How is it that everyone has over looked the fact that the bible was written by man, and man is FAR from perfect. Men from all eras and all walks of life have used the bible (and many other religous books) to control people and gain profit. I.E. King James.... He was but a man, and why should he have a version of the bible? Not to mention the many priest/clergy that pick and choose scriptures for their needs. Futhermore who is to say these scriptures are even correct. If God is as great as you say it is why would it need a book to say so. Wouldn't it have other means...say through a natural feeling of spirituality to convey it's message. Why would a god waste its time to create a being mearly for worship? i dont want bible quotations, they mean nothing more than the opionions of other men. if a god is infaliable why is there pain and suffering?
I think that the reason we have war, and suffering is because of religion. Not that if there is a god that it is wrong, but that humans are erroed in creation and therefore force themselves into believe a fantasy book that causes war.
if there is an allmighty, he would not stand to have anything that it considers an abomanation. So by this logic (not saying that its perfect, i am human after all) gays and other minorites of the sort are not against god. they may be against beliefs the men of old ages believed in, men who believed you should stone your children should they not behave, but they would not be against a perfect god, as many of you clam god is.
IF God does exist and is against them, then they are here for a reason. Everything is god's will therefore suffering and sin is god's way. We should be thanking those who sin for doing what is needed to complete gods work. Also it would mean that if god meant for one to come to him (by jesus or any other means) he would not need you to preach to them. He would simply call his lamb to him, not send another lamb to do the job of the keeper.
one more point i would like to make is this:
If you were the devil and wanted to undermine god's authority (which should be impossible given he is ALLMIGHTY) the easiest way to do so would be to convince people they are doing the right thing by possing as god him self.
So my logic tells me i should not trust the church, as that would be the perfect place for Lucifer to hide, and work his darkened ways. What better way for the devil to take flight, than the very house of god?