intense meditative prayer, she would be dead today. First let christianity get it together, then come out and judge the rest of us. It never fails as soon as you point out the many christians charged with theft, fraud, child abuse and sexual abuse and a whole host of other repulsive things, the other christians say well they aren't real christians. That is what I mean, y'all can't even decide on a definition of what a christian is, and now you say I have to be one to be a child of god?
Reply Sun 14 Oct, 2007 03:41 pm
mommamia;41528 wrote:
That is what I mean, y'all can't even decide on a definition of what a christian is, and now you say I have to be one to be a child of god?

Because the Bible said so.

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