Marxist statements made by Hillary Clinton

Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 10:17 am
Not to speak for Red, but I believe, like her, that if proper attention is not paid to this subject in the UK and the Muslims are free to move about and conduct their radical activities with the full support of your subject citizens and parliament, Sharia Law MAY be inevitable. Maybe not in my lifetime and hopefully not yours, but eventually.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:22 pm
socalgolfguy;37278 wrote:
Not to speak for Red, but I believe, like her, that if proper attention is not paid to this subject in the UK and the Muslims are free to move about and conduct their radical activities with the full support of your subject citizens and parliament, Sharia Law MAY be inevitable. Maybe not in my lifetime and hopefully not yours, but eventually.

well im a liberal/socialist/leftie whatever RED wants to call me,and i certainly dont want SHARIA LAW,and neither does the british people,do you think because im a liberal/democrat that we will just roll over and let it happen ?
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 02:00 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;37285 wrote:
well im a liberal/socialist/leftie whatever RED wants to call me,and i certainly dont want SHARIA LAW,and neither does the british people,do you think because im a liberal/democrat that we will just roll over and let it happen ?

No, in the end, I do not think so. Just keep an eye on your back. I want you to be a ripe old man having lived a long and glorious free life, when you croak.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 02:24 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;37285 wrote:
well im a liberal/socialist/leftie whatever RED wants to call me,and i certainly dont want SHARIA LAW,and neither does the british people,do you think because im a liberal/democrat that we will just roll over and let it happen ?

You already are, over half the Mosque in England are run by hardcore Islamic Radicals. England refuses to ban the worst of the lot, and Radical Islam grows daily. England is gutless in dealing with this vermin, women and little girls being forced to live as if it were the seven century because England is more concerned with Race Relations than law enforcement or terrorism. Take the time to read the entire article Scooby, frankly it's time you started to read what's happening in England because Scotland will be next.

Part of the story: The rest here: Family Security Matters

The Talibanization of Britain

By Adrian Morgan

The Ideology of Deoband

One of the principle doctrines of the Deobandi ideology is that it is a Muslim's duty to wage war (Jihad) upon the enemies of Muslims, wherever they may be. National borders are inconsequential, and a student's loyalty should be to Allah before the country in which he lives. Boys at Haqqania are taught to memorize the Koran in Arabic, prevented from talking or looking at each other. They have no idea what the Arabic words mean.

In parts of NWFP, the "Pakistan Taliban" wield power, and like their Afghan counterparts they are hostile to women who appear "Westernized." On Friday last week, two women were found decapitated near the town of Bannu, close to the Afghan border. They had been kidnapped the day before. A note left with the bodies claimed they were "prostitutes."

Britain's Deobandi Mosques

The campaign against Ul Haq's visit to Canada had released extracts of his speeches, indicating a contempt for the West, for Jews, and women. In one speech, he had said: "Of the peoples of the Earth, the ones that hate Muslims the most, the ones who are bitterest of their enmity towards Muslims, the most unrelenting, unforgiving, are the Jews and the mushrikin (Hindus), idolaters in all their forms."

Khan had invited the secretary of Birmingham Central Mosque, Mr. Shockat Lal, to his home. There, the victim was kept captive and repeatedly beaten over a period of one and a half hours. The secretary had had an affair with a woman, and she had fallen pregnant. What incited the anger of young Muslims from the mosque was the fact that the woman was Riyadh ul-Haq's wife. As she was Ul Haq's second wife, the marriage was not legal. Ul Haq had taken offense, and had sacked Shockat Lal. Others who supported the secretary were either expelled from the mosque or ostracized. In March 2003, Ul Haq was arrested from the home of his father, Mohammed Gora Pirbhai, who was an imam at a mosque in Leicester. Ul Haq was questioned about the drive-by murder, but received no charges. The two men who had died were friends of Shockat Lal.

