@STEVE cv,
STEVE wrote:Exactly its absurd, something had to create him. He could not have just been there since the beginning of time. The whole concept is absurd.
How is it so absurd? Is infinity absurd? It doesn't start nor stop anywhere. Like I said, you think it is absurd because you CAN'T comprehend it, no human can. That is where faith comes in. The universe, infinity, and eternity all go on forever. The human mind can't comprehend that either, however, you belive it because you have faith in what you learned.
I am not trying to convert or change anyones mind here, I am just showing you that, no, it is not absurd to believe what I believe, and I find it offensive when someone tells me my beliefes are absurd. You do not believe in God, fine, that is your choice, but I am not going to tell you it is absurd, even though from my standpoint, I find it difficult to understand how people can't believe in God.