world leaders/statesmen

Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 10:54 am
aaronssongs;37322 wrote:
Anyone who questions Mandela's impact on the world stage and his meaning toward reconciliation and forgiveness, cannot be anything other than godless and racist. Point.

That's the black victim for you, "agree with me or you hate black people".

Mandela did more harm than good, and is indirectly responsible for thousands of deaths in Sierra Leone (and arguably Rwanda (he criminalized Executive Outcomes, which could have stopped the slaughter)). Under his rule, AIDS skyrocketed, the diamond trade dropped off significantly, and blacks still live in shanty towns. Mandela is one of the most overrated historical figures known to man.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:28 am
Freeman15;37516 wrote:
That's the black victim for you, "agree with me or you hate black people".

Mandela did more harm than good, and is indirectly responsible for thousands of deaths in Sierra Leone (and arguably Rwanda (he criminalized Executive Outcomes, which could have stopped the slaughter)). Under his rule, AIDS skyrocketed, the diamond trade dropped off significantly, and blacks still live in shanty towns. Mandela is one of the most overrated historical figures known to man.

yes he was wrong to fight against apartheid and for the rights of the black people,he should have accepted white supremacy like a proper little kaffir,shouldnt he ! and the apartheid regime in south africa would still be going stong today,that would be so much better for the blacks of SOUTH AFRICA wouldn't it ? you dont happen to be white by any chance do you ?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:36 am
Freeman15;37516 wrote:
That's the black victim for you, "agree with me or you hate black people".

Mandela did more harm than good, and is indirectly responsible for thousands of deaths in Sierra Leone (and arguably Rwanda (he criminalized Executive Outcomes, which could have stopped the slaughter)). Under his rule, AIDS skyrocketed, the diamond trade dropped off significantly, and blacks still live in shanty towns. Mandela is one of the most overrated historical figures known to man.

Opinion...not based in any factual evidence. Propaganda. Emotional outburst.

You don't have to agree with me, but it is clear, the contempt you hold for "black people", as a whole...I'm wondering where that emanates from.
I am hardly "a black victim"....I am an activist, an artist, and a humanist.
I am a contributor to society, and active politically, and socially.
You need only visit my MySpace page to view my many accomplishments, accolades, and my philosophy.

Most of the rest of the world...including the likes of Oprah, who outside of Hillary Clinton, is the most respected woman in America, views Nelson Mandela as important and relevant as Ghandi, MLK or George Washington. A world leader and souce of inspiration and pride, on a global level.
You would be the exception to that mindset....as I have never heard Mandela spoken of, negatively...
Black life is steadily , but surely, improving....and race relations seem to be advancing those in the US.

You seem the one adamant about being "agreed with"...and making "blanket indictments"....never a reasonable course of action.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:40 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;37523 wrote:
yes he was wrong to fight against apartheid and for the rights of the black people,he should have accepted white supremacy like a proper little kaffir,shouldnt he ! and the apartheid regime in south africa would still be going stong today,that would be so much better for the blacks of SOUTH AFRICA wouldn't it ? you dont happen to be white by any chance do you ?

He better be...I'd take a cat o' nine tails to him, myself, were he "black".
You expect the "other side" to have extremist POV's....we have "them", also.
Both polar opposites, unwilling to seek common ground..trying to prove the other "wrong".
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:43 am
Freeman15;37516 wrote:
That's the black victim for you, "agree with me or you hate black people".

Mandela did more harm than good, and is indirectly responsible for thousands of deaths in Sierra Leone (and arguably Rwanda (he criminalized Executive Outcomes, which could have stopped the slaughter)). Under his rule, AIDS skyrocketed, the diamond trade dropped off significantly, and blacks still live in shanty towns. Mandela is one of the most overrated historical figures known to man.

i wonder if the blacks in SOUTH AFRICA,want to go back to living in a racist apartheid regime,what do you think ?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:50 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;37531 wrote:
i wonder if the blacks in SOUTH AFRICA,want to go back to living in a racist apartheid regime,what do you think ?