Ul Haq's arguments that women are inferior to men still appear on the website of Birmingham Central Mosque. The Mosque website also has articles extolling the virtues of Deoband and also the extremist missionary group Tablighi Jamaat. The shoe bomber Richard Reid, the American Taliban John Walker Lindh, and members of the ISI have links with this group. Two of the 7/7 bombers attended a Tablighi Jamaat mosque in Dewsbury. Dr. Mohammed Naseem has been the chairman of the mosque for 32 years, and he claims to be a "moderate." Naseem, who was Riyadh Ul Haq's boss for a dozen years, is convinced he is being targeted for MI5 surveillance. Riyadh Ul Haq is opposed to Muslims forming friendships with non-Muslims, whom he refers to dismissively as "kuffaar," claiming that the kuffaar exert an "evil influence." The Times quotes from one of his sermons: "We are in a very dangerous position here. We live amongst the kuffar, we work with them, we associate with them, we mix with them and we begin to pick up their habits." The Times' reporting on the Deobandi movement in Britain is not before its time. Deobandi ideas have led to the Taliban, and if the governing Labour party is serious in its attempts to defuse radicalism, it should have acted far sooner to quell Deobandi activities. Other sermons from Riyadh ul-Haq, which the Times has reproduced, are: "The Globalized Suffering of the Muslims", "On Our Responsibilities as Muslims"
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:17 pm
@Red cv,
red i have already seen this,yes they're are radical islamist's in the UK,and the govenrment need to clamp down on them,and have done ! you seem to think the muslims are taking over the country,and want people to believe that by why you quote in your posts,well they're are 1.6 million muslims in the UK,and i can assure you that they are not taking over the country !

Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 06:48 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
Red your comment that over half the mosques are run by hard core muslim radicals does appear to be a bit of an exageration (sorry for sarcasm no offence couldn't resist it).It's obviously an exagerration and typical of blinkered thinging brought on by following the main stream press BS on asylum and muslim issues.Remember there is afar bigger problem in UK and in any Capitalist country worldwide.It's called the Super irch or Establishment, theyre the b u g g g e r s who control our everyday lifes, control our media (ie thought control), control our politicians through investment into party coffers and have a major influence over govt policies in fact prob the most major one (otherwise why would they invest if they weren't getting something for it) even though we don't elect them to have an influence over the policies.So waken up, welcome to the real woprld, there are far bigger problems than asylum seekers and muslim clerics, don't fall into the obvious trap of trying to blame them for everything and therefore letting the real s c u m off the hook.By vermin i took it youi menat the Super rich or Establishment.Again just being sarcastic knew you didnt mena that but of course you should have.

Yes scooby doo it's one of the umpteen total misconceptions of the left wing based on lies and thougth control of majority of public through main stream papers and tv news, that the lefdt wing beuing soft hearted are therefore soft and will let anyone get away with anything.Instead truth is notice the word truth people not being rude just mean compared to what the press and tv news says about left wing and what communism is all a bunch of bare faced lies, the left wing because we have morals and principles a concept alien to a lot of people in todays cut throat capitalist system who blindly follow the dogma of the capitalist press etc, we would actually have far tougher sentences for some crimes, we'd stamp down on selfish parents who dont control their kids and make everyones life a misery, wed teach kids aome manners and introduce them to that concept dont mean all kids are lacking in manners just mean theres small minority in most pooreer areas nationally who make evryone elses life a hell, and of course we wouldn;'t let anything happen which caused real conflict and division between peoples in this country and we do realise that majority of Muslims are not bad people and that prob only minority of mosques nowhere near majority of mosques have these hardcore muslim radicals that Red was talking about but those that did practice things that caused conflict or division between peoples wed stamp down on.So entirely opposite to general publics misconception (just following the Capitalist lies like fools) we'd actually be far tougher on certain things but that's because we have the morals and principles that lot of general public (not saying all know theres lot of good people too and bad ones are just fools brain washed into fitting in and following System lies by media) and main party politicians don't have and because we'd be doing so to (yes we have a concept of it unlike main stream parties who always note always get in on less than half the vote) protect and help the interests of the majority.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:31 pm
Great reads now my head hurts........... But only part of the picture IMHO.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Sep, 2007 09:55 am
Red your comment that over half the mosques are run by hard core muslim radicals does appear to be a bit of an exageration (sorry for sarcasm no offence couldn't resist it).It's obviously an exagerration and typical of blinkered thinging brought on by following the main stream press BS on asylum and muslim issues.Remember there is afar bigger problem in UK and in any Capitalist country worldwide.It's called the Super irch or Establishment, theyre the b u g g g e r s who control our everyday lifes, control our media (ie thought control), control our politicians through investment into party coffers and have a major influence over govt policies in fact prob the most major one (otherwise why would they invest if they weren't getting something for it) even though we don't elect them to have an influence over the policies.So waken up, welcome to the real woprld, there are far bigger problems than asylum seekers and muslim clerics, don't fall into the obvious trap of trying to blame them for everything and therefore letting the real s c u m off the hook.By vermin i took it youi menat the Super rich or Establishment.Again just being sarcastic knew you didnt mena that but of course you should have.

