world leaders/statesmen

Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:54 pm
See Red, passed over again. What is so intense about Mandel? He's a soicaliat. A Great Man and worth His already received valor and world known image. But I think the more important issues are being ignored. Or was I right to say, "sorry I might have posted in the wrong topic"?
By now either you saw the CNN Special or not! SO please turn your attention to my question. And your thoughts on th eshow!

mlurp;37388 wrote:
Has anyone seen tonights CNN Special Report. Lifting The Vail?
I have 2 daughters and a step daughter who has 3 of my 5 grand children.
So I am glad they have no contact with Islam.
I say that because my step daughter's father called the hospital to ask my future wife and his wife if it was a boy. Told he was a she. He hung up and quite work. He drives home and took his things and left the state. Oh yes he was born in Lebanon. I found them in 1997. So if that is the last we come near a religion that respects only the fathers, father. that allows the pain these two women wen through the years. Enough said.

The special iis starting now.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 10:05 pm
aaronssongs, I think you have the right to your opinion. You chose to not answer my question and comment about The bore Buckley. I am not taking his ability, skill or knowledge away. But he doesn't know much more about the Iraq situation than you or I. It is Iran... The entire middle east (except maybe two countries) fear this prophet of doom and his getting the ability to have a nuke. And whom has the ear of lil Bush? Cheaney and daddy, who are close friends with these Kings/Princes/Statesmen.
Now can we add 2+2= 4............
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:14 pm
mlurp;37613 wrote:
aaronssongs, I think you have the right to your opinion. You chose to not answer my question and comment about The bore Buckley. I am not taking his ability, skill or knowledge away. But he doesn't know much more about the Iraq situation than you or I. It is Iran... The entire middle east (except maybe two countries) fear this prophet of doom and his getting the ability to have a nuke. And whom has the ear of lil Bush? Cheaney and daddy, who are close friends with these Kings/Princes/Statesmen.
Now can we add 2+2= 4............

You have completely lost me...I don't know what you're talking about...don't know who "the bore Buckley" is.....and I didn't know you had asked me a question...perhaps you want to clarify.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:22 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
The monkey got it, the intellect didn't, go figure.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:29 pm
aaronssongs;37631 wrote:
You have completely lost me...I don't know what you're talking about...don't know who "the bore Buckley" is.....and I didn't know you had asked me a question...perhaps you want to clarify.

yes you do! Your siggy (signature) is what and whom I speak of. I am not saying a thing about your choice to use it or about you.

And by just sticking to this one point the rest is again by passed. So back it up a few post and apply answers to all questions. I want you opinion, really. As well as others!
The Buckley thing was just an exchange of thought I was trying to start with you. It is the words at the bottom of your posts. This.........
"One can't doubt that the American objective in Iraq has
failed." - William F. Buckley, founder of the modern conservative movement
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:44 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
He's way to above that to even think there was any correlation between your comment and his sig? And you have to speak louder, it's hard to hear from that high as well.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 01:13 am
Your a mod here? About all I se is a waste. grow up child. Be an adult and BAN yourself. Do all of us a favor.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 07:03 am
mlurp;37638 wrote:
yes you do! Your siggy (signature) is what and whom I speak of. I am not saying a thing about your choice to use it or about you.

And by just sticking to this one point the rest is again by passed. So back it up a few post and apply answers to all questions. I want you opinion, really. As well as others!
The Buckley thing was just an exchange of thought I was trying to start with you. It is the words at the bottom of your posts. This.........
"One can't doubt that the American objective in Iraq has
failed." - William F. Buckley, founder of the modern conservative movement

I forgot Buckley's quote was in my signature...sorry.
I explained in another post..I listed that as ironic.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 07:08 am
mlurp;37638 wrote:
yes you do! Your siggy (signature) is what and whom I speak of. I am not saying a thing about your choice to use it or about you.

'The entire middle east (except maybe two countries) fear this prophet of doom and his getting the ability to have a nuke. And whom has the ear of lil Bush? Cheaney and daddy, who are close friends with these Kings/Princes/Statesmen.
Now can we add 2+2= 4............'"

