Dear Diary;
It's been a day that will not quickly forgotten. My fridge has gone postal, it has decided to freeze everything in the fridge section and defrost everything in the freezer section. Well normally I'd soldier on but I'm having 35 guests over for supper tomorrow night and feeding them frozen food seems rude. A kind neighbour has offered to house my food until tomorrow, however this neighbour now has a house full of people lounging around her pool. Are they eating my food? We've had torrential thunder and lightening storms blow through today. Hail the size of golf balls has beaten my flower gardens into oatmeal. I give up, I surrender. I think I'll take up golf and give up gardening. Maybe start drinking at noon like my neighbour and the cocktail club she has formed.
I noted a liberal versus conversation going on Diary, a wise man once said we are all born liberal and we all die conservative. The young are idealists who want freedom and socialism to reign and as they grow and become tax payers they realise that it's their money visa vie taxes that is spent on their version of eutopia. They soon drop their socialist ethos, because they realise society isn't going to fund "Pipe dreams and pie in the sky fairy tales". Long live the conservatives, may the left see the truth and come into the light.