Yeah..that sounds right...let me live in a world where "white supremacy" reigns....like from 1492 - 1963, to today.....Pass Bush's Immigration Bill, today...please.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 12:03 pm
aaronssongs;37535 wrote:
Yeah..that sounds right...let me live in a world where "white supremacy" reigns....like from 1492 - 1963, to today.....Pass Bush's Immigration Bill, today...please.

yeh lets keep those blacks in their place,Mandela was a terrrorist ! who said so ? we the white racist minority say so ! thats how they wanted it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 12:08 pm
aaronssongs;37526 wrote:
Opinion...not based in any factual evidence. Propaganda. Emotional outburst.

You don't have to agree with me, but it is clear, the contempt you hold for "black people", as a whole...I'm wondering where that emanates from.
I am hardly "a black victim"....I am an activist, an artist, and a humanist.
I am a contributor to society, and active politically, and socially.
You need only visit my MySpace page to view my many accomplishments, accolades, and my philosophy.

Most of the rest of the world...including the likes of Oprah, who outside of Hillary Clinton, is the most respected woman in America, views Nelson Mandela as important and relevant as Ghandi, MLK or George Washington. A world leader and souce of inspiration and pride, on a global level.
You would be the exception to that mindset....as I have never heard Mandela spoken of, negatively...
Black life is steadily , but surely, improving....and race relations seem to be advancing those in the US.

You seem the one adamant about being "agreed with"...and making "blanket indictments"....never a reasonable course of action.

Nelson Mandela's reign as president was marked by failure after failure. Please, name for me one thing he did as president of Africa's most powerful nation that positively benefitted his people or the whole of Africa. His election ended apartheid, great, but then he caused the death of thousands of Africans. He's not a bad person, just an overrated historical figure. One good deed among a litany of horrible decisions does not a great leader make.

It's like Bush's reaction to 9/11. He performed magnificently as a galvanizing force in the aftermath of the tragedy, but the rest of his administration has been characterized by failure and incompetence. Should we then consider him a great president?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 12:14 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;37523 wrote:
yes he was wrong to fight against apartheid and for the rights of the black people,he should have accepted white supremacy like a proper little kaffir,shouldnt he ! and the apartheid regime in south africa would still be going stong today,that would be so much better for the blacks of SOUTH AFRICA wouldn't it ? you dont happen to be white by any chance do you ?

Yeah, I'm white, and no, I don't agree with apartheid.

Mandela was a member of a paramilitary organization that utilized terrorist tactics (ie, violence against civilians) in an attempt to achieve their goals. Killing soldiers and government officials is valid in armed struggle, but the targetting of civilians is immoral, illegal, and cowardly.

South Africa was better off under Afrikaner rule, and for that matter most sub-Saharan African nations were better off as colonies. I'm all for liberty, but realistically, Africa has spiraled into an abyss of civil war, famine, slavery, and disease. They can live that way if they choose, since its their countinent now, but Mandela and others like him did VERY LITTLE to improve the welfare of their people.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 12:50 pm
Freeman15;37542 wrote:
Nelson Mandela's reign as president was marked by failure after failure. Please, name for me one thing he did as president of Africa's most powerful nation that positively benefitted his people or the whole of Africa. His election ended apartheid, great, but then he caused the death of thousands of Africans. He's not a bad person, just an overrated historical figure. One good deed among a litany of horrible decisions does not a great leader make.

It's like Bush's reaction to 9/11. He performed magnificently as a galvanizing force in the aftermath of the tragedy, but the rest of his administration has been characterized by failure and incompetence. Should we then consider him a great president?

You would have the audacity to compare Nelson Mandela with George W. Bush???? You need your head and your heart examined.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:22 pm
aaronssongs;37544 wrote:
You would have the audacity to compare Nelson Mandela with George W. Bush???? You need your head and your heart examined.

I still don't hear something positive other than suffrage.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:24 pm
Freeman15;37572 wrote:
I still don't hear something positive other than suffrage.

It's a wonder you can hear anything without ears.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:27 pm
aaronssongs;37573 wrote:
It's a wonder you can hear anything without ears.

I'll take that as an "I've got nothing".
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:35 pm
Freeman15;37543 wrote:
Yeah, I'm white, and no, I don't agree with apartheid.

