Think The War on Terror is a game? Al Qaeda is still playing...

Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 08:40 am
briansol;36749 wrote:
debating topics is what this place is about.
calling people names for their views, is not.

if you find a place like that, i'm sure its run from the romper room.
I think he'd be happier at Move on or DU, they have an exelent romperroom.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 08:56 am
You know you have been a pain to me yet I forgive you. You have called others names and toyed with their posts yet you have such a following. I bet you got all that is coming to you in this life. I would worry about the next life if I was you. Not meant to be hard on you. But i did try to end this between you and I. But I now know the truth. Your one sorry person without any understanding of the subject of being nice or even forgiving a person even though you started the problem.
And to think these guys in Iraq, are fighting for your right to be the low life person you are. I bet everyone of them would kick the living ___ out of you for your sorry attitude. And the camp followers that hang on your every sicko word. Heck Michael Moore, is respected more than you and your a bigger fool than he is.
If I ever get to Texas and I do have a few Nam Bro's there I will surely look you up and we can settle this little mis understanding then. I will just ask Jesus, to forgive me after I put your face where it belongs. I'm sure He would understand. Your a drain on humanity!
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 09:27 am
mlurp;36794 wrote:
You know you have been a pain to me yet I forgive you. You have called others names and toyed with their posts yet you have such a following. I bet you got all that is coming to you in this life. I would worry about the next life if I was you. Not meant to be hard on you. But i did try to end this between you and I. But I now know the truth. Your one sorry person without any understanding of the subject of being nice or even forgiving a person even though you started the problem.
And to think these guys in Iraq, are fighting for your right to be the low life person you are. I bet everyone of them would kick the living ___ out of you for your sorry attitude. And the camp followers that hang on your every sicko word. Heck Michael Moore, is respected more than you and your a bigger fool than he is.
If I ever get to Texas and I do have a few Nam Bro's there I will surely look you up and we can settle this little mis understanding then. I will just ask Jesus, to forgive me after I put your face where it belongs. I'm sure He would understand. Your a drain on humanity!
You know you have been a pain to me yet I forgive you.
Thank you, i forgive you too.
You have called others names and toyed with their posts yet you have such a following.
If i have please report it, that is not allowed here.
I bet you got all that is coming to you in this life.
I hope not.
I would worry about the next life if I was you.
Why, you playing judge? Is God going to smit me? When did you develope the ability to read Gods mind?
Not meant to be hard on you. But i did try to end this between you and I. But I now know the truth.
Hard, you haven't seen hard. The truth will set you free.
Your one sorry person without any understanding of the subject of being nice or even forgiving a person even though you started the problem.
I said i forgive you, what more do you want.
And to think these guys in Iraq, are fighting for your right to be the low life person you are.
Really, i thought they were fighting to steal oil? Thats what the libbys think. How bout you?
I bet everyone of them would kick the living ___ out of you for your sorry attitude.
Why them, you can't do it yourself? You prefer to have someone else do your dirty work, brave arn't ya?
And the camp followers that hang on your every sicko word.
I have followers, really? So being as you read my words also, would that make you a follower too? Oh joy.
Heck Michael Moore, is respected more than you and your a bigger fool than he is.
I'll agree with the part of Mikey being a fool. Got a question for ya? Who would be the bigger fool. The person supposedly spouting the bable or the one that responds to him? LOL
If I ever get to Texas and I do have a few Nam Bro's there I will surely look you up and we can settle this little mis understanding then.
2680 Sycamore loop, Santa Fe, NM. That's New Mexico we are part of the US. You want my phone number too or do you prefer a surprise attack? And also, why you need some nam bro's? Are you short in stature or have a physical disability? Will you be using weapons, so i can dust of mine. Your nam bro's gotta be aproaching sixty, make sure they bring the geritol. Oh, bring lunch too. You may be here a while.
I will just ask Jesus, to forgive me after I put your face where it belongs.
Jesus will probably forgive you i don't know if a civil judge will. I may call my local authorities and file a complaint. (Brian If you read this, you may be contacted by authorities)
I'm sure He would understand. Your a drain on humanity
Your about to be a drain on the penal system, LOL.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 10:01 am
If I ever get to Texas and I do have a few Nam Bro's there I will surely look you up and we can settle this little mis understanding then.

2680 Sycamore loop, Santa Fe, NM. That's New Mexico we are part of the US. You want my phone number too or do you prefer a surprise attack? And also, why you need some nam bro's? Are you short in stature or have a physical disability? Will you be using weapons, so i can dust of mine. Your nam bro's gotta be aproaching sixty, make sure they bring the geritol. Oh, bring lunch too. You may be here a while.

