Hatred hurled from the left towards Christians, why?

Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 11:42 pm
Just thought i would perk up the discussion a bit :p
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Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2009 12:01 am
When God created, God created that which is not Himself.

God cannot create Himself - therefore man is not good, man is not infinite, man is not all powerful, man is not all knowing.

Source: Swedenborg
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2009 12:07 am
billcompugeek;65960 wrote:
When God created, God created that which is not Himself.

God cannot create Himself - therefore man is not good, man is not infinite, man is not all powerful, man is not all knowing.

Source: Swedenborg

Brings me to another point, if god is allpowerfull he should be able to create himself. but seriously where is the proof of these statements as a fact. yes someone said this, but where is his justification for saying so?
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2009 12:51 am
abbandonedallhope;65961 wrote:
Brings me to another point, if god is allpowerfull he should be able to create himself.

Any reasonable man can bear witness to that fact that he knows very little. When a man admits to himself how little he knows, the man can have a wiser view of himself and God.

God's primary work is to work on men's hearts toward their eternal life. If God's primary work is ignored, than the man cannot see the Lord's Divine Providence at work.
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2009 08:38 am
@Red cv,
abbandonedallhope I agree with everything you said. I have a soft place in my heart for some preachers, who I believe don't know any better. On the other side of the equation, I know for a fact that there is a lot of dishonesty involved. As I pointed out in a post yesterday, they paint the Scopes Trial altogether different from the way it was, because they know that most people don't know any better. They claim that the Bible does't contain contridictions, when it is full of them. Two well know preachers were converted to atheism by reading it. Books have been written along these lines so I will stop for now, My good Methodist wife is getting hungary. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2009 06:13 pm
billcompugeek;65963 wrote:
Any reasonable man can bear witness to that fact that he knows very little. When a man admits to himself how little he knows, the man can have a wiser view of himself and God.

God's primary work is to work on men's hearts toward their eternal life. If God's primary work is ignored, than the man cannot see the Lord's Divine Providence at work.

There is the problem tho, you assume that God exist because you want him to exist, and you assume that God cares about us. Humans are the only creatures on earth who have come this close to completly destroying our earth. Greed, filth and betrayal run deep in every part the of the world. Yes there is some good, yes people try to make it a better world, but its too late. If there is a God he has already forsaken us all. besides, as i have said god didnt not come down here and personally write a book, and that means that a man is telling us what god thinks and says. who the hell in there right mind thinks they can tell god what it says? the day god decends upon earth and personally tells me his word is the day i will start doing what he says. I am not going to be intimidated by an invisiable father figure with a supiorority complex.
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2009 09:40 pm
abbandonedallhope;65985 wrote:
There is the problem tho, you assume that God exist because you want him to exist, and you assume that God cares about us. Humans are the only creatures on earth who have come this close to completly destroying our earth. Greed, filth and betrayal run deep in every part the of the world. Yes there is some good, yes people try to make it a better world, but its too late. If there is a God he has already forsaken us all. besides, as i have said god didnt not come down here and personally write a book, and that means that a man is telling us what god thinks and says. who the hell in there right mind thinks they can tell god what it says? the day god decends upon earth and personally tells me his word is the day i will start doing what he says. I am not going to be intimidated by an invisiable father figure with a supiorority complex.

A short piece of advice from Swedenborg if ministers do a bad job and contradict themselves:

"Consider now, whether anyone hearing such things can draw from them any doctrine leading to salvation, or whether he will not rather, from the apparent contradictions therein, become blind, and afterwards grope for the objects of salvation, like one walking in the dark. Who in this case can tell from the evidence of works, whether he has any faith or not; and whether it is better to omit good works on account of the danger of merit, or to do them for fear of the loss of faith? But do you, my friend, tear yourself away from such contradictions, and shun evils as sins, and do goods, and believe in the Lord, and saving justification will be given you."

Source: Brief Exposition (Whitehead) n. 59
0 Replies
Ares cv
Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2009 11:23 pm
@Red cv,
Red;35529 wrote:
I've noticed several posters who are left leaning or liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians and Religion. Why, I'm curious where this hatred stems from? Also they claim the moral high ground yet they don't appear to stand for anything. So what is the cause of this hatred? I'm curious about the origins of their hate and loathing.

