@Sherman cv,
You missed the whole point.
You don't know who is being held or what their charges are.
Tortue isn't necessarily the most effective method of interrogation to strart with. It just the most barbaric.
It goes against the U.S. laws of due process. You know, innocent until proven guilty. You seem to suggest they are guilty by association. Very few of them are even charged with a crime. The information gathered when the detainee is being tortured isn't always reliable either.
Your attitude is what got us involved in Iraq. Too much faith in government. With Bush directing it, it's even worse. He gave the C.I.A. and the military a green light for this type of treatment of detainees labeled as persons of interest.
They should be treated as prisioners of war.They would still be mistreated, but the Red Cross and similiar agencies would have accest to prisioners to to monitor their treatment.
We are losing future bargaining chips in negotiating treaties where human rights are an issue. China is a good example.
What is the trade deficit these days with China?