@tumbleweed cv,
I wish I could say I pick the best person for the job, but usually it is the
lesser of two evils.
I'm a liberal... a self-styled liberal, apparently. Democrats let me down.
I think some of their platform is foolishly too far left and some not far
There are some Reps I like, but then they throw their lot in with the ones
I can't tolerate (seen McCain's Arizona anti-gay marriage proposition ads?)
I believe in smaller government and no gov't interference in people's lives.
I can't stand politicians who aren't honest. So who really does that leave me
with? Kerry wanted to be President too bad to figure out who he wanted to be,
but Bush is a total fraud... he wanted to be President so he became the person
who could win that office, and there's no more depth to him than that.
No matter who gets in the power will go to their heads, and they're
beholden to the corporate interests and lobbyist who make campaign
donations to get them the gig. We can only pay attention and replace them
when they do us no good, anymore.
...and that is very sad.
Who's the guy on CNN who keeps urging everyone to unseat all the
incumbants, regardless of party, to show them they work for us?
This has been the least productive batch in history.