If any such hate ever existed in mass among the left then I would think it might have something to do with the inquisitions, crusades or perhaps the huge and pointless fights the Christians push among the American public, Bibles in schools anti abortionists etc etc. Or very possibly it could be a direct result of the many Fascist parties and ideals that have stemmed out of Christianity and I paraphrase "(Should Christian shools get funding) Yes, but only Christian and Jewish schools. Muslim schools should be outlawed". A Christian Fascist party. So don't come here and hold your nose up high and be all proud of your religion because they are just as guilty as the people you point fingers at.

I'm not denying that there is not hate for Christians among the left community but you should also not deny or assume that there is not hate for left and many other things unchristian among the Christian community.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 11:45 pm
@Red cv,
Red;35529 wrote:
I've noticed several posters who are left leaning or liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians and Religion. Why, I'm curious where this hatred stems from? Also they claim the moral high ground yet they don't appear to stand for anything. So what is the cause of this hatred? I'm curious about the origins of their hate and loathing.

It is mostly from ex-socialists, and it is a displacement activity. They are scared to tackle capitalism but they like to feel bold and radical, so they think themselves back to the days of Marx and defy authorities long dead. The fundamentalists don't help, of course, since they play the same silly game of Greatgrandfather's footsteps.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 01:30 am
@Red cv,
The reason why the worse of fundalmentalist are so hysterical is that they must know that their arugments are so weak that they are highly vulnerable. This is why they want to keep their followers to theirselves and not be exposed to anything that might cause them to question them. These people do a great deal of harm to society, and cause many people to suffer. You rarely hear one preach against the abuse of women and children. What they do harp about are homosexual, the decline of authority, and interlectualism. Ignorance, poverty and disease are the enemies of the human race and not "Harvardism," "Yaleism" and "Princetonism" as they would have us believe. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
Reply Thu 16 Jul, 2009 04:38 pm
thomascrosthwaite;66033 wrote:
The reason why the worse of fundalmentalist are so hysterical is that they must know that their arugments are so weak that they are highly vulnerable. This is why they want to keep their followers to theirselves and not be exposed to anything that might cause them to question them. These people do a great deal of harm to society, and cause many people to suffer. You rarely hear one preach against the abuse of women and children. What they do harp about are homosexual, the decline of authority, and interlectualism. Ignorance, poverty and disease are the enemies of the human race and not "Harvardism," "Yaleism" and "Princetonism" as they would have us believe. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

I think you are right. why are people so worried about forcing bibles in school or stopping abortions than they are worried about getting rid of drugs or perhaps doing something about the gas prices. why doesnt the church pour research into alternate fuel research, or instead of wasting your life holding a sign at an abortion clinic why not fund research for new counterceptives or something?
Reply Thu 16 Jul, 2009 08:29 pm
abbandonedallhope;66055 wrote:
I think you are right. why are people so worried about forcing bibles in school or stopping abortions than they are worried about getting rid of drugs or perhaps doing something about the gas prices. why doesnt the church pour research into alternate fuel research, or instead of wasting your life holding a sign at an abortion clinic why not fund research for new counterceptives or something?

Contraceptives will make kids have sex, didn't you know that?

Yeah, that's what they actually think.

Its all about forcing your beliefs on others. Indoctrination is easier that way. That's why they want Jeebus in the classroom.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 11:44 pm
@Red cv,
Red;35529 wrote:
I've noticed several posters who are left leaning or liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians and Religion. Why, I'm curious where this hatred stems from? Also they claim the moral high ground yet they don't appear to stand for anything. So what is the cause of this hatred? I'm curious about the origins of their hate and loathing.

First of all, Jesus tells us in John 15:19, that the world will hate us because we don't belong to the world and we don't endorse worldy concepts because the secular world is ruled by Satan.

Secondly, the liberals want to be, well, liberal. Wink They don't want a moral watchdog so they can be as immoral as they can be. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Smile
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 02:26 am
Carico;66084 wrote:
First of all, Jesus tells us in John 15:19, that the world will hate us because we don't belong to the world and we don't endorse worldy concepts because the secular world is ruled by Satan.

