@Brent cv,
My mother was catholic, she outranked my father (methedyst) and I was catholic, until a preist told me 'I might know God', I was kinda upset about that, he took that job, doesnt he know if he knows God or not? This was many moons ago, and now the easiest way to answer is I am a universal witch, most people can relate to that word, and (not like most) it doesnt offend me.
I cant say Im wicca, or pagan, since I still have some issues I dont ness. agree with there, but I do recommd. reading this book, it might shead some light for afew that have questions. It seems in all religions, those common or those shunned (imagine me Brent, in the bible belt, and a witch lol) all have a "god", it just depends what we call him/her/it. Myself, its a force, it doesnt have to be made either female or male, why? Cuz Im not sexist and I realize there is energy all around me, I can feel it, and I can see it, therefore, I know its really there.
Go get this book, most lib's carry it, if not, order it from Amazon or B&N
The Jesus Mysteries: Was the 'Original Jesus' a Pagan God?

Also, since it seems Im the outcast here, feel free to msg any questions you might have, and between tending to 6wk old, work and other, I will try and get back to you all.