Man Arrested for Flushing Muslim Holy Book

Mad as Hell in NC
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 05:58 pm
This dude gets locked up but a crusifix in a jar of pee is considered art !!

Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 01:31 am
Drnaline;28971 wrote:
No. I'm a big boy, i can handle myself.Nope, no crime was commited.Think it is does not make it so. Maybe in its wisdom but not of it's making. It's made out of materials that are of this earth, sorry.Well if your's is devine then so is mine. If mine is not then yours can't be.You are protected in this country for that but your book is not. You may own a copy of the Quran but the Quran itself no one owns. If he took your book and did some thing i can see you having a point but if he did what he did with his quran i also believe you have no sayso as to what happens. I can go buy a quran and do with it as i please.Yes you do, in this country. It that so for Christians where you are from?Nope, sorry. No such thing as that right.

ok let me ask u again differently:-
1- would it be right that people should be let to insult any one they want even publicly and not get arrested?
2- no crime was commited by insulting a billion christians or muslims? , u know it does not matter if it is really a holybook made of diamonds that came down from heaven or written on toilet paper, what matters is a persons beliefe in that book, not the material the book was written on, u r missing the bog picture, u say a person can only own a copy of the Quraan, the book it self no one owns, U R ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, buying a copy does not make any one the owner of the book, only of the copy, but then again all this does not matter, no crime u think? what is a crime then? stabing a person? killing some one, burning him alive? all these crimes are limited, disecrating a holy book insults a whole nation of nation(s) behind it, and let ask be objective , why would any one flush a holybook , i mean this is of no use to any one , except sick minded people, u must see the the so called freedom of speech if looked upon the way u do now will start to put minorities in ur country in a second class citizen position whether u like it or not, whether u admit it or not, because the majority (usually controling all power sources like the media) will be able to (freely express what ever they hate about the minority) when the later can not do anything about it, freedom of expression must be subjected to logic , if something u do insults any one else then u shouldnot be able to do it, why do we wear cloth? why would any one walking naked on the road be arrested for exposure (or what its called) is not that his freedom of expression ( looolz ) what ever u say Drnaline u can never justify the disecration of a holybook by freedom of expression.
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 01:39 am
Volunteer;28974 wrote:
Right on bro!

So i take it u r ok with me flushing the TALMUD ?

are u comfortable with the thought that u participated to the obinion of not protecting the Holybooks?

or are u of that opinion just because the case under discussion involves the flushing of the Quraan specifically?
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 02:32 am
@Mad as Hell in NC,
Drnaline about Christians in SUdan , and the freedom of practicing it here, well we have a pope here, The biggest churches in khartoum occupy real estate i estimate to be more expensive than most of the biggest mosques around here , why? because these churches were built long ago, and never touched by any one, by the way keep in mind am talking about the capital khartoum, i have never been inside one of those churches , but judging from the outside and cars parked outside the church(really expensive ones ) iam sure the christians have no problem of making their church lovely from the inside too, to make a long story short, in khartoum there is no limitations on christians, i can not speak for other parts of the country to which i have never been too, but what we can do (by we i mean those who want to really know the truth, not those trying to make the charges stick) is search the internet for the history of the sudanese people, check all the articles about Sudan before the year 89(thats when the government of today took over) u will find that Sudan has never been accused of religious discrimination or any of the alligations volunteer would be hapy to recite, what happened since 89 to make all this change? i can not give u a ready answer because u will never believe it, so its better to reach the conclusion for ur self, study the back ground of the party ruling now in Sudan, read what a similar party has done in egypt (our ruling party ideology comes from another party in egypt) , read how the whole country is working against this regime, try to see the difference of how the world viewed the contry before 89 and now.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 10:54 am
politically-wrong;29082 wrote:
So i take it u r ok with me flushing the TALMUD ?

are u comfortable with the thought that u participated to the obinion of not protecting the Holybooks?

or are u of that opinion just because the case under discussion involves the flushing of the Quraan specifically?

The true holyness of an individual lives within his heart, not on manufactured ink and paper.
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2007 04:46 am
socalgolfguy;29128 wrote:
The true holyness of an individual lives within his heart, not on manufactured ink and paper.

i donot oppose ur thoughts socal, but in my beliefe (even) the ink and paper are Holy, sorry but thats what i believe in, so now what?

if for example u believe the bible is holy and i dont, what would be the proper way for me to treat that book, there is only one way thats a holy way, why? because i know u consider it to be so regardsless of my own belief (atleast thats the way it should be).
Reply Sun 5 Aug, 2007 10:08 pm
politically-wrong;29214 wrote:
i donot oppose ur thoughts socal, but in my beliefe (even) the ink and paper are Holy, sorry but thats what i believe in, so now what?

if for example u believe the bible is holy and i dont, what would be the proper way for me to treat that book, there is only one way thats a holy way, why? because i know u consider it to be so regardsless of my own belief (atleast thats the way it should be).

