@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;56285 wrote:This is pathetic pino, your arguemnt has degraded to
"well i just know your wrong".
unless you have some kind of evidence to disprove me, then i formally consider this argument over. Have a nice day

I'm not going to waste my time compensating for your obviously poor educaton in History. That's your problem, and if you went to public school, it's Michigan's problem, too. I love History, have studied it my entire adult life, teach it for a living, still read it every single day in huge volumes, and I'm telling you, Mr. Conspiracist with a Computer, YOU DON'T KNOW THE STORY OF ADOLF HITLER. Let me put it in terms even you can understand: I HAVE READ AT LEAST 20 TO 30 SERIOUS, SCHOLARLY WORKS ON ADOLF HITLER, AND HAVE TAKEN SEVERAL COLLEGE-LEVEL COURSES ON NAZI GERMANY, WWII, ITS CAUSES, AND AFTERMATH. I don't give a damn about your lack of knowledge. Hitler hated Judaism and Christianity, but had to be careful about totally wiping out the latter, since most Germans, even though they caved in and opted for pre-Christian, Germanic tribalism in their following of Hitler, still belonged to either Catholic or Protestant traditions. The Germans have always been given to tribalist totalitarianism, racism and overwhelming aggression. The Romans knew this about them, all too well, which the Catholic Church did as well, as it wrestled to convert them in the Middle Ages. HITLER WAS A THROW-BACK TO PRE-CHRISTIAN, GERMANIC BARBARIANSIM. He
wasn't a Christian and NEITHER ARE YOU.
Get off my religion, Bakunin. :FU1: