Yeah. You sound as though you're coming
unglued most of the time.
"What the hell do I need to scream for..."
my question.
"....and how would one "scream", using keystrokes..."
General impressions. I picture you sweating your butt off, in some dive in Houston, angry as hell at the whole world. In real life, however, you're probably a quiet, nondescript type. I know the deal. I learned a long time ago that my personal views, matched with my appearance, will get me lynched down here in south Texas. So, I keep my mouth shut, most of the time. I come here to blow off steam.
"I don't see no caps."
Check your English, Mr. Writer.
"So what? You don't like it....tough poo poo."
I find it amusing, although you did take me by surprise, at first.
"Come and get me."
No thanks, Aaron. Got a life to live.