@Brent cv,
I wonder if we lead by example? Didn't we train some of these guys?
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"Last year, investigators discovered evidence of abuse and torture at two other detention centers run by the Interior Ministry, but the Iraqi government has not announced any indictments in connection with those cases"
They can't even police themselves at this point. I dont see how they will ever police the country. They don't have the quality of recruits it takes for a civil war, but we broke so I guess we fix it.
"The Leahy Law, named for its author, Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, requires that assistance to foreign military and police forces stop if the secretary of state has ''credible evidence'' implicating them in human rights abuses -- unless effective measures are taken to bring offenders to justice. The law covers money in the foreign operations budget and Defense Department training programs."
All is fair in laws and war. We make laws so we can break most of them in the name of democracy. What country wouldn't embrace a system like that?:wootSMILEY:
What would the Secretary consider " credible evidence" :scratchchin:
Oh, I forgot, they have their own definition for human rights violations. :banghead:
Stay the course.:drive: :patriot: