Hatred hurled from the left towards Christians, why?

Reply Fri 18 Apr, 2008 08:37 pm
Sabz5150;56316 wrote:
Social "Darwinism" was NOT one of Charlie D's ideas. Try Herbert Spencer for that one.

So you kinda tripped there saying he took Darwinism to a new level... Darwin never came up with that idea. The only links between the two are the name itself.

C'mon... history teacher, you should know this.

Right......I'M TALKING ABOUT HITLER, dammit. Hitler.:no:
Reply Fri 18 Apr, 2008 08:40 pm
Numpty;56338 wrote:
So explain to me how a Catholic is not a fundamentalist.

When did the whitch hunting stop, and why?

When did the inquesistion stop, and why?

When did the Catholic Church start dining buffet style from the Bible, and why?

Why did the Bible stop being taken literally by the Catholics?

Who decided what was written in the bible was not the word of god, was indeed not to be taken literally and on who's authority was this administered and sanctioned by?

Why does the Catholic church have biggest pedofile ring in the world?

Pedophile Priest Statistics


Don't presume to be interlectually superior to me, it makes you look like a snobbish ass.

Ones background shouldn't matter only the way in which you treat people, you have alot to learn about humility.

Your knowledge of Western History is pathetic. No wonder you're trashing the treasures of my ancestors with such reckless abandon. I never want to hear another arrogant European brag about the supposed 'superiority' of his culture or educational system. :thumbdown:
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 18 Apr, 2008 09:18 pm
Pinochet73;56314 wrote:
I'm not going to waste my time compensating for your obviously poor educaton in History. That's your problem, and if you went to public school, it's Michigan's problem, too. I love History, have studied it my entire adult life, teach it for a living, still read it every single day in huge volumes, and I'm telling you, Mr. Conspiracist with a Computer, YOU DON'T KNOW THE STORY OF ADOLF HITLER. Let me put it in terms even you can understand: I HAVE READ AT LEAST 20 TO 30 SERIOUS, SCHOLARLY WORKS ON ADOLF HITLER, AND HAVE TAKEN SEVERAL COLLEGE-LEVEL COURSES ON NAZI GERMANY, WWII, ITS CAUSES, AND AFTERMATH. I don't give a damn about your lack of knowledge. Hitler hated Judaism and Christianity, but had to be careful about totally wiping out the latter, since most Germans, even though they caved in and opted for pre-Christian, Germanic tribalism in their following of Hitler, still belonged to either Catholic or Protestant traditions. The Germans have always been given to tribalist totalitarianism, racism and overwhelming aggression. The Romans knew this about them, all too well, which the Catholic Church did as well, as it wrestled to convert them in the Middle Ages. HITLER WAS A THROW-BACK TO PRE-CHRISTIAN, GERMANIC BARBARIANSIM. He wasn't a Christian and NEITHER ARE YOU. Get off my religion, Bakunin. :FU1:

um.... didn't see any evidence in there, only ad hominem attacks and personal rhetoric etc!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2008 03:01 am
Pinochet73;56351 wrote:
Your knowledge of Western History is pathetic. No wonder you're trashing the treasures of my ancestors with such reckless abandon. I never want to hear another arrogant European brag about the supposed 'superiority' of his culture or educational system. :thumbdown:

Well, I was trying to expand my knowledge by asking some simple questions, when they are answered I will have learnt something.

Any chance they can be answered?
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2008 05:54 am
Pinochet73;56349 wrote:
Right......I'M TALKING ABOUT HITLER, dammit. Hitler.:no:

I know who you are talking about. However if you want to make a differentiation between Hitler's beliefs and Christianity, you'd best be making one between him and Charlie D.
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2008 05:55 am
Numpty;56376 wrote:
Well, I was trying to expand my knowledge by asking some simple questions, when they are answered I will have learnt something.

Any chance they can be answered?