I came back to re-write the post so you wouldn't take it the wrong way. As I see you have. I mean to settle the doubts we both have about one another.
As for asking forgiveness from Jesus, it was meant to cover your reaction. I'm 60 and not into fighting with words or any other means. But after thinking about it I knew your ability to understand me would require me re doing the post. Thanks for being so kind as to forgive me. My friends live in Texas. we were in the same platoon at the same time so we gather every now and again. I know where you live. I have been in Santa Fe before. Got a friend or two there. But I forgive you thinking I was into trying to cause you physical harm. See I go a step futher. I think of the family and friends and others that might be hurt by a foolish mistake.
Now if you mean the forgiving part and we can do more to reach across the lines already drawn and be social towards each other. Then I can accept the warning and just put this B.S. behind us. Is that okey with you?
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 05:23 pm
mlurp;36809 wrote:
If I ever get to Texas and I do have a few Nam Bro's there I will surely look you up and we can settle this little mis understanding then.

2680 Sycamore loop, Santa Fe, NM. That's New Mexico we are part of the US. You want my phone number too or do you prefer a surprise attack? And also, why you need some nam bro's? Are you short in stature or have a physical disability? Will you be using weapons, so i can dust of mine. Your nam bro's gotta be aproaching sixty, make sure they bring the geritol. Oh, bring lunch too. You may be here a while.

I came back to re-write the post so you wouldn't take it the wrong way. As I see you have. I mean to settle the doubts we both have about one another.
As for asking forgiveness from Jesus, it was meant to cover your reaction. I'm 60 and not into fighting with words or any other means. But after thinking about it I knew your ability to understand me would require me re doing the post. Thanks for being so kind as to forgive me. My friends live in Texas. we were in the same platoon at the same time so we gather every now and again. I know where you live. I have been in Santa Fe before. Got a friend or two there. But I forgive you thinking I was into trying to cause you physical harm. See I go a step futher. I think of the family and friends and others that might be hurt by a foolish mistake.
Now if you mean the forgiving part and we can do more to reach across the lines already drawn and be social towards each other. Then I can accept the warning and just put this B.S. behind us. Is that okey with you?
I came back to re-write the post so you wouldn't take it the wrong way.
How is anyone to take a threat
As I see you have. I mean to settle the doubts we both have about one another.
So why do you need your nam bro's. You need the extra persuasion? I have no doubts about you, i do know you have a problem with me, enough ov a problem to want to commit bodely harm with the aid of your friends, if i'm correct that is illegal. And since it was done over the internet, the visit you get may be FBI.
As for asking forgiveness from Jesus, it was meant to cover your reaction.
So you think it worked?
I'm 60 and not into fighting with words or any other means. But after thinking about it I knew your ability to understand me would require me re doing the post.
Just because i forgive you does not mean the law will do so as well.
we were in the same platoon at the same time so we gather every now and again. I know where you live.
They know your envolving them in felony's?
I know where you live. I have been in Santa Fe before. Got a friend or two there. But I forgive you thinking I was into trying to cause you physical harm.
I believe you wish me physical harm, i also believe a judge would feel the same.
See I go a step futher. I think of the family and friends and others that might be hurt by a foolish mistake.
You should of thought about it before you made the threat, not after you hit "submit reply."
Now if you mean the forgiving part and we can do more to reach across the lines already drawn and be social towards each other.
Me forgiving you has nothing to do with you breaking the law.
Then I can accept the warning and just put this B.S. behind us. Is that okey with you?
A warning should be the least of your worrys, jail time might be more appropiate? Should i feel okey after you physically threaten me?
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 05:50 pm
This thread sure turned to **** :headbang:
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 06:09 pm
Guess you can't get past the hate so I shall ignore you. Have a nice day.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 06:12 pm
klyph;36923 wrote:
This thread sure turned to **** :headbang:

Sometimes they do. When one poster sees through their own view and can't/won't give it a rest. Sorry for my part in this situation. I didn't come here to cause problems. I came for the topic's like you.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 06:57 pm
Easy, Team. Easy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 10:54 pm
mlurp;36924 wrote:
Guess you can't get past the hate so I shall ignore you. Have a nice day.
Don't be surprised when you get a knock on the door.
Reply Thu 13 Sep, 2007 11:00 pm
mlurp;36925 wrote:
Sometimes they do. When one poster sees through their own view and can't/won't give it a rest. Sorry for my part in this situation. I didn't come here to cause problems. I came for the topic's like you.
I'm sure threatening people gets things done where your from, it don't work here. In any case who and what i say is entirely up to me. You asked me to stop, i politely said no. It was you who resorted to take it further and then realized you may of taken it too far. Hope you learn from your lesson, funny it will be me who teaches it to you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 03:46 am
Mlurp, as of right now, I, the CIA of Dick and Bush, plan to watch your every move. Is it snowing up in KS yet? I've lost all my winter clothes. We don't get snow down haar in south Texas.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 06:37 pm
Drnaline;36970 wrote:
Don't be surprised when you get a knock on the door.