Mandela was a member of a paramilitary organization that utilized terrorist tactics (ie, violence against civilians) in an attempt to achieve their goals. Killing soldiers and government officials is valid in armed struggle, but the targetting of civilians is immoral, illegal, and cowardly.

South Africa was better off under Afrikaner rule, and for that matter most sub-Saharan African nations were better off as colonies. I'm all for liberty, but realistically, Africa has spiraled into an abyss of civil war, famine, slavery, and disease. They can live that way if they choose, since its their countinent now, but Mandela and others like him did VERY LITTLE to improve the welfare of their people.

what a hypocrite you are ! you are against apartheid,yet you think south africa was better off,under afrikaner rule ! for who ? the afrikaners,certainly not the blacks who were treated like dirt,they couldnt vote,drink from the same fountain,ride on the same bus,live in a white area,eat in the same restaurant,marry a white person,yeh they were really better off wern't they,after all you would know wouldn't you ? as for mandela,he was a lawyer,who fought for the rights of his people,against the racist apartheid regime and for the right for the black people to be able to vote in the country they live,you seem to have a selective memory,what about the thousands of blacks killed,imprisoned,tortured and denied their basic human rights,under this apartheid regime,yet you have the cheek to call mandela a terrorist and say the blacks were better off under afrikaner rule !

you are a scumbag :thumbdown:
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:36 pm
Freeman15;37575 wrote:
I'll take that as an "I've got nothing".

Spin, and empty rhetoric , is all you got....it's you vs. most of the rest of the world...who do you think the odds favor? LOL
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:38 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;37577 wrote:
what a hypocrite you are ! you are against apartheid,yet you think south africa was better off,under afrikaner rule ! for who ? the afrikaners,certainly not the blacks who were treated like dirt,they couldnt vote,drink from the same fountain,ride on the same bus,live in a white area,eat in the same restaurant,marry a white person,yeh they were really better off wern't they,after all you would know wouldn't you ? as for mandela,he was a lawyer,who fought for the rights of his people,against the racist apartheid regime and for the right for the black people to be able to vote in the country they live,you seem to have a selective memory,what about the thousands of blacks killed,imprisoned,tortured and denied their basic human rights,under this apartheid regime,yet you have the cheek to call mandela a terrorist and say the blacks were better off under afrikaner rule !

you are a scumbag :thumbdown:

Scooby....well-said! And if you get 'canned", I'll speak in your defense.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:41 pm
aaronssongs;37579 wrote:
Scooby....well-said! And if you get 'canned", I'll speak in your defense.

i dont give a **** ! im not letting him away with that crap !
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:41 pm
aaronssongs;37578 wrote:
Spin, and empty rhetoric , is all you got....it's you vs. most of the rest of the world...who do you think the odds favor? LOL

I'm still not hearing a positive effect of Mandela's presidency other than black suffrage.

Negative Impacts of Mandela:
Criminalized mercenary groups who were stabilizing Sierra Leone and defeating the RUF.
Invaded Lesotho
Allowed the AIDS epidemic to explode.
Allowed SA's diamond industry to crumble.

People like the romanticism of an imprisoned rebel leader becoming president, but they don't like to focus on the damage Mandela did to the continent.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:47 pm
Freeman15;37582 wrote:
I'm still not hearing a positive effect of Mandela's presidency other than black suffrage.

Negative Impacts of Mandela:
Criminalized mercenary groups who were stabilizing Sierra Leone and defeating the RUF.
Invaded Lesotho
Allowed the AIDS epidemic to explode.
Allowed SA's diamond industry to crumble.

People like the romanticism of an imprisoned rebel leader becoming president, but they don't like to focus on the damage Mandela did to the continent.

Don't believe everything that's written...or told to you...it's an argument you can't win....everybody holds Mandela in esteem, the small numbers that don't are inconsequential. End of story...stop beating a dead horse.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 08:42 pm
aaronssongs;37584 wrote:
Don't believe everything that's written...or told to you...it's an argument you can't win....everybody holds Mandela in esteem, the small numbers that don't are inconsequential. End of story...stop beating a dead horse.

I still don't have an example of positive action from Mandela other than black suffrage.

Mandela isn't a bad man, he's actually a good man, he's just overrated and his contributions to SA are exaggerated.
0 Replies

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