Hatred hurled from the left towards Christians, why?

Reply Tue 18 Mar, 2008 07:00 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;54676 wrote:
Religious membership is based on belief not on individual characteristics.

Religious belief: (1) there is one God, who is everything good and everything true. (2) man must pursue a righteous and good life.


"Every man [or woman] can be saved, and those are saved who acknowledge God and live rightly" (Divine Providence n. 325).

Religion involves belief and individual characteristics, as the individual decides to live the life of faith.

People who purposely worship a God other than the God who is everything of good and everything of truth, are not practicing a religion but they are practicing their fantasies.
Reply Tue 18 Mar, 2008 02:12 pm
Sabz5150;54643 wrote:
Really, now? I had to do some research myself to find that data. I can toss ya links if you wish.

Your attempt to twist knowledge sucks. Hitler did not hate Christianity, that's your typical lie to wipe that stain from your crucifix. Hitler hated the power that organized religion could attain (more like feared) and attacked the Church. He made his own version of the Bible! I call it 'Christianity Lite'.

Here, take a look:

Adolf Hitler's religious beliefs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dictionary or no, this article itself proves that it is misleading to call Hitler a 'Christian.'

This shows his obvious contempt for Christianity in accepted forms, even if he did devise his own form of Christianity.

What is misleading is that saying he was a Christian automatically makes whoever hears that draw a connection to the Christianity they know(Barack Hussein Obama, anyone?) if you don't clarify that he hated such Christianity and preferred his own, very different, form of Christianity.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 18 Mar, 2008 03:36 pm
billcompugeek;54714 wrote:
Religious belief: (1) there is one God, who is everything good and everything true. (2) man must pursue a righteous and good life.


"Every man [or woman] can be saved, and those are saved who acknowledge God and live rightly" (Divine Providence n. 325).

Religion involves belief and individual characteristics, as the individual decides to live the life of faith.

People who purposely worship a God other than the God who is everything of good and everything of truth, are not practicing a religion but they are practicing their fantasies.

What people do and what they believe are two very different.

Ever have somone lecture you about the importance of protecting the envoirment just before speeding off in their hummer...
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 18 Mar, 2008 03:37 pm
Reagaknight;54723 wrote:
Dictionary or no, this article itself proves that it is misleading to call Hitler a 'Christian.'

This shows his obvious contempt for Christianity in accepted forms, even if he did devise his own form of Christianity.

What is misleading is that saying he was a Christian automatically makes whoever hears that draw a connection to the Christianity they know(Barack Hussein Obama, anyone?) if you don't clarify that he hated such Christianity and preferred his own, very different, form of Christianity.

please do give me a link to that information.
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 05:06 am
Reagaknight;54723 wrote:
Dictionary or no, this article itself proves that it is misleading to call Hitler a 'Christian.'

This shows his obvious contempt for Christianity in accepted forms, even if he did devise his own form of Christianity.

What is misleading is that saying he was a Christian automatically makes whoever hears that draw a connection to the Christianity they know(Barack Hussein Obama, anyone?) if you don't clarify that he hated such Christianity and preferred his own, very different, form of Christianity.

Continuing the read...

Drawing on higher criticism and some branches of theologically liberal Protestantism, Hitler advocated "Positive Christianity", traditional Christianity purged of everything that he found objectionable. Hitler never directed his attacks on Jesus himself, but viewed traditional Christianity as a corruption of the original ideas of Jesus, whom Hitler regarded as an Aryan opponent of the Jews. In Mein Kampf Hitler writes that Jesus "made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross." Hitler rejected the idea of Jesus' redemptive suffering, stating in 1927:

"My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter."

He identified himself as a Christian. His "sect" of Christianity may have differed from the usual catholic/protestant/how-many-sects-are-there Christian, but that is the religion for which he identified.

Stop trying to knock this ball into our court. He was a Christian, and identified with such (some even supported him). Whether or not he was a good one, well that's different...
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 10:28 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;54729 wrote:
What people do and what they believe are two very different [things].

Ever have somone lecture you about the importance of protecting the envoirment just before speeding off in their hummer...

Agreed. If one does not engage in rationalization it is obvious that some politicians and leaders are "Christian" just because their country is Christian, and they could not sustain their position without attending church and "being a Chrisitian." That includes many politicians of today as well as many in the past.
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 02:02 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;54730 wrote:
please do give me a link to that information.

That was quoted from the wiki article Sabz cited, I thought that would be clear seeing as I was replying to his post, sorry.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 02:08 pm
Sabz5150;54755 wrote:
Continuing the read...

