@Brent cv,
Brent wrote:So who here believes there is a "god" that reigns over Humans?
How do you see God if you believe in one?
Do you follow a certain religion and if so which one?
I myself can not bring myself to believe in a God but I also can not believe any other theories put forth for how we got here as well.
I believe there is a cosmic entity that controls and changes the world we live in and therefore controls our very lives.
However I don't believe this cosmic entity is a person or a being for any matter, this is why I agree with Jews, Christians, and Muslims that perfer not giving any kind of a form or physical depiction over a cosmic entity. Even though they do address it as a he.
Well what is the cosmic entity you might ask? I'll answer this question for you.
The cosmic entity that we refer to as god, is actually a unity of goodness that resides in each of us. That my friends is god. Or better yet to say we are god or better to say, pieces of god. That our actions and our interests and our will is what shapes the world, consciously and subconsciously.