How many sons does God have?

Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:08 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36575 wrote:
There is a big difference between big people and true giants.
All one need do is look at the Guinness book of world records to find some of the limits of human vagaries.

Some wrongly say that the flood was given to us to get rid of these giants. If that was the case it missed Samson and Goliath somehow. Scripture also says that men lived for 800 year or more, yet Jesus gave an age for man of 120.

Some exceed 120 now a days. Are we to throw out all that Jesus said because He was off by a few years. No. Take every thing the Bible says with a grain of salt. Less chance of falling off tract this way. The Bible is an old map. It is supposed to be slightly vague.

Remember that if you read the Bible literally you need to also believe in talking snakes and a variety of other improbable miracles.


Anyone who is 12 foot or higher will not be found in the Guinness world book of records.

And they still had a problem with Giants after the Flood because of fallen angles involvement. It should come as no surprise that contact with UFO entities also have great intrest with human sexuality. I have seen some of those improbable miracles and thay are not improbable at all.
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:12 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36576 wrote:
You name sins of a small caliber as compared to history.
There is no doubt that evil is with us. It always has been and will be with us till the end. Scripture asks us to ignore wars and rumors of wars and be more concerned with our own actions and thoughts. If good people just continue to do good then evil will be reduced to it's minimum, whatever that may be.

If we are to give God credit for the good then we must also give Him credit for the evil. He, after all is the source of the tree of knowledge and created every good and every evil that we can experience.

Have faith that we are doing the will of God or He would end a fruitless experiment.

More today than ever before reproduce and seek knowledge of good and evil.
These are God's first commands to us.
We do these well.

When you think of these individual criminals, consider where they got their natures and why they are the way they are. Your own thoughts and conclusions will surprise you.


The tree of knowledge was not evil. Eating the fruit of it was, and that act was done by Eve, not God.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 06:26 am
wvpeach;36630 wrote:
Its apparent greatest that you and I are walking closely on a spiritual path.

How can a soul know hunger if they have never been hungry? if the belly is well fed it will never truly understand when another starves.

How can we appreciate happiness if we have never been sad?

How can we appreciate warmth if we have never know what it means to be cold?

How can we know good if we have never seen evil?

God created good , evil, hunger, and food all for the benefit of creation. So that when this world is finished as we know it today we will be fitting to commune with our God we will know right from wrong good from evil, and pain from pleasure.

Your view that all are destined for heaven is one that I will not condemn greatest. I would love and pray that were true. It is not what I have received thus far in my teachings by the Holy Spirit, but still I cannot fault your belief because it is closer to the truth as I know it than many in the main stream modern churches / denominations . You believe God has only the best planned for his creation as do I . You do not believe in hell and neither do I . We differ only in thinking that God will not destroy some who will not repent of the ways of flesh.

Keep on knowing that God is great and mercy filled and that he will not torment man. That in my view is enough.

A link for you my friend

Gnostic Society Library: Gnostic Scriptures and Fragments this is a good site with all the ancient writings in its library free to read on line.

Some of my favorite teachings of God are contained on this site. I do prefer to have the book in my hands for better study, and am lucky my local library orders me anything I want. But as I cannot afford this entire library I often refer to this site for refrence.

Thanks for the kind words. It helps to feel that all I say does not fall on deaf ears. Thanks also for the link. I will check it out.

If God were to simply destroy bad souls instead of placing them in a Hell then He would need to admit that He created a soul less than Perfect. I give God the ability to create all souls Perfect and destined for Heaven. A difficult concept I know especially when we see souls doing evil. Remember then that God is the creator and master of evil. If He is doing evil by using a soul, is that soul responsible for the action. No. Is this soul to be hurt for doing the evil will of God. No. We must have faith that God knows the larger plan as He did with Job.

Trust that if any soul needs adjustment at death then it is easier for God to adjust than to admit error and destroy. He does not create to destroy.

0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 06:34 am
JesusDiedForU;36633 wrote:
I am sorry... I did not comprehend your response.

Does it matter what a person calls God (Jesus, Allah, Buddah ect,)?

YES or NO?

God is a God of inclusion, not exclusion.
He judges what we do not what name we give God.

Do you see Him sending a good man to Hell just because this man calls God by a certain name. No.
Actions speak louder than words.
Many thing that Jesus is the only way because of His through me speech.
This would be wrong. Logically we know that millions died without knowing that name. Would God just automatically send them to hell because they were born on a different continent. not likely.

