@tumbleweed cv,
Quote:Your 3 and 4 don't add up. An imperfect being could never dream up a perfect being. You could think it it was perfect when in fact it's not.
Also not to mention you assume we are perfect.
What are you basing these assumptions on?
Rex , those are not "my" 3 and 4 , they are Descarte's.
I was trying to inject some semblance of thought from a famous philosopher into the discussion in order to assist us in making up our minds about believing in God , or not believing .
This discussion gets nowhere if none of us is willing to attempt to see the others' positions as plausible , and examine the reasons . Descarte was doing just that when he postulated his "proof" .
You all are missing his point - that an imperfect being ie: man , being imperfect , could not imagine a perfect being simply because he ( man ) IS imperfect , thus incapable of building in his mind a perfect being . Descartes thus claims to "prove" that the perfect being (God) MUST exist to implant the idea in man's mind .