The reason the stalemate of the ColdWar prevented execution of nukes, was the fact that we still talked with the Soviet Union, while saber rattling.
We are not talking with Iraq...because this f.... up administration doesn't believe in diplomacy. As a result our foreign policy is a mess, and we're hated world wide....no rocket scientist needed.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:11 am
@scooby-doo cv,
You have anything to back up that statement or is it just opinion?
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 01:17 pm
aaronssongs;37680 wrote:
mlurp;37638 wrote:
yes you do! Your siggy (signature) is what and whom I speak of. I am not saying a thing about your choice to use it or about you.

'The entire middle east (except maybe two countries) fear this prophet of doom and his getting the ability to have a nuke. And whom has the ear of lil Bush? Cheaney and daddy, who are close friends with these Kings/Princes/Statesmen.
Now can we add 2+2= 4............'"

The reason the stalemate of the ColdWar prevented execution of nukes, was the fact that we still talked with the Soviet Union, while saber rattling.
We are not talking with Iraq...because this f.... up administration doesn't believe in diplomacy. As a result our foreign policy is a mess, and we're hated world wide....no rocket scientist needed.

Now see we do understand each other and you have made the clown dance. Thanks. I love it clown dancing that is...........looooool

But one can't reason with these people. haven't you seen anything from the news the last 20 years. They take and say they weren't given enough! Bush isn't about to let down the Kings/Princes or his buddies and daddy! believe me.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 01:59 pm
mlurp;37809 wrote:
aaronssongs;37680 wrote:

Now see we do understand each other and you have made the clown dance. Thanks. I love it clown dancing that is...........looooool

But one can't reason with these people. haven't you seen anything from the news the last 20 years. They take and say they weren't given enough! Bush isn't about to let down the Kings/Princes or his buddies and daddy! believe me.

Oh, you know it....position and power and money and glory is much more important that American, or human life, for that matter.....and all these stupid people who fell for the okey doke and voted for the cretin...while laughing all the way to the Supreme Court and war, for all of the "wrong reasons"....and the killer is that they still believe him, and the fact that "the war" can be won....those people don't want no stinking democracy...they're too busy jockeying for power and ethnic cleansing each other, following Saddam's demise (accelerated by American intervention)...and they absolutely "hate" that their country is being occupied, not only by a foreign power, but the Good Ol' U S of A, anybody else but America....why don't Americans, and especially imperialistic, bloodthirsty, murderous war mongering Repubs and conservatives, get it? Because they are blinded by their lust for blood, under the false front of revenge for 9/11 and protecting the homeland....
And now the stupid right wing moral majority Christian zealots and nut cases, think that this is about Armaggedon...and are actually trying to accelerate the damn "Rapture", as if they could....once again trying to be gods, doing God's work.
I hate calling America, "the Homeland".....it sounds so Third Reich-ish!
And everybody is acting just like Nazis....looking for "the final solution"...it's obscene, it's disgusting, and it's evil, incarnate.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 02:09 pm
Drnaline;37724 wrote:
You have anything to back up that statement or is it just opinion?

Guess what....I ain't moving a finger for the likes of you....what do you think about that...if I got something to back it up or not...I can still say it...isn't that what you're prone to say....back off..b
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:11 pm
aaronssongs;37820 wrote:
mlurp;37809 wrote:

Oh, you know it....position and power and money and glory is much more important that American, or human life, for that matter.....and all these stupid people who fell for the okey doke and voted for the cretin...while laughing all the way to the Supreme Court and war, for all of the "wrong reasons"....and the killer is that they still believe him, and the fact that "the war" can be won....those people don't want no stinking democracy...they're too busy jockeying for power and ethnic cleansing each other, following Saddam's demise (accelerated by American intervention)...and they absolutely "hate" that their country is being occupied, not only by a foreign power, but the Good Ol' U S of A, anybody else but America....why don't Americans, and especially imperialistic, bloodthirsty, murderous war mongering Repubs and conservatives, get it? Because they are blinded by their lust for blood, under the false front of revenge for 9/11 and protecting the homeland....
And now the stupid right wing moral majority Christian zealots and nut cases, think that this is about Armaggedon...and are actually trying to accelerate the damn "Rapture", as if they could....once again trying to be gods, doing God's work.
I hate calling America, "the Homeland".....it sounds so Third Reich-ish!
And everybody is acting just like Nazis....looking for "the final solution"...it's obscene, it's disgusting, and it's evil, incarnate.