If God is Perfect, and He is, then give Him the power to get us all into Heaven. Our heritage. All souls are important to God. He does not loose a one.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 06:48 am
Campbell34;36728 wrote:
Anyone who is 12 foot or higher will not be found in the Guinness world book of records.

And they still had a problem with Giants after the Flood because of fallen angles involvement. It should come as no surprise that contact with UFO entities also have great intrest with human sexuality. I have seen some of those improbable miracles and thay are not improbable at all.

As stated, the Bible also indicates that man can live for hundreds of years. A physical impossibility by today's science.

If you want to remain a fundamentalist and read the Bible literally then do so but know that there is only one supernatural entity in our reality. This is God Himself.
He would not likely send giants to pester human females just so that He can send a genocidal flood and kill millions of innocent babies and children later. If your God can do this then you can keep Him and shove Him in a dark place.

To suggest that God would consider such is to degenerate His good name.
There is no arguement that you can make that would make a civilized man follow such a god.
Fundamentalists say they know God and yet they wait for this looser to return to fix what He has created. They cannot even give Him enough power to create a Perfect world or a Perfect Heaven. Can yo tell me why any sane person would follow a God who can't seem to get anything right.
Why on earth would I want to follow a looser.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 06:57 am
Campbell34;36729 wrote:
The tree of knowledge was not evil. Eating the fruit of it was, and that act was done by Eve, not God.

Note the name of the tree.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Not the tree of good.

If Eve would have made the wrong decision then God would have killed two instead of waiting for His flood to kill millions including babies and children.

Give your grey mater a shake and look at your God for the first time.
He is supposed to be a God of love.
Where in the flood do you see His love?
Fundamentalists have an inherent need to hate. This is why they like the idea of a genocidal flood. They like the idea of cleansing the planet of bad souls. Bad souls created by God. Strange that they do not value what was created by God.
Explain please. Make us understand if you can.
Refute my words if you can.

Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 07:49 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36770 wrote:
God is a God of inclusion, not exclusion.
He judges what we do not what name we give God.

Do you see Him sending a good man to Hell just because this man calls God by a certain name. No.
Actions speak louder than words.
Many thing that Jesus is the only way because of His through me speech.
This would be wrong. Logically we know that millions died without knowing that name. Would God just automatically send them to hell because they were born on a different continent. not likely.

If God is Perfect, and He is, then give Him the power to get us all into Heaven. Our heritage. All souls are important to God. He does not loose a one.


Jesus says he is the only way to the father... so according to Him, If a person does not call Him God... they will go to hell. OR Jesus is a liar.

Also keep in mind before Christ people were under a different covenant.

Why do you constantly talk on Islam being the correct religion then say that it does not matter what God a person believes in to enter Heavan?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 07:59 am
JesusDiedForU;36776 wrote:
Jesus says he is the only way to the father... so according to Him, If a person does not call Him God... they will go to hell. OR Jesus is a liar.

GIA wrote
Perhaps He was only confused.
God has no need for a hybrid God to mediate between Him and His souls.

Also keep in mind before Christ people were under a different covenant.

GIA wrote
God has one covenant with man. It does not change over time.
When God make a decision He does not need to change it.

Why do you constantly talk on Islam being the correct religion then say that it does not matter what God a person believes in to enter Heaven?

I have never said that Islam is the correct religion. In fact there is no one unique religion but for the record I prefer the Christian Bible because I understand it and know it better than any other.

All are destined for Heaven regardless of the Bible or sect.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 08:24 am
Could you please provide one place in the bible where Jesus ever said we shouls call him God?

Really I would like a scripture and verse. I know Christ said the only way to the Father was through him Christ the son But I have never seen any place in the bible where Jesus called himself God or directed us to call him that.

I will await a scripture please

JesusDiedForU;36776 wrote:
Jesus says he is the only way to the father... so according to Him, If a person does not call Him God... they will go to hell. OR Jesus is a liar.

Also keep in mind before Christ people were under a different covenant.

Why do you constantly talk on Islam being the correct religion then say that it does not matter what God a person believes in to enter Heavan?
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 09:02 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36770 wrote:
God is a God of inclusion, not exclusion.
He judges what we do not what name we give God.

Do you see Him sending a good man to Hell just because this man calls God by a certain name. No.
Actions speak louder than words.
Many thing that Jesus is the only way because of His through me speech.
This would be wrong. Logically we know that millions died without knowing that name. Would God just automatically send them to hell because they were born on a different continent. not likely.

If God is Perfect, and He is, then give Him the power to get us all into Heaven. Our heritage. All souls are important to God. He does not loose a one.