Sounds to me that your threating me. I never did threaten you. I said settle this face to face.
And the strangest thing I got a threating meassage on my cell phone this morning. If the police put two and two together your going to jail. So you best get here quickly clown!
You must have connections. bring them with you.
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 09:43 pm
Well the strange message is solved. it didn't involve you. As for the who threated who Judge Judy and Matthias, would both announced you guilty.
You do know it is a law to not waste the courts time or for that matter any law enforcement official with untrue matters. I seek truth. By honorable means. that is why I haven't bother to address your tirade of myself or my friends. Nor shall I come any where in New Mexico. Your a problem for the tourist industry of N.M. Your in some fantasize world. I wish to not be involved in. Good by, no really good by.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:15 am
mlurp;37109 wrote:
Sounds to me that your threating me. I never did threaten you. I said settle this face to face.
And the strangest thing I got a threating meassage on my cell phone this morning. If the police put two and two together your going to jail. So you best get here quickly clown!
You must have connections. bring them with you.

I wanted to thank you for you kind words of support, in previous postings...
But be advised...you'll get nowhere with this one...it's just a lot of useless hot air, being filtered back and forth.
He threatens, and then accuses you of being the protagonist...he insults you, then bans you when you respond to his attacks...you can't win...whoever made him moderator wasn't thinking clearly, or perhaps, it was out of desperation. Let him alone...he's hopeless..a lost cause.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:16 am
Drnaline;36970 wrote:
Don't be surprised when you get a knock on the door.

Knock, knock.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 02:36 am
aaronssongs;37155 wrote:
I wanted to thank you for you kind words of support, in previous postings...
But be advised...you'll get nowhere with this one...it's just a lot of useless hot air, being filtered back and forth.
He threatens, and then accuses you of being the protagonist...he insults you, then bans you when you respond to his attacks...you can't win...whoever made him moderator wasn't thinking clearly, or perhaps, it was out of desperation. Let him alone...he's hopeless..a lost cause.

The facts and truth, were what I supported. And the one who uses them.
I thank you.
And to the other subject you bring up. I realized that when he chose to threaten me with physical harm. Hey It is nice to be 20 again. In indian country. Just hoping he isn't with on eof these national ganhs. Or at least they read the thread and said what you clown. Like I lived for the last 41 years.
But then briansol, post above.
Originally stated by mlurp
gee thanks but no thanks if I am the wrong person then remove me from the board. I shall just say good by now! I though I had found a place I could fit in. But I was wrong.

debating topics is what this place is about.
calling people names for their views, is not. End Quote.
Or..... Freeman15,
Originally stated by mlurp
gee thanks but no thanks if I am the wrong person then remove me from the board. I shall just say good by now! I though I had found a place I could fit in. But I was wrong.

You insulted another member. I'm new too, it's not so bad. Just take your warning and move on, your posts are somewhat interesting to read.
It is like every debate on the board.
Look at the fcts. I might have do as srarwd. I twice tried to explain an doffer my hand. So anyone else have something to add. Then lets srick to the facts and mve on.
He is a mod here???????????????? Wow, I wonder who owns the board. Now don't get me wrong. I like the topics and the conversations you people have.
I might one day be sharing a laugh as well a some data. At least hope so.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 08:01 am
mlurp;37109 wrote:
Sounds to me that your threating me. I never did threaten you. I said settle this face to face.
And the strangest thing I got a threating meassage on my cell phone this morning. If the police put two and two together your going to jail. So you best get here quickly clown!
You must have connections. bring them with you.
You have my address brave boy. I didn't make the threat you did. And the officer i talked too seems to believe you had physical intent as well. The connections i have will be wearing a badge, lets see how brave you are then, how do you look with handcuffs on? I suggest you contact your lawyer. And a bail bondsman. I have the officers name and a case number, would you like it? If you ain't got a record, you have one now, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 08:10 am
mlurp;37133 wrote:
Well the strange message is solved. it didn't involve you. As for the who threated who Judge Judy and Matthias, would both announced you guilty.
You do know it is a law to not waste the courts time or for that matter any law enforcement official with untrue matters. I seek truth. By honorable means. that is why I haven't bother to address your tirade of myself or my friends. Nor shall I come any where in New Mexico. Your a problem for the tourist industry of N.M. Your in some fantasize world. I wish to not be involved in. Good by, no really good by.
Well the strange message is solved. it didn't involve you. As for the who threated who Judge Judy and Matthias, would both announced you guilty.
You won't see a judge still after your arrested, I don't think you'll get either, probably somebody from your local court. I'll let the court decide if it's a waist. What honor do you think there is in threats? Why did you wish to correct it if there was no intent? Probably the next time you wave it will be from a jail cell.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 08:12 am
aaronssongs;37156 wrote:
Knock, knock.
Did you get locked in the closet again, LOL.

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