Yes scooby doo it's one of the umpteen total misconceptions of the left wing based on lies and thougth control of majority of public through main stream papers and tv news, that the lefdt wing beuing soft hearted are therefore soft and will let anyone get away with anything.Instead truth is notice the word truth people not being rude just mean compared to what the press and tv news says about left wing and what communism is all a bunch of bare faced lies, the left wing because we have morals and principles a concept alien to a lot of people in todays cut throat capitalist system who blindly follow the dogma of the capitalist press etc, we would actually have far tougher sentences for some crimes, we'd stamp down on selfish parents who dont control their kids and make everyones life a misery, wed teach kids aome manners and introduce them to that concept dont mean all kids are lacking in manners just mean theres small minority in most pooreer areas nationally who make evryone elses life a hell, and of course we wouldn;'t let anything happen which caused real conflict and division between peoples in this country and we do realise that majority of Muslims are not bad people and that prob only minority of mosques nowhere near majority of mosques have these hardcore muslim radicals that Red was talking about but those that did practice things that caused conflict or division between peoples wed stamp down on.So entirely opposite to general publics misconception (just following the Capitalist lies like fools) we'd actually be far tougher on certain things but that's because we have the morals and principles that lot of general public (not saying all know theres lot of good people too and bad ones are just fools brain washed into fitting in and following System lies by media) and main party politicians don't have and because we'd be doing so to (yes we have a concept of it unlike main stream parties who always note always get in on less than half the vote) protect and help the interests of the majority.

Well-said, and well-met! Kudos.
I am so sick and tired, as a liberal moderate Democrat, of being painted as the "scion of Satan", and lacking in morality, judgement, and conjones, by conservative 'riff-raff", every g.d day...Everyday, I have listen to simplistic dribble about "cutting and running", socialism and the fall of the West, impending doom from radical Islam, and every other hyperbole and exaggeration distorted minds can conceive of...it's tiring...it's boring....it's reminiscent of the political satire presented on "Rocky and Bullwinkle" (if you get my meaning).
There fanatics are "clutching at straws", trying to be seen as relevant and tough, when, if called to "the front", would feign every malady in the book, in order to get out of "active duty", fighting for their beloved country, that they all claim....from the comforting confines of their internet monitors. Cowards,
and mind-controlled sheep, all.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Dec, 2007 10:35 am
It seems to be an automatic reaction from most Americans anyway, when talking of socalled Marxists, that Marxism is inherently wrong. i wonder hoe many Americans actually truly know what Marxism is or realise that true Marxism has never happened and not just because of the lies you are told by Fox,billionaires backing main parties (they're unelected but are the major influence behind govt policies Democracy don't make me laugh) it's all because of your spies and sometimes plants in countries trying to break away from Capital;ist Selfish Indoctrination through Education system, compete get the better job, better house car and media.Your side uses propaganda and mind control too but they never say so and true Marxists which i am and very proud to say so im nopt conned by the Education system and media training me to be selfisah and fit in with the system and believe there is no alternative that is obviously why they tell you all the lies.True Communism never happened because of another massive reason that countries didn't do it at same time and support each other to keep out of trade and USA financially blackmailing them ie through arms race and grain deals to force them back towartds Capitalism.Trotsky and up to 300 of his followers believed in this and stood up to Stalin they and people like me are the true Communists and they were hunted down and killed so hopw on earth can western media have said we supported USSR and Stalin dirtiest lie ever told this Pinkoe rubbish evryone knows most of USA is paranoid about Communists but e few actually know what it is and that its never happened Your politicians and media are duping you.