So if you worship a God who's name is SATAN and he tells you to sacrifice babys thats OK? Because we are all worshiping the same God anyway. Is this a true statement?
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 09:10 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36576 wrote:
You name sins of a small caliber as compared to history.
There is no doubt that evil is with us. It always has been and will be with us till the end. Scripture asks us to ignore wars and rumors of wars and be more concerned with our own actions and thoughts. If good people just continue to do good then evil will be reduced to it's minimum, whatever that may be.

If we are to give God credit for the good then we must also give Him credit for the evil. He, after all is the source of the tree of knowledge and created every good and every evil that we can experience.

Have faith that we are doing the will of God or He would end a fruitless experiment.

More today than ever before reproduce and seek knowledge of good and evil.
These are God's first commands to us.
We do these well.

When you think of these individual criminals, consider where they got their natures and why they are the way they are. Your own thoughts and conclusions will surprise you.


Wait one second, you have already said God made perfect souls, where did the evil come from? I thought the criminals got their nature from God, so are you saying God created these men to be evil? God wants men to muder, it that what your telling us?
Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 09:21 am
Campbell34;36796 wrote:
So if you worship a God who's name is SATAN and he tells you to sacrifice babys thats OK? Because we are all worshiping the same God anyway. Is this a true statement?

Let's get serious now.

Was it OK for God to ask Abraham to sacrifice his son?
Was it OK for God to send a genocidal flood to kill millions including babies and innocent children?

We can ask all types of questions but they should be in context.

Since you read the Bible literally it may be easier for you to answer my questions than for me to answer yours.
After all, Satan does not have any Bible that I ever read.
Satan has not been known to ask what your God has.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 09:29 am
Campbell34;36799 wrote:
Wait one second, you have already said God made perfect souls, where did the evil come from? I thought the criminals got their nature from God, so are you saying God created these men to be evil? God wants men to murder, it that what your telling us?

Evil has been with us forever. God is the creator of all things including evil.
Since He allows it to be here and now we can only conclude that He wants it here and now.
All we can argue with Him about is the level or percentage of it. If we question His wisdom in allowing evil to exist then we may as well, question His wisdom in allowing good to exist as well. After all He is the one who coupled good and evil together on the tree.

I do not question His wisdom, I just argue the percentages so that He will know that I would like to reduce evil to it's minimum. With His blessing of course.

Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 10:50 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36801 wrote:
Let's get serious now.

Was it OK for God to ask Abraham to sacrifice his son?
Was it OK for God to send a genocidal flood to kill millions including babies and innocent children?

We can ask all types of questions but they should be in context.

Since you read the Bible literally it may be easier for you to answer my questions than for me to answer yours.
After all, Satan does not have any Bible that I ever read.
Satan has not been known to ask what your God has.


Yes it was ok for God to ask Abraham to sacrifice his son, because God knew He would never allow Abraham to do it. And yes it was ok to kill off the worlds population of part human's that were evil. God is the taker and giver of life. If God had not done this, you might be 16 foot tall today, and sporting a pair of horns.
Yes there was a book of Satan written back in the 60s however there are many other books that go along with such. Involving spells ect. Satan is highly thought of in certain religious circles. Apparently there are children who have been sacrificed to other Gods and this is even mentioned in the Bible. So my question was if people believe it is ok to sacrifice children in the name of their God, does this make them wrong? After all, according to you, we are all worshiping the same God. Seriously
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 10:54 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36804 wrote:
Evil has been with us forever. God is the creator of all things including evil.
Since He allows it to be here and now we can only conclude that He wants it here and now.
All we can argue with Him about is the level or percentage of it. If we question His wisdom in allowing evil to exist then we may as well, question His wisdom in allowing good to exist as well. After all He is the one who coupled good and evil together on the tree.

I do not question His wisdom, I just argue the percentages so that He will know that I would like to reduce evil to it's minimum. With His blessing of course.


So your telling me that it is ok for man to murder, kill, and rape, because God ordained this? And why would you want to reduce evil to a minimum if this is what God ordained?
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 11:02 am
wvpeach;36785 wrote:
Could you please provide one place in the bible where Jesus ever said we shouls call him God?

Really I would like a scripture and verse. I know Christ said the only way to the Father was through him Christ the son But I have never seen any place in the bible where Jesus called himself God or directed us to call him that.

I will await a scripture please

Well Thomas said to Jesus, My Lord and my God.
And when Christ was carried up into heaven those who saw this worshipped Him.
Not once was anyone rebuked for their actions, and if you recall worship is for GOD alone. Just as Creation is for God alone.
Jesus said why ask me to show you the Father, for if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 11:14 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36771 wrote:
As stated, the Bible also indicates that man can live for hundreds of years. A physical impossibility by today's science.