That depends on you. I'm not here to educate you. That was the mission of the society in which you grew up, and it was the responsibility of your parents to support the hard work and good intentions of your teachers. But, it's not hopeless. This is the 'Information Age', after all. I'd recommend that you get busy reading, but I suspect your mind is closed, and you will believe what you want to believe, no matter what you read. I'm so happy to be an American patriot working with American teenagers in Texas. The vast majority are patriotic, Christian, and good to the core. I work hard to galvanize their love of virtue, as I prepare them to go to college, and expose themselves to the onslaught of Leftist professors. :no:
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2008 06:03 am
Pinochet73;56385 wrote:
That depends on you. I'm not here to educate you. That was the mission of the society in which you grew up, and it was the responsibility of your parents to support the hard work and good intentions of your teachers. But, it's not hopeless. This is the 'Information Age', after all. I'd recommend that you get busy reading, but I suspect your mind is closed, and you will believe what you want to believe, no matter what you read. I'm so happy to be an American patriot working with American teenagers in Texas. The vast majority are patriotic, Christian, and good to the core. I work hard to galvanize their love of virtue, as I prepare them to go to college, and expose themselves to the onslaught of Leftist professors. :no:

Places where ideas like Creationism, ID and a religious iron fist can't possibly pierce.

Translation: Places where you have no influence.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2008 06:05 am
Sabz5150;56384 wrote:
I know who you are talking about. However if you want to make a differentiation between Hitler's beliefs and Christianity, you'd best be making one between him and Charlie D.

Nope. You've missed the whole point, again, which doesn't surprise me. It's apparent you're not well-read. I doubt you've ever read a single book on Hitler -- or even a section out of a basic history text about him. I'm not referring to Darwin, the man, the thinker, the scientist or writer. And yes, the conception of evolution by Spencer before Darwin is old news. THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The point is that HITLER took the popular notion of Social Darwinism, and added a most sinister twist, which served as a major foundation of his ideology of genocide and his Final Soluton policy (AKA: the Holocaust). Furthermore, he argued that doctrine in direct, purposeful defiance and denunciation of Judeo-Christian morality, thought, culture and ethics. It was his COUNTER-POSITION to Judeo-Christian thought. It's what he argued to convince Germans to kill without mercy, regret, or any trace of guilt. It coincided beautifully with pre-existent, pre-Christian, Germanic tribalism, that which all outsiders, including the Romans of antiquity, and the Medieval Catholic Church, found almost insurmountable in their struggles to tame the German barbarians.
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2008 10:26 am
Numpty;56338 wrote:
So explain to me how a Catholic is not a fundamentalist.

When did the whitch hunting stop, and why?

When did the inquesistion stop, and why?

When did the Catholic Church start dining buffet style from the Bible, and why?

Why did the Bible stop being taken literally by the Catholics?

Who decided what was written in the bible was not the word of god, was indeed not to be taken literally and on who's authority was this administered and sanctioned by?

Why does the Catholic church have biggest pedofile ring in the world?

Pedophile Priest Statistics


Don't presume to be interlectually superior to me, it makes you look like a snobbish ass.

Ones background shouldn't matter only the way in which you treat people, you have alot to learn about humility.

So explain to me how a Catholic is not a fundamentalist.

When did the whitch hunting stop, and why?

When did the inquesistion stop, and why?

When did the Catholic Church start dining buffet style from the Bible, and why?

Why did the Bible stop being taken literally by the Catholics?

Who decided what was written in the bible was not the word of god, was indeed not to be taken literally and on who's authority was this administered and sanctioned by?

Why does the Catholic church have biggest pedofile ring in the world?

Pedophile Priest Statistics

This responds to my point how, again?

By the way, you sort of overlooked the fact that the Catholic Church created the Bible, and the pope can pretty much do whatever the hell he wants with the belief system of the Church. But since I really don't see what this has to do with "Catholics=Fundamentalists", whatever.

Don't presume to be interlectually superior to me, it makes you look like a snobbish ass.

You have made yourself look like a snobbish ass quite a lot, you just did it, in fact, perhaps it's your negative influence.

Ones background shouldn't matter only the way in which you treat people, you have alot to learn about humility

I really don't see what you're talking about. And really, you seem to enjoy being an asshole to Christians.
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2008 05:06 pm
Impertinent, insolent, unknowledgeable, and slowly giving away our heritage.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2008 06:05 pm
Pinochet73;56385 wrote:
That depends on you. I'm not here to educate you. That was the mission of the society in which you grew up, and it was the responsibility of your parents to support the hard work and good intentions of your teachers. But, it's not hopeless. This is the 'Information Age', after all. I'd recommend that you get busy reading, but I suspect your mind is closed, and you will believe what you want to believe, no matter what you read. I'm so happy to be an American patriot working with American teenagers in Texas. The vast majority are patriotic, Christian, and good to the core. I work hard to galvanize their love of virtue, as I prepare them to go to college, and expose themselves to the onslaught of Leftist professors. :no:

Not willing to answer my questions or are you unable to? it is rather weak that you take the stance by saying you are 'not here to educate me'. Then why post if your intention is not express a view which you intend the reader to learn from.

