How many sons does God have?

Greatest I am cv
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 05:42 am
Campbell34;36304 wrote:
First of all the law was for man not God. God is the giver and the taker of life. Second, the race that was killed off was no longer fully human. That was a point I tried to point out to you, but you must of missed that. God is not screwing up any thing, it's His creation that was given free will. YOU really what to put the blame on God don't you. You see if you can do that, you don't have to be responsible for your own actions. Just blame God for everything right. I wonder if you go through life that way? Anything that goes wrong it Gods fault. I wonder?

There have never been people on earth that were less than or more than human. Give your head a shake. There are no talking snakes.

I give God all the credit He deserves as well as all the blame.
To just give Him one would be stupid.
I give him more credit than most in fact.
Most wait for Him to return to fix His universe and make it right.
Most wait for a God who has failled.
I wait for Him to return to reclaim His Perfect works and universe.
I see the Perfection around me that He has created. Most see imperfection and wait for the creator of imperfection. Strange that believers cannot see that God has not screwed up. They and you think He has, that is why you say that this way or that way is the way to God when there are countless paths to Him.

All souls are destined for heaven. God would have it no other way or He would be admitting that He screwed up on soul creation.

Think about it and you will see that this is the only way it can be otherwise God would be a looser.
Forget the good soul bad soul idea. Jesus told us to love all men. Would He do so if they had evil souls.
Forget your conditioning and think about it.

Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 07:40 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest am I,

According to you does a person need to be "saved"?

If so, how does a person become "saved"?
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 01:18 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36320 wrote:
There have never been people on earth that were less than or more than human. Give your head a shake. There are no talking snakes.

I give God all the credit He deserves as well as all the blame.
To just give Him one would be stupid.
I give him more credit than most in fact.
Most wait for Him to return to fix His universe and make it right.
Most wait for a God who has failled.
I wait for Him to return to reclaim His Perfect works and universe.
I see the Perfection around me that He has created. Most see imperfection and wait for the creator of imperfection. Strange that believers cannot see that God has not screwed up. They and you think He has, that is why you say that this way or that way is the way to God when there are countless paths to Him.

All souls are destined for heaven. God would have it no other way or He would be admitting that He screwed up on soul creation.

Think about it and you will see that this is the only way it can be otherwise God would be a looser.
Forget the good soul bad soul idea. Jesus told us to love all men. Would He do so if they had evil souls.
Forget your conditioning and think about it.


The Bible tells us there were Giants you may not want to believe that but Giants have been discovered in the archeological record which also confirms the Bible account as being literally true.

Giants and Bones
Giants in our midst? Tall skeletons reported found in this area
The Conneaut Giants
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 01:43 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36320 wrote:
There have never been people on earth that were less than or more than human. Give your head a shake. There are no talking snakes.

I give God all the credit He deserves as well as all the blame.
To just give Him one would be stupid.
I give him more credit than most in fact.
Most wait for Him to return to fix His universe and make it right.
Most wait for a God who has failled.
I wait for Him to return to reclaim His Perfect works and universe.
I see the Perfection around me that He has created. Most see imperfection and wait for the creator of imperfection. Strange that believers cannot see that God has not screwed up. They and you think He has, that is why you say that this way or that way is the way to God when there are countless paths to Him.

All souls are destined for heaven. God would have it no other way or He would be admitting that He screwed up on soul creation.

Think about it and you will see that this is the only way it can be otherwise God would be a looser.
Forget the good soul bad soul idea. Jesus told us to love all men. Would He do so if they had evil souls.
Forget your conditioning and think about it.


So when we see men murder and rape the innocent, when child molesters kill little children, this is all part of Gods perfect plan?
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 02:05 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36149 wrote:
If God first started as master of the complete universe then He would want to end the same way. If He did not then He would be back sliding. Not what a God would do.

Further, to suggest that God screws up the creation of Perfect souls and creates them imperfect, would be to minimise His capability. The question then becomes does God create Perfection or does He screw up when He creates?

Only an imperfect God would need to separate the good souls from the bad souls.
If God is creates Perfect souls then He must include them. Any rejects would be a blemish on His abilities. Right?


Most of what you have stated is based on your own personal thoughts and feelings. You have stated nothing here based on any authority. You may have invented your own personal God. Yet it has nothing to do with reality.
God never created humans as robots, FREE WILL. And don't think your going to tell God He has to send you to heaven, and if He doesent He's a loser. That might work in your mind, but it will not work in real life.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 07:18 am
JesusDiedForU;36464 wrote:
Greatest am I,

According to you does a person need to be "saved"?

If so, how does a person become "saved"?

If you are going to believe in any God, you should give Him the attribute of Perfection. Who would want an imperfect God anyway.

A Perfect God creates Perfect souls and Perfect natures for us to thrive in the Perfect environment that He has provided. We may not always recognize this Perfection but it must be there if there is a God. Perfection for us seems to include evil. We must live with this and use it as the learning tool that it is.

Follow your nature to wherever it leads and you will be doing the will of God, even if in retrospect you notice the odd evilness in your nature. God has a better idea of what is required from us and it is advisable to follow your nature to its fullest bliss.

Being saves just means that you believe that you know God is real.
It does not mean that you have been spared Hell. There can not be a Hell if God is Perfect. He has no need for a place to warehouse His mistakes. He does not do mistakes.

Follow your bliss.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 07:35 am
Campbell34;36556 wrote:
The Bible tells us there were Giants you may not want to believe that but Giants have been discovered in the archeological record which also confirms the Bible account as being literally true.

Giants and Bones
Giants in our midst? Tall skeletons reported found in this area
The Conneaut Giants

There is a big difference between big people and true giants.
All one need do is look at the Guinness book of world records to find some of the limits of human vagaries.

Some wrongly say that the flood was given to us to get rid of these giants. If that was the case it missed Samson and Goliath somehow. Scripture also says that men lived for 800 year or more, yet Jesus gave an age for man of 120.

Some exceed 120 now a days. Are we to throw out all that Jesus said because He was off by a few years. No. Take every thing the Bible says with a grain of salt. Less chance of falling off tract this way. The Bible is an old map. It is supposed to be slightly vague.

Remember that if you read the Bible literally you need to also believe in talking snakes and a variety of other improbable miracles.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 07:45 am
Campbell34;36557 wrote:
So when we see men murder and rape the innocent, when child molesters kill little children, this is all part of Gods perfect plan?

You name sins of a small caliber as compared to history.
There is no doubt that evil is with us. It always has been and will be with us till the end. Scripture asks us to ignore wars and rumors of wars and be more concerned with our own actions and thoughts. If good people just continue to do good then evil will be reduced to it's minimum, whatever that may be.

If we are to give God credit for the good then we must also give Him credit for the evil. He, after all is the source of the tree of knowledge and created every good and every evil that we can experience.

Have faith that we are doing the will of God or He would end a fruitless experiment.

More today than ever before reproduce and seek knowledge of good and evil.
These are God's first commands to us.
We do these well.

When you think of these individual criminals, consider where they got their natures and why they are the way they are. Your own thoughts and conclusions will surprise you.

Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 07:54 am
Campbell34;36558 wrote:
Most of what you have stated is based on your own personal thoughts and feelings. You have stated nothing here based on any authority. You may have invented your own personal God. Yet it has nothing to do with reality.
God never created humans as robots, FREE WILL. And don't think your going to tell God He has to send you to heaven, and if He doesent He's a loser. That might work in your mind, but it will not work in real life.


All knowledge that I have accumulated has been rendered by the hand of man except for my one brief personal experience with the mind of God.
Whose authority should I follow?

I have stated that the Bible is the best guide to God and Jesus the best guide.
This and what I believe to be true is all I have to guide me.
Do you offer a better guide for me?

I admit that the Bible shows a God of exclusion and in this it is way off base. Other than this and a few other anomalies it is the best guide I have found.

If God screws up and makes imperfect souls then He would be a looser. He does not and is not.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:31 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36574 wrote:
If you are going to believe in any God, you should give Him the attribute of Perfection. Who would want an imperfect God anyway.

A Perfect God creates Perfect souls and Perfect natures for us to thrive in the Perfect environment that He has provided. We may not always recognize this Perfection but it must be there if there is a God. Perfection for us seems to include evil. We must live with this and use it as the learning tool that it is.

Follow your nature to wherever it leads and you will be doing the will of God, even if in retrospect you notice the odd evilness in your nature. God has a better idea of what is required from us and it is advisable to follow your nature to its fullest bliss.

Being saves just means that you believe that you know God is real.
It does not mean that you have been spared Hell. There can not be a Hell if God is Perfect. He has no need for a place to warehouse His mistakes. He does not do mistakes.

Follow your bliss.


Okay. So you are saying that all I have to do is believe God is real and I will go to heaven?

Does it matter if you believe that God is not Allah but someone else?

Where do people go that do not accept Allah as their God?
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:41 am
God's way's are as high above mans as the clouds are above the earth campbell.

It is hard to associate a dying child , one who was born only to starve and die a agonizing death before the age of five. It is hard to understand why God would bring a child into this world say in Afghanistan only to have it die from stepping on a land mine a painful death. It is hard to understand why so many children are allowed by God to be born into third world countries where illness like measles and mumps still kills so many by their 5th birthday.