Like any books that you revere, they should be treated with complete respect.
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Red cv
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 06:34 pm
politically-wrong;29081 wrote:
ok let me ask u again differently:-
1- would it be right that people should be let to insult any one they want even publicly and not get arrested?

Yes, it's called an opinion. If there are no threats infered a person may call another any derogatory name they choose without fear of imprisonment.

2- no crime was commited by insulting a billion christians or muslims? , u know it does not matter if it is really a holybook made of diamonds that came down from heaven or written on toilet paper, what matters is a persons beliefe in that book, not the material the book was written on, u r missing the bog picture, u say a person can only own a copy of the Quraan, the book it self no one owns, U R ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, buying a copy does not make any one the owner of the book, only of the copy, but then again all this does not matter, no crime u think? what is a crime then? stabing a person? killing some one, burning him alive? all these crimes are limited, disecrating a holy book insults a whole nation of nation(s) behind it, and let ask be objective , why would any one flush a holybook , i mean this is of no use to any one , except sick minded people, u must see the the so called freedom of speech if looked upon the way u do now will start to put minorities in ur country in a second class citizen position whether u like it or not, whether u admit it or not, because the majority (usually controling all power sources like the media) will be able to (freely express what ever they hate about the minority) when the later can not do anything about it, freedom of expression must be subjected to logic , if something u do insults any one else then u shouldnot be able to do it, why do we wear cloth? why would any one walking naked on the road be arrested for exposure (or what its called) is not that his freedom of expression ( looolz ) what ever u say Drnaline u can never justify the disecration of a holybook by freedom of expression.

Insulting Islamic Nations because a Koran gets flushed, really what about all the Insults the west must deal with from Islamic Countries? Burning our flags, calling Jews pigs and wanting it's complete distruction. What about when the Pope quoted a writer (Islam is spread by the sword) and the Muslim world roared and screamed Death to the Pope. Muslims didn't seem all that concerned with insulting a religious holy figure of the west did they. What innocent minorities, where are they? Muslims are pandered and appeased beyond compare in the US and Canada. Talk about being given special status, it's a nonstop wine fest with Islam. Sick minded people kill in the name of their false god, sick people hide behind women and children whilst running away from their victims. Burning a Koran is offensive to you, so is burning the US flag to me but yet Muslims do it on a regular basis. When Islam grows up and crawls out of the 7th century I will worry about insulting it until then I say burning/flushing/tossing the koran is "Freedom Of Expression". Islam needs to grow a spine and stop acting like it's a Religion that is more important than all other religions-it's not it just thinks it is.
Reply Tue 7 Aug, 2007 04:38 am
@Red cv,
Red;29437 wrote:
Insulting Islamic Nations because a Koran gets flushed, really what about all the Insults the west must deal with from Islamic Countries? Burning our flags, calling Jews pigs and wanting it's complete distruction. What about when the Pope quoted a writer (Islam is spread by the sword) and the Muslim world roared and screamed Death to the Pope. Muslims didn't seem all that concerned with insulting a religious holy figure of the west did they. What innocent minorities, where are they? Muslims are pandered and appeased beyond compare in the US and Canada. Talk about being given special status, it's a nonstop wine fest with Islam. Sick minded people kill in the name of their false god, sick people hide behind women and children whilst running away from their victims. Burning a Koran is offensive to you, so is burning the US flag to me but yet Muslims do it on a regular basis. When Islam grows up and crawls out of the 7th century I will worry about insulting it until then I say burning/flushing/tossing the koran is "Freedom Of Expression". Islam needs to grow a spine and stop acting like it's a Religion that is more important than all other religions-it's not it just thinks it is.

Lets say (just for the sake of conversation) everything u said is true, if muslims do wrongfull deeds that makes it ok for u to do the same?
if thats ur logic only the first murderer in history should be punished, any murderer after him isnot at fault ? not logical dont u think? by the way if the US government really wanted to stop the flag burning, there are alot of channels by which our governments will be forced to stop these demonstrations,but they dont because its a tactic to let the masses release steam of anger through useless protest and not try to involve in fruitfull and positive thinking, also about Islam thinking its more important than all other , loooooolz , ya its so apperent in world politics , i never saw shamefull drawings of Jesus any where, when Islam grows out of the 7th century i am not going to ask u to respect Quraan , u will do so by choice, but thats not what i had in mind about the (civilized west) .
* thank you for saying WHEN Islam grows out of 7th century and not IF.
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