@Brent cv,
Brent;1096 wrote:So who here believes there is a "god" that reigns over Humans?
How do you see God if you believe in one?
Do you follow a certain religion and if so which one?
I myself can not bring myself to believe in a God but I also can not believe any other theories put forth for how we got here as well.
God is real.
I was a very good non believer for 30 odd years.
I had fun making Jehovah's almost running away from my door at the end.
Then I was "saved".
I touched the Godhead for a few moments through telepathic contact.
I had used telepathy only one other time on my wife. Never again since. This was about 20 years ago and I just came out you might say 6 months ago.
Much of the Bible is writen by those who were "in the spirit" when revelation was received. I call "in the spirit" telepathy.
That realm is where God and Heaven is.
Now I have complicated things somewhat for you. Not only are you asked to believe in God but I have included telepathy to your thinking.