You're right Observant. True communism has never existed. The reasons it has never existed has little to do with outside entities such as the U.S. or other capitalistic entities. The demise always began with the premise of proclaimed "fairness". For it to work, would require everyone giving themselves over to a government that had their best welfare at heart. Governments have no heart. Governments have only one goal in mind. Self preservation.
Every attempt at Communism quickly succumbed to the strongman syndrome.
People always support the strongman like flies to the flame. All he has to do is say the right things. Then crush any opposition dumb enough to expose itself.
The strongman, for the sake of appearance, will speak of fairness then view any signs of "success" by individuals as a threat to himself rather than progress for his people.
The pipe dream of Communism will always fail, then fade as long as humans have any sense of self. Which you of course would define as selfishness. You and your's are of course wrong and doomed.
Reply Sat 15 Dec, 2007 12:22 pm
g-man;48658 wrote:
You're right Observant. True communism has never existed. The reasons it has never existed has little to do with outside entities such as the U.S. or other capitalistic entities. The demise always began with the premise of proclaimed "fairness". For it to work, would require everyone giving themselves over to a government that had their best welfare at heart. Governments have no heart. Governments have only one goal in mind. Self preservation.
Every attempt at Communism quickly succumbed to the strongman syndrome.
People always support the strongman like flies to the flame. All he has to do is say the right things. Then crush any opposition dumb enough to expose itself.
The strongman, for the sake of appearance, will speak of fairness then view any signs of "success" by individuals as a threat to himself rather than progress for his people.
The pipe dream of Communism will always fail, then fade as long as humans have any sense of self. Which you of course would define as selfishness. You and your's are of course wrong and doomed.

Everyone get it..? Pay attention, here. I agree completely. Governments worldwide will say and do anything to maintain control over their subjected citizens keeping them in the dark, ignorant and dependent.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Dec, 2007 12:52 pm
I started this thread because it is an interesting topic and should have provoked comments. All that happened is that Scooby hijacked it by attacking a former member.

Come on - someone must have an opinion on Hillary's Marxist comments.....
Good or bad, let the remarks fly.
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 09:51 am
That's all Scoob is good for it seems? He's gotta cast the light somewhere else Hillary isn't. Subversion?
scooby-doo cv
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 06:00 pm
socalgolfguy;49281 wrote:
I started this thread because it is an interesting topic and should have provoked comments. All that happened is that Scooby hijacked it by attacking a former member.

Come on - someone must have an opinion on Hillary's Marxist comments.....
Good or bad, let the remarks fly.

Get your facts right,the last time i posted on this thread red was still a member of the board,and i didnt hijack it,i responded to her post.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 06:01 pm
DurtySanches;49434 wrote:
That's all Scoob is good for it seems? He's gotta cast the light somewhere else Hillary isn't. Subversion?

why did you change your name :beat:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 08:08 am
why does anyone?
scooby-doo cv
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 02:00 pm
DurtySanches;49475 wrote:
why does anyone?

isw it because your banned under your other name ?
Reply Thu 27 Dec, 2007 10:30 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;49481 wrote:
isw it because your banned under your other name ?

I answer to many names.
Reply Thu 27 Dec, 2007 11:23 pm
Crito;36020 wrote:
I think a lot of people will vote for any Republican, whomever the party choses, just so Hillary won't become president. Which is a real shame if you ask me, as a voting for a Democan or Republicrat is the same as wasting your vote.

What do you expect the voters to do? The mold is cast this voting season. Every democrat represents "free" health care. Monies for college. Money for every ailment Americans suffer. Little difference between them, except for the amounts they promise to provide to people by stealing effects from the work that working people perform. Republicans differ in the amount of security they are willing to provide, also at the cost of the working man. There are definite differences in the parties. The dumocrats, are going to drive America into ruin. Not only with give aways that amount to nothing more than socialism, but with the abandonment of security issues. Such as our southern border.
The Republicans in the last congress conducted themselves as tax and spend Dumocrats and cause worry that future Republicans may act the same. They'd better get their heads out of their rectums and remember that fiscal responsibility is what they are about.
0 Replies
scooby-doo cv
Reply Fri 28 Dec, 2007 11:40 am
DurtySanches;49546 wrote:
I answer to many names.

i bet you do Very Happy: :beat:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jan, 2008 09:55 am
Hill and Bill are both closet Marxists. Don't be fooled. They never outgrew their 1960s radicalism.

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