Drawing on higher criticism and some branches of theologically liberal Protestantism, Hitler advocated "Positive Christianity", traditional Christianity purged of everything that he found objectionable. Hitler never directed his attacks on Jesus himself, but viewed traditional Christianity as a corruption of the original ideas of Jesus, whom Hitler regarded as an Aryan opponent of the Jews. In Mein Kampf Hitler writes that Jesus "made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross." Hitler rejected the idea of Jesus' redemptive suffering, stating in 1927:

"My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter."

He identified himself as a Christian. His "sect" of Christianity may have differed from the usual catholic/protestant/how-many-sects-are-there Christian, but that is the religion for which he identified.

Stop trying to knock this ball into our court. He was a Christian, and identified with such (some even supported him). Whether or not he was a good one, well that's different...

My post still applies, I was talking about the stuff you quoted. It's misleading to call him a 'Christian' without clarification, because of the connection to mainstream Christianity it brings to mind, which is not at all like Hitler's form of Christianity.

He obviously did not like the early Christians, from his private comments, so it is not unreasonable to assume it was all a ploy to get what he wanted and not lose the support of Christian Germans.
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 02:19 pm
Reagaknight;54769 wrote:
My post still applies, I was talking about the stuff you quoted. It's misleading to call him a 'Christian' without clarification, because of the connection to mainstream Christianity it brings to mind, which is not at all like Hitler's form of Christianity.

He obviously did not like the early Christians, from his private comments, so it is not unreasonable to assume it was all a ploy to get what he wanted and not lose the support of Christian Germans.

What was his religion?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 02:27 pm
@Red cv,

You miss the point completely. It is still misleading to call him a Christian without clarification.
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 02:33 pm
Reagaknight;54775 wrote:

Thank you.

You miss the point completely. It is still misleading to call him a Christian without clarification.

Why? Because he's Hitler? Christians have no problem throwing that one on the "atheists" without any sort of clarification (or reason).

Hitler was a Christian. Deal. That doesn't mean all Christians are Hitler.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 02:37 pm
@Red cv,
Christians have no problem throwing that one on the "atheists" without any sort of clarification (or reason).


Hitler was a Christian. Deal. That doesn't mean all Christians are Hitler.

But 'Christian' in a modern sense brings up a specific image, which is not what Hitler was. So it's technically factual, but still misleading.
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 02:51 pm
Reagaknight;54778 wrote:

Hitler -> Evolution -> Atheist.

I know you've heard that little line at least once.

But 'Christian' in a modern sense brings up a specific image, which is not what Hitler was. So it's technically factual, but still misleading.

Okay, how about Christian in a not-so-modern sense. Shall we discuss what Popes of old did? Some of that stuff would have made Hitler shudder in fright. If not, then how about we look at the "modern sense"? Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, the godhatesf*gs church, are these Christians or are they in need of some "clarification"?

See the thing is, you want to "clarify" this so that Christian is equated to Mother Teresa and all that is good and wonderful in the world. Nothing else. The wrongdoings done in that name are completely ignored or tossed onto someone else's plate. Tell me, were the Inquisitions done by "Christians"? Does the Pope of that time need some "clarification" for condoning torture?

By your definition, 96% of people identifying themselves as "Christian" from about 400AD to now... aren't.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 03:30 pm
Reagaknight;54778 wrote:

calling Osama Bin Laden a Muslim, sure he is a muslim but not in the "modern sense", so does that mean we should stop calling him a muslim? No. Does that mean we need to clarify that his beliefs don't exactly jive with the majority of muslims? no.

so why would Hitler be any different? Oh yeah thats right because he makes your religion look bad, and that is the only reason you think that.

But 'Christian' in a modern sense brings up a specific image, which is not what Hitler was. So it's technically factual, but still misleading.

maybe to you but to me a 'christian' is simply someone who believes Jesus is the son of god, it's not my fault that people have a lot of special connotations connected with the word 'christian'.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 08:05 pm
@Red cv,
Hitler -> Evolution -> Atheist.

I know you've heard that little line at least once

Sorry to disappoint, I've heard nothing besides Hitler->Evolution.

Shall we discuss what Popes of old did? Some of that stuff would have made Hitler shudder in fright.

Well, go on.

See the thing is, you want to "clarify" this so that Christian is equated to Mother Teresa and all that is good and wonderful in the world. Nothing else. The wrongdoings done in that name are completely ignored or tossed onto someone else's plate. Tell me, were the Inquisitions done by "Christians"? Does the Pope of that time need some "clarification" for condoning torture?