Lets at least try to keeep this between you and I, for I am able to post with out resorting to cheap remarks about your upbringing. I understand we have different views, however they are not necessarily the result of our upbringing and more about our life experience. For someone who works with kids I thought this would be apparent, or does that only work for Christians?

My society was one of love from two parents, to take each person as you meet them and not to judge based on their beliefs, ideas or actions until you had the opportunity to understand them. Is that a difficult ideology for you to understand or are you happy pigeon holing 1 Billion people in the same pen as Osama? or is it Guantanamo bay these days?

Back on track, when did the Catholic church stop taking the Bible literally and why?

Patriotic does not = Christian/ Catholic
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2008 06:15 pm
Reagaknight;56395 wrote:
This responds to my point how, again?

By the way, you sort of overlooked the fact that the Catholic Church created the Bible, and the pope can pretty much do whatever the hell he wants with the belief system of the Church. But since I really don't see what this has to do with "Catholics=Fundamentalists", whatever.

You have made yourself look like a snobbish ass quite a lot, you just did it, in fact, perhaps it's your negative influence.

I really don't see what you're talking about. And really, you seem to enjoy being an *** to Christians.

Erm,....well we are establishing that a fundamentalist is someone who takes the teachings of the Bible literally and that all there in is fact,...correct?

My question is at what point in history did the Catholic church decide the bible was indeed not fact and not to be taken literally as Mr Pino has indicated?

Who sanctioned this shift and by who's authority?
Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2008 08:42 am
Pinochet73;56387 wrote:
Nope. You've missed the whole point, again, which doesn't surprise me. It's apparent you're not well-read. I doubt you've ever read a single book on Hitler -- or even a section out of a basic history text about him. I'm not referring to Darwin, the man, the thinker, the scientist or writer. And yes, the conception of evolution by Spencer before Darwin is old news. THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The point is that HITLER took the popular notion of Social Darwinism, and added a most sinister twist, which served as a major foundation of his ideology of genocide and his Final Soluton policy (AKA: the Holocaust). Furthermore, he argued that doctrine in direct, purposeful defiance and denunciation of Judeo-Christian morality, thought, culture and ethics. It was his COUNTER-POSITION to Judeo-Christian thought. It's what he argued to convince Germans to kill without mercy, regret, or any trace of guilt. It coincided beautifully with pre-existent, pre-Christian, Germanic tribalism, that which all outsiders, including the Romans of antiquity, and the Medieval Catholic Church, found almost insurmountable in their struggles to tame the German barbarians.

Sorry Pino, throwing your career at this doesn't fix such a simple, yet massive blunder. Social Darwinism was never a popular idea and was denounced shortly after its conception. Yeah, worked great for Hittie, but you need to be careful about throwing around the word Darwin, just as you want people to be careful about throwing around the word Christianity.

By this argument, Hitler was a Christian. Unless of course you want to correct yourself Smile
Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2008 08:44 am
@Red cv,
Were you not Christian and do you not practice darwinism? I count yes and yes.
Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2008 09:11 am
DiversityDriven;56478 wrote:
Were you not Christian and do you not practice darwinism? I count yes and yes.


You must have thesaurus.com up or something. Again, not a religion, nothing needs to be "practiced" by religious custom.

The horse is dead. Stop beating it.

You can't seem to get along without justifying your religion by calling everything else religion. It's funny. Sort of a "Yeah, well you're delusional too!" response similar to what you get from taunting a child long enough about things they don't understand.

So yeah, you and evolution would fit. Not my fault your IQ is near room temperature.

One more little tidbit... Hitler believed in God Smile
Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2008 09:43 am
Sabz5150;56486 wrote:

You must have thesaurus.com up or something. Again, not a religion, nothing needs to be "practiced" by religious custom.

