Pinochet73;25269 wrote:Yeah....he's a definitive southern, White, populist con-artist. He figured out at the beginning of his slimey career that African-Americans were easy prey for false promises and focused all his energy on beguiling them. It worked, but it's all totally fake. He wants power not to serve, but to exploit others for his miximum, personal pleasure. He's a horrible hedonist. Power gives him great access to pleasure, which explains his presence in American politics. He's the worst kind of scum, because he's a brilliant strain of scum. He flourishes amongst the unwitting, the vulnerable, the needy. He leaches off them, sucking their hearts and souls empty, like a spiritual vampire. I hate him.
oh boy...
If he ran again he'd get reelected.
Bush has done the exact thing you stated with the evangelicals and Christianists.
Every President up to Clinton (with exceptions of Nixon, Ford and carter, I believe)
had affairs and indiscretions that they didn't even bother to keep that private.
The difference is the press used to be a little more decent and truthful in
reporting (the Paula Jones case was a lie latching onto a fabricated story,
the guy who worked for the G.O.P. and started the whole thing now runs
a site that exposes G.O.P. manipulation and tricks).
Most married men in this country commit adultery, as do most married
women, of both parties and every faith. People are only human.
I think it's only a story when the person who falters is a sanctimonious
finger wagging windbag who backs public policy to punish people who
indulge in the very thing he does. That honor usually falls upon Republicans.
Look for info on the child David Vitter fathered with a prostitute and has
supposedly never supported. I'll bet there's a chance he wanted her to
abort it. Hypocritical asshole.