But we know that God created both Good and evil. That he said to his created vessels who questions its creator ? Why have you made me thus , some to honor and some to dishonor.

It is all in God's plan, we do not have the free will quite the way I think you mean. We can resist evil and sin to be sure. But that is only if we are vessels made for honor by the creator. Those made for dishonor don't get the same choices we do. Those of us created for honor walk with the Holy Spirit to guide our choices. Those created for dishonor or evil if you will have no such guide. But all were made by God to be who and what they are.

Campbell34;36557 wrote:
So when we see men murder and rape the innocent, when child molesters kill little children, this is all part of Gods perfect plan?
0 Replies
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 09:06 am
JesusDiedForU;36587 wrote:
Okay. So you are saying that all I have to do is believe God is real and I will go to heaven?

GIA wrote
No. Follow whatever nature you have. This reality also needs those who would doubt and question. If you find God then accept Him, if not continue doing what comes naturally to you.
Belief will thrust itself on you when you die regardless of your belief in life.
When it does, if it needs to, then you will know why you are, were the way you were.

Does it matter if you believe that God is not Allah but someone else?

GIA wrote
God is more interested on what you do, not what name you give him.
All will inherit Heaven. God does not make imperfect souls. We just do not recognize our Perfection.

Where do people go that do not accept Allah as their God?

All inherit Heaven. It is our birthright. To think that God has a Hell to warehouse His mistakes is wrong. God does not do imperfect.
Would a father sit for eternity watching His sons and daughters burning in a Hell. No. He would find a way to adjust conditions to not ever have to do such a thing.

Give Him the power He deserves.
Do not wait for Him to return to fix what ain't broke.
Perfection is all about us. Try to see it.

Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 09:24 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am

I agree God does not make mistakes. All were made as he intended them to be.

But lets look at exceptions to this rule. Exceptions due to the sinful nature of flesh and our evolving and corruptible human bodies. Take mental retardation, or any physical handicap. In the old testament we are told that God would not allow any person with a physical abnormality to enter the temple....... Why ? Is God callous to the handicapped , those not born as what we would call normal? ...... No he is not. But God created flesh and has now allowed it to re create flesh on its own. Since flesh is born through the act of sex and no longer created by God it makes sense that some flesh will be born imperfect.

That will not be the case when this world is done. But what of people born with mental and physical handicap's who never get the same chance to know the truth of God because of the problem in their flesh?

The bible also tells us that God created us some to honor and we were chosen to belong to God before the foundations of the world were laid. Some to dishonor and not chosen to walk this world ( NOW ) as belonging to God.

Take Pharaoh whom God hardened the heart of, is Pharaoh to be judged for that hardened heart God caused. or Judas whom was entered into by Satan and betrayed the Lord, or did he really? He was destined and made for that purpose. Will he be judged for that act , since the bible tells us Satan entered him?

I believe through my studies that during the 1000 year reign of our Lord here on earth humans born to dishonor and made that way by God , or allowed to be pawns of Satan , also again allowed by God; will live again and be taught God's ways by our Lord Christ. Many I think will gain life eternal.

But then the book tells us that after the 1000 year reign Satan will be loosed again to this earth for a short time and that the number that fall away, follow Satan again; will be as uncountable as the sands of the sea. Thats a lot of souls, the sands of the sea. I believe those that fall away then will be destroyed by God, their names never spoken or remembered any more.

I know that God will not torture them, he will put a permanent end to them. also know that God will not tolerate imperfection in his presence and that falling away after having lived a 1000 years with Christ ruling this earth is the height of imperfection.

Greatest are you a advocate of Universal Salvation? Thats a good hearted mind set to be sure. Much better than main stream Protestants who get real upset when you break it to them there is no hell , or fiery eternal torment for man kind. Go figure they want a hell to happen. They will be judged and found lacking for that thought I am sure.
Greatest I am cv
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 09:46 am

Yes I am an advocate of universal salvation. God does not screw up the creation of souls. They are all made Perfect. God does not do imperfect. He started with all things under His control and will end the same way.

If we are to give God the credit for good then we must give Him the credit for evil. He did after all give us the tree of knowledge of both.

Evil, as the Bible shows, is a necessity for the earth and is used by God as He wants. Job tells us this.

As to moses and the Egyptians. The Egyptians were good record keepers and yet did not document the moses story. The historians of the day did not either. Strange. I personally do not believe this story nor the flood story.
I just cannot see God needing to kill in order to accomplish His will. There are so many alternatives. These stories have some other meaning. It is to us to dither out what that meaning is.

