Carico;66164 wrote:"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

Only fools think they know better than God does what will happen after they die. So fools don't heed any warnings about their eternal fate.
Only A fool thinks he knows what god wants.
Your creed is nothing but another man-made religion, I have no reason to believe it over any of the others.
Quote:If you wish people not to believe as you do, then why do you pass along your beliefs?
Because I want to express my opinion.
Quote: As God says, "The wisdom of the world is foolishness in His sight." And you prove that perfectly.

That's not what god says, that's what man says. Every word in that book was written by a man. And there is not a single shred of evidence that any of it is inspired by god.
Your faith lies not in god but in the men who wrote about god.
The truth of the matter is that if you were born in Iran you would be Muslim. If you were born in India you would be Hindu, if you were born in 2nd century Egypt you'd be worshiping Amun-Ra.
Your beliefs rely on accepting what you were told as a child. If you were told that Noah's ark was a story and that Jack and the bean-stalk was real, you'd believe that too.
All religions are composed of myths and parables, and yours is no different.