If only I were your therapist, this would be an exciting breakthrough revealing your true hate of Christianity. I'm quite sure that nothing negative in the history of the Church has been ignored, in fact it has been blown out of proportion if anything. I think the Pope during the Spanish Inquisition criticized it. So Popes have been assholes through history, and they would be noted as having been such.

Why would it be so hard to say "Hitler was a Christian, but he did not have mainstream Christian beliefs?" Exactly why do you seem to oppose this on principle? It would seem from that that your intention is to mislead.

By your definition, 96% of people identifying themselves as "Christian" from about 400AD to now... aren't.

Where would that figure be from? Most Christians that have lived since then would have been laypeople. So the huge majority of medieval European peasants, for example, according to your interpretation of my words, would be as bad as Hitler according to me?
Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2008 08:07 pm
@Red cv,
so why would Hitler be any different? Oh yeah thats right because he makes your religion look bad, and that is the only reason you think that.

Not unless your intention is to falsely connect his religion to mine in ideological terms.

Remember Stalin was an athiest and killed over three times as many as Hitler.
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 05:21 am
Reagaknight;54796 wrote:
Sorry to disappoint, I've heard nothing besides Hitler->Evolution.

Usually leading to the whole "Hitler's an Atheist" schpeel.

Well, go on.

Pear of Anguish. That's all I need to say.

If only I were your therapist, this would be an exciting breakthrough revealing your true hate of Christianity. I'm quite sure that nothing negative in the history of the Church has been ignored, in fact it has been blown out of proportion if anything. I think the Pope during the Spanish Inquisition criticized it. So Popes have been ***s through history, and they would be noted as having been such.

My hatred of Christianity? See, now you're using the last trick in your bag... the "U HATES MY RELIGIONZ" line. I really thought more of you than that.

And only if I were your therapist... wheeeeeeee.

Continuing on... you would be incorrect in your first statement, nothing negative being ignored. Also you would be GROSSLY incorrect that the Pope during the Inquisitions criticized it. You do realize that most of the torture devices made were for THAT specific event, correct? These were used to get confessions from heretics. Oh yes, yes yes yes the Church loved torture and the Pope condoned it.

Why would it be so hard to say "Hitler was a Christian, but he did not have mainstream Christian beliefs?" Exactly why do you seem to oppose this on principle? It would seem from that that your intention is to mislead.

Define "mainstream Christian beliefs".

"Hitler was a Christian" Statement

"But he did not have mainstream Christian beliefs" Damage Control

Where would that figure be from? Most Christians that have lived since then would have been laypeople. So the huge majority of medieval European peasants, for example, according to your interpretation of my words, would be as bad as Hitler according to me?

Why are you flexing the definition? Laypeople, famous people, does it matter? Is there a separate definition for "Hitler" and "Everyone else?" Does Pete have two sets of standards for those waiting at the gates? Isn't a sinner going to the same Hell as Hitler?

You're afraid to apply your own definition. Unless it's on the extremes, either good or evil, you refuse to apply your own definition. You've got this "mainstream Christian beliefs" definition all written in stone apparently, and the only person you feel safe using this on is... Hitler?
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 02:48 pm
Reagaknight;54797 wrote:
Not unless your intention is to falsely connect his religion to mine in ideological terms.

his religion and your religion are one-in-the same, though he may have vastly different view points and interpretations it is still the same religion.


Remember Stalin was an athiest and killed over three times as many as Hitler.

Except I never denied that Stalin was an athiest.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2008 04:17 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;54624 wrote:
Ah and I suppose you can read his mind and know what he believed despite that fact everything he said contradicts that?

More log cabin-fever delirium, I see. How in the hell would I know what Hitler privately thought, aside from what he or others wrote????? And you......how would you know? I like to read, and I read a lot. Have you ever read Mein Kampf? I doubt it. Until you do, you can't say you know much about what Hitler thought. It's mandatory reading for anyone who really wants to know something first-hand about the dude. It's a primary source.:cussing:
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 01:50 pm
Pinochet73;54842 wrote:
More log cabin-fever delirium, I see.

ad hominem

How in the hell would I know what Hitler privately thought, aside from what he or others wrote?????

I don't and neither do you, this is why i go by what he specifically said.

I like to read, and I read a lot. Have you ever read Mein Kampf? I doubt it. Until you do, you can't say you know much about what Hitler thought. It's mandatory reading for anyone who really wants to know something first-hand about the dude. It's a primary source.:cussing:

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