If you want to remain a fundamentalist and read the Bible literally then do so but know that there is only one supernatural entity in our reality. This is God Himself.
He would not likely send giants to pester human females just so that He can send a genocidal flood and kill millions of innocent babies and children later. If your God can do this then you can keep Him and shove Him in a dark place.

To suggest that God would consider such is to degenerate His good name.
There is no arguement that you can make that would make a civilized man follow such a god.
Fundamentalists say they know God and yet they wait for this looser to return to fix what He has created. They cannot even give Him enough power to create a Perfect world or a Perfect Heaven. Can yo tell me why any sane person would follow a God who can't seem to get anything right.
Why on earth would I want to follow a looser.


God did not send giants to bother earthly females, these were fallen angles that appeared as humans, it was their offspring that became giants. FREE WILL was given to us by God. You don't want to believe in free will, but it's all around us. That's why the world is in such turmoil. It is the evil nature of man that has brought us to where we are today. FREE WILL gives man the right to make choices. You can choose to do good before God, or you can choose to do evil. It's your choice.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 11:27 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36772 wrote:
Note the name of the tree.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Not the tree of good.

If Eve would have made the wrong decision then God would have killed two instead of waiting for His flood to kill millions including babies and children.

Give your grey mater a shake and look at your God for the first time.
He is supposed to be a God of love.
Where in the flood do you see His love?
Fundamentalists have an inherent need to hate. This is why they like the idea of a genocidal flood. They like the idea of cleansing the planet of bad souls. Bad souls created by God. Strange that they do not value what was created by God.
Explain please. Make us understand if you can.
Refute my words if you can.


It was God's creation of fallen angles that the Bible tells us left their first estates and inner married with human kind. The angles like humans had free will to choose good or evil. They cohabited with humans against Gods will, and this was just another part of the rebellion. The offspring was nolonger fully human and became very evil. The Bible is clear on this. To get the human race back, God had to do away with this nonhuman race, which left only noah and his family.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 11:38 am
You do realize campbell that "GOD " is a generic term? That the name of our creator is not GOD?

Psalm 82 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty ; he judgeth among the gods...... Notice the plural gods

John 10:34 Jesus said Is it not written in your law that I said ye are Gods? If he called them gods to whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

Say ye of him whom the father has sanctified and sent unto the world, thou blasphemeth because I said I am the son of God.
......notice again the plural gods and these are the words of jesus himself.

And how many sons of Gods are there Campbell? No way of counting but it appears that in genesis 6:1 there are many

Genesis 6:2 the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and took them wifes all of which they chose.

Campbell you really have to do some extensive study with Gods help to learn that the English translation of the bible leaves much to be desired.

The word God is often used in our english translation where the word Lord, ruler, official would have been used in the original greek and hebrew.

So I agree Christ Jesus is Lord, is ruler, is a God , but he is not the one true God . Christ is not the Father Yewah. Christ is a son as you and I are sons and daughters of God and Christ was sanctified to die for our sins a sacrifice for many. And 1st Corinthians tells us that when Jesus finishes this task he will turn the whole thing back over to the one real God the great I am Yewah .The Father , the one who's name we probably still do not know.

Read the entire first chapter of Hebrews its a love letter to Jesus and explains that he was chosen by the creator to serve the purpose he did and that has set him above all of us. But Christ is not God.

I am sad now. It is really sad, that satan has been so able to distort the Holy word in the English language.

Campbell34;36817 wrote:
Well Thomas said to Jesus, My Lord and my God.
And when Christ was carried up into heaven those who saw this worshipped Him.
Not once was anyone rebuked for their actions, and if you recall worship is for GOD alone. Just as Creation is for God alone.
Jesus said why ask me to show you the Father, for if you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 11:41 am
well Genesis 6:2 says they were sons of God who married the daughters of men.

You can't have it both ways campbell. You cannot take one verse of scripture and call it the truth and then not believe everything it says.

You are repeating the teachings of men campbell . You need to seek the truth for yourself and not believe everything you hear in church.

Campbell34;36819 wrote:
God did not send giants to bother earthly females, these were fallen angles that appeared as humans, it was their offspring that became giants. FREE WILL was given to us by God. You don't want to believe in free will, but it's all around us. That's why the world is in such turmoil. It is the evil nature of man that has brought us to where we are today. FREE WILL gives man the right to make choices. You can choose to do good before God, or you can choose to do evil. It's your choice.

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