There is no imperfection in our world. If there where, it would mean that God has screwed up.
If He started in a Perfect universe and if at the end He returns to a Perfect state or universe it means that He should be able to return at any time and see a Perfect universe, in the same condition as when He left.
This Perfection is all about us. It is to us to recognize it.

Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 10:55 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Its apparent greatest that you and I are walking closely on a spiritual path.

How can a soul know hunger if they have never been hungry? if the belly is well fed it will never truly understand when another starves.

How can we appreciate happiness if we have never been sad?

How can we appreciate warmth if we have never know what it means to be cold?

How can we know good if we have never seen evil?

God created good , evil, hunger, and food all for the benefit of creation. So that when this world is finished as we know it today we will be fitting to commune with our God we will know right from wrong good from evil, and pain from pleasure.

Your view that all are destined for heaven is one that I will not condemn greatest. I would love and pray that were true. It is not what I have received thus far in my teachings by the Holy Spirit, but still I cannot fault your belief because it is closer to the truth as I know it than many in the main stream modern churches / denominations . You believe God has only the best planned for his creation as do I . You do not believe in hell and neither do I . We differ only in thinking that God will not destroy some who will not repent of the ways of flesh.

Keep on knowing that God is great and mercy filled and that he will not torment man. That in my view is enough.

A link for you my friend

Gnostic Society Library: Gnostic Scriptures and Fragments this is a good site with all the ancient writings in its library free to read on line.

Some of my favorite teachings of God are contained on this site. I do prefer to have the book in my hands for better study, and am lucky my local library orders me anything I want. But as I cannot afford this entire library I often refer to this site for refrence.
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 11:03 am
@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;36599 wrote:
All inherit Heaven. It is our birthright. To think that God has a Hell to warehouse His mistakes is wrong. God does not do imperfect.
Would a father sit for eternity watching His sons and daughters burning in a Hell. No. He would find a way to adjust conditions to not ever have to do such a thing.

Give Him the power He deserves.
Do not wait for Him to return to fix what ain't broke.
Perfection is all about us. Try to see it.


I am sorry... I did not comprehend your response.

Does it matter what a person calls God (Jesus, Allah, Buddah ect,)?

YES or NO?
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 12:16 pm
well you did not ask me died for you.

But I find this question intriguing. let me just ask you how many languages are there in this world?

Currently linguists list over 6809 different languages in the world.

In each of those languages if you say the word egg, it would sound different than english. In each of those languages the word chicken would sound different than english.

My point is that if people understand there is only one true God, and are praying to that one true God no matter they use their own language they are still praying and worshipping the one true God.

or do you think salvation is only found in the English language? Do you think the creator is only found in the english word we call him by God?

JesusDiedForU;36633 wrote:
I am sorry... I did not comprehend your response.

Does it matter what a person calls God (Jesus, Allah, Buddah ect,)?

YES or NO?
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 12:22 pm
wvpeach;36645 wrote:
well you did not ask me died for you.

But I find this question intriguing. let me just ask you how many languages are there in this world?

Currently linguists list over 6809 different languages in the world.

In each of those languages if you say the word egg, it would sound different than english. In each of those languages the word chicken would sound different than english.

My point is that if people understand there is only one true God, and are praying to that one true God no matter they use their own language they are still praying and worshipping the one true God.

or do you think salvation is only found in the English language? Do you think the creator is only found in the english word we call him by God?

What is the difference between Yeshua and Jesus?

What is the different between bano and bathroom?

Now..What is the difference between Yeshua and Allah?
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 01:13 pm
Yeshua is Jesus so their is no difference

JesusDiedForU;36647 wrote:
What is the difference between Yeshua and Jesus?

What is the different between bano and bathroom? Who cares?

Now..What is the difference between Yeshua and Allah?

again Yeshua is Jesus Allah is the way the Arabic people say God and they mean God the father not Yeshua Jesus the son.

Are you making a point here that I am missing died for you?
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 04:03 pm
wvpeach;36661 wrote:
Yeshua is Jesus so their is no difference

again Yeshua is Jesus Allah is the way the Arabic people say God and they mean God the father not Yeshua Jesus the son.

Are you making a point here that I am missing died for you?

Yeshua and Jesus are the SAME name[/SIZE] (Yeshua is the original Aramaic proper name for Jesus the Nazarene, who lived from about 6 B.C.E. to 27 C.E. (A.D.).

[SIZE="5"]Bathroom and bano are the SAME name.[/SIZE]

[SIZE="5"]Yeshua and Allah are DIFFERENT Gods, that preached conflicting messages.[/SIZE]

There may be other names of Jesus, BUT Allah is not one of them.

Jesus said he is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. The only way to get to the father is through Him.

Jesus was a liar if there is more than one God.
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