The horse is dead. Stop beating it.

You can't seem to get along without justifying your religion by calling everything else religion. It's funny. Sort of a "Yeah, well you're delusional too!" response similar to what you get from taunting a child long enough about things they don't understand.

So yeah, you and evolution would fit. Not my fault your IQ is near room temperature.

One more little tidbit... Hitler believed in God Smile
You must have thesaurus.com up or something. Again, not a religion, nothing needs to be "practiced" by religious custom.
Yet you claim to believe in Darwin?
The horse is dead. Stop beating it.
Are you kiddin, i get to much mileage out of this.
You can't seem to get along without justifying your religion by calling everything else religion.
You are a believer just like every body else. We believe in a superior being, you believe in a man. Both of these require faith. I admit it, you are in denial of it.
One more little tidbit... Hitler believed in God
So did you.
Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2008 09:52 am
DiversityDriven;56497 wrote:
Yet you claim to believe in Darwin?

I am a person of science. Saying I "believe in Darwin" to attack my stance towards evolution is like saying I "believe in Newton" to attack my stance towards physics.

Are you kiddin, i get to much mileage out of this.

As does everyone else here. I was getting kinda bored around here when you parted for a few days. Didn't get to pop you for my daily laugh. I'm making up for it now, though.

You are a believer just like every body else. We believe in a superior being, you believe in a man. Both of these require faith. I admit it, you are in denial of it.

Really? Then show me the facts for God. Show me the proof. Show me this superior being. I can show you Charlie D.

Let's call this a public challenge. Me slapping you in the face. Let's see how you react.

So did you.

When I was a child.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2008 10:05 am
Numpty;56425 wrote:
Erm,....well we are establishing that a fundamentalist is someone who takes the teachings of the Bible literally and that all there in is fact,...correct?

My question is at what point in history did the Catholic church decide the bible was indeed not fact and not to be taken literally as Mr Pino has indicated?

Who sanctioned this shift and by who's authority?

I was only responding to your statement that there is no necessary distinction between Fundamentalists and Catholics, nothing else.

However, you don't really think the entire Bible was taken completely literally throughout history, do you? That's a very complex issue, and from the start many of the Old Testament customs were not followed (circumcision was deemed unnecessary, for example) but the church as a whole has changed through history as a necessity, because society changes.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2008 04:33 pm
Reagaknight;56509 wrote:
I was only responding to your statement that there is no necessary distinction between Fundamentalists and Catholics, nothing else.

However, you don't really think the entire Bible was taken completely literally throughout history, do you? That's a very complex issue, and from the start many of the Old Testament customs were not followed (circumcision was deemed unnecessary, for example) but the church as a whole has changed through history as a necessity, because society changes.

Perhaps the people who wrote it knew it was full of metaphors. :dunno:
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Apr, 2008 07:52 am
Reagaknight;56509 wrote:
I was only responding to your statement that there is no necessary distinction between Fundamentalists and Catholics, nothing else.

However, you don't really think the entire Bible was taken completely literally throughout history, do you? That's a very complex issue, and from the start many of the Old Testament customs were not followed (circumcision was deemed unnecessary, for example) but the church as a whole has changed through history as a necessity, because society changes.

Yeah I do think people toook the Bible literally throught history, it's why there were so many atrocities carried out in the name of it and God.

My point is that the only reason large portions of the Bible are no longer taken as the literal fact is because:

A. The more educated people of the 20th centuary were able to make up their own minds based on the 'evidence available.

B. Science produced large swaithes of evidence which showed many of the statements in the Bible to be false, whilst no evidence could be brought forward to support them. Before you write,.....'Just show me any god, one will do it'

Now the Catholic church and it congregation to the literal meaning of the Bible for long periods throught history. Crusades, whitch hunting/ Burning, Inquisition, to name a few. All carried out in the name of god, inspired by the literal meaning the Bible. Do we agree on my last statement?

So if we establish that the Catholic Church did indeed take the literal meaning of the Bible, my two questions stil stand.

At what point in history did the Catholic church decide the bible was indeed not fact and not to be taken literally as Mr Pino has indicated?

Who sanctioned this shift and by who's authority?

Plus i have another.

Why was this shift in 'policy' taken?
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