True but the worm has turned. The truth is coming out. The Air Force has about 1,200+ targets in Iran and are awaiting the Lil Bush go signal.
Just what Kingdom or Government want this little Iran doomsayer with a nuke? Lil Bush (who is friends with these Kings and Leaders and other Machiavellians) and Lil Bush does as daddy says.
the bigger picture is total world chaos and then control. But these 2 groups don't count on the other coming up the winner. Muslims vs the New World Order.
So to me it is "It Don't Mean Nothing"
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:16 pm
aaronssongs;37822 wrote:
Guess what....I ain't moving a finger for the likes of you....what do you think about that...if I got something to back it up or not...I can still say it...isn't that what you're prone to say....back off..b

If your gonna quote Rossie MacDonald you should at least give here credit, LOL.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:21 pm
Drnaline;37897 wrote:
If your gonna quote Rossie MacDonald you should at least give here credit, LOL.

If that was a crack at her weight, I'm stealing it and calling it my own. I laughed.

If you just fucked up and misspelled her name, I'm still stealing it and calling it my own.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 04:46 pm
Freeman15;37901 wrote:
If that was a crack at her weight, I'm stealing it and calling it my own. I laughed.

If you just fucked up and misspelled her name, I'm still stealing it and calling it my own.
Do with it what you will. I didn't mispell her name it was intentional.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 07:16 pm
mlurp;37612 wrote:
See Red, passed over again. What is so intense about Mandel? He's a soicaliat. A Great Man and worth His already received valor and world known image. But I think the more important issues are being ignored. Or was I right to say, "sorry I might have posted in the wrong topic"?
By now either you saw the CNN Special or not! SO please turn your attention to my question. And your thoughts on th eshow!

What was your question again mlurp, as for socialist I think they are retards or brain dead so please don't ask me to watch their propaganda.

Via Opra yes he did, his wife killed a 12 year old little boy and got caught so what's your point?

I have no issue with him he did what had to be done to free his people didn't he? White Africaners are evil to the core.

So in the same breath so did Bush in Iraq, an evil murderous dictator got overthrown by the US how is this this any different than his struggle? The Kurds like having the US around, he saved them from death and deadly gas?

I don't watch CNN it's a left wing think tank for socialist who have an agenda. Slimy scuse buckets with an anti-Bush agenda.
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 07:20 pm
@Red cv,
Red;37366 wrote:
I started to watch that movie but I became so angry at the treatment of the people I had to leave the room. Blood Diamonds exposed the greed and cruelty that large corporations are capable of.

Mlurp your posts are always welcome. Jump in and start nattering lad.

Socal Aarronssong has made up his mind you are racist even though you have never posted a racist's remark. I can only conclude he's a racist and a bigot against whites. His post's show lack of respect and intolerance, he is the person he hates.

He is probably one of the most ignorant and intolerant persons I have ever encountered with an ego to match - based on what, I'll never know or care.
Toodles, my dear friend, Red. Cheers to Skye....
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 07:43 pm
socalgolfguy;38057 wrote:
He is probably one of the most ignorant and intolerant persons I have ever encountered with an ego to match - based on what, I'll never know or care.
Toodles, my dear friend, Red. Cheers to Skye....

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful and intelligent. What ego? After being down so long, I realized that I'm a child of God, and as the Desiderata ( which is posted on my webpage) states, I have a "right to be here..."...what has been revealed is your own lack of tolerance, and someone (black and gay) who is more than a match for you, intellectually. I can hardly be ignorant, as I watch CNN, daily, and am internet savvy...I am a frequent contributor to Texas-wide monthly entertainment magazine, and have many friends, of all nationalities...hardly "racist", either.....so, just get into some acceptance, that some of your pre-conceived notions are false, or that you really should get out more, and stop believing what you thought to be true.
Oh, seems you care a great deal...you keep bringing me up.

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