Secondly, the liberals want to be, well, liberal. Wink They don't want a moral watchdog so they can be as immoral as they can be. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Smile


Christianity is really some moral watch dog. I think a real dog could do a better job. :rollinglaugh:

I lost respect for religious institutions a long time ago. Somewhere between extorting money from desperate old people over the television, molesting little boys, Censoring any information they disagree with, chanting hate speech and blowing up abortion clinics.

Some moral watchdog!

Treat others as you want to be treated

Seems to me morality is common sense, we don't need religious conjecture to confuse the matter.
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 11:46 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66093 wrote:

Christianity is really some moral watch dog. I think a real dog could do a better job. :rollinglaugh:

I lost respect for religious institutions a long time ago. Somewhere between extorting money from desperate old people over the television, molesting little boys, Censoring any information they disagree with, chanting hate speech and blowing up abortion clinics.

Some moral watchdog!

Treat others as you want to be treated

Seems to me morality is common sense, we don't need religious conjecture to confuse the matter.

What's hatred is wanting everyone to go to hell like you do. So don't worry, if people listen to you, you'll get your wish. Wink
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2009 05:13 am
Carico;66129 wrote:
What's hatred is wanting everyone to go to hell like you do. So don't worry, if people listen to you, you'll get your wish. Wink

Oh, I forgot one:

-Fear Mongering

Thank you for reminding me. Smile

I'm about as afraid of hell as I am of the coming of Ragnarok. But regardless my goal has never been to de-convert people, I do not wish everybody to believe as me, I only want an end to religious prejudice and censorship.
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2009 06:22 am
Carico;66084 wrote:
First of all, Jesus tells us in John 15:19, that the world will hate us because we don't belong to the world and we don't endorse worldy concepts because the secular world is ruled by Satan.

Secondly, the liberals want to be, well, liberal. Wink They don't want a moral watchdog so they can be as immoral as they can be. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. Smile
We do want a moral society. we want equal rights for women, people of color and the handicapped. We also want honesty. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2009 11:26 am
@Red cv,
christians have a tendancy to tear down other christians, for whatever reason. as much as it is preached in this religion to judge not lest ye be judged.. they are a highly judgemental people. and it is my own opinion based on my own experience.. that christians have a tendancy to be hypocritical.. forgetting that their god sees their every step..their ability to shed light on your straying from the straight and narrow while they are living in abominable sin.. never ceases to amaze me. christianity is a paradox. this idea of organized religion must make it's creators most proud
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2009 04:01 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66134 wrote:
Oh, I forgot one:

-Fear Mongering

Thank you for reminding me. Smile

I'm about as afraid of hell as I am of the coming of Ragnarok. But regardless my goal has never been to de-convert people, I do not wish everybody to believe as me, I only want an end to religious prejudice and censorship.

"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Smile Only fools think they know better than God does what will happen after they die. So fools don't heed any warnings about their eternal fate.

If you wish people not to believe as you do, then why do you pass along your beliefs? :eek: In the hopes that people will think you're a liar?:what: As God says, "The wisdom of the world is foolishness in His sight." And you prove that perfectly. Wink
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2009 06:34 am
Carico;66164 wrote:
"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Smile Only fools think they know better than God does what will happen after they die. So fools don't heed any warnings about their eternal fate.

Only A fool thinks he knows what god wants.

Your creed is nothing but another man-made religion, I have no reason to believe it over any of the others.

If you wish people not to believe as you do, then why do you pass along your beliefs?

Because I want to express my opinion.

As God says, "The wisdom of the world is foolishness in His sight." And you prove that perfectly. Wink

That's not what god says, that's what man says. Every word in that book was written by a man. And there is not a single shred of evidence that any of it is inspired by god.

Your faith lies not in god but in the men who wrote about god.

The truth of the matter is that if you were born in Iran you would be Muslim. If you were born in India you would be Hindu, if you were born in 2nd century Egypt you'd be worshiping Amun-Ra.

Your beliefs rely on accepting what you were told as a child. If you were told that Noah's ark was a story and that Jack and the bean-stalk was real, you'd believe that too.

All religions are composed of myths and parables, and yours is no different.

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