Is there a god?

Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 03:04 pm
z0z0;8760 wrote:
Drnaline - one of my basic assumptions about discussing things in forums is that people know how to read and how to understand what they read. If you do not know how to read and understand what is written here then how can we assume that you know how to read and understand the Bible?

Can you show me where I stated that I AM a Messiah?

My first post stated the following:

    "If I have this message for mankind, how can I determine whether I am a Modern Messiah? Or am I just a Nut Case?" Would I have to prove my nature by showing you miracles? Or would you believe me based on faith?

Can you please retract your idiotic statement - which you have repeated a few times now.
Drnaline - one of my basic assumptions about discussing things in forums is that people know how to read and how to understand what they read. If you do not know how to read and understand what is written here then how can we assume that you know how to read and understand the Bible?

First off your assuming i care about your assumptions.
Second, you assuming i don't know how to read and understand all the while forgoeing the possiblity that i may just not agree with you.
Three, you'll assume what you want anyway, looks at your point of view thusfar.

Can you show me where I stated that I AM a Messiah?

Following my comments about Heaven and God, I began to contemplate whether I am a Modern Messiah with a goal of telling the people of the Earth that they have "Gone Wrong".


So you think that someone that proclaims to be a new Messiah is a nutcase.

You write both of those sentences? You were contemplating if you were or not, i didn't catch what you had decided on finally.

Can you please retract your idiotic statement - which you have repeated a few times now.

Retract i will not. You brought up the topic. Idiotic was your idea of you being a "New/modern Messiah" But since it was your idea, i can go along with it.
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 03:09 pm
Drnaline;8768 wrote:

Retract i will not. You brought up the topic. Idiotic was your idea of you being a "New/modern Messiah" But since it was your idea, i can go along with it.

Exactly - my point - thank you for showing how f*cking retarded you are. You have been shown that you have come to the wrong conclusions and yet you stand there denying that you made a mistake in your conclusions.

No point in debating with you whatsoever. I may as well try to debate with a dog.
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 03:29 pm
z0z0;8764 wrote:
I use the term "WE" as a collective for society.

Yes "IF" is the operative term

No - the burden of proof is with the "Believers". As with any proof you have to show that it is true. Just think of the scientific process or logic. Not being able to prove non-existance should not be the foundation of a religion. Following your logic one can state that there are TWO GODS - Jaweh and Lucifer - each one with a certain philosophy - neither one good or bad. Jaweh tries to paint Lucifer as a bad guy and Lucifer tries to pain Jaweh as the bad guy. Believing in Lucifer is just as valid as believing in Jaweh. Prove that this is not true. Next - if you can't prove to me that the Purple Spaghetti Monster does not exist would you be willing to believe and worship it?

You still have not shown me where I stated that I AM a Messiah. You continue to misquote me and play semantic games.

Your comments here show (and I really do not like to do this) that you might not be very intelligent. To put it on a "common-man level" - will will speculate that you may be a "f*cking retard".

If there are such retards in America then there is no wonder there are retards in less developed parts of the world.

No - the burden of proof is with the "Believers". As with any proof you have to show that it is true. Just think of the scientific process or logic.

So your saying scientists believe in an outcome before they can prove it? Darwin "believed" in evolution doesn't make it true.
You "believe" there is no God. What do you use as proof of your statement? Your discrediting of our God. I see you use plenty of scientific process and logic?
You still have not shown me where I stated that I AM a Messiah. You continue to misquote me and play semantic games.

I never stated, you stated you were a messiah. Again, please quote me where i misquote you. Semantics is part of the game you willingly play in, untill you feel a lose and they you cry foul, sorry too late.
Your comments here show (and I really do not like to do this) that you might not be very intelligent. To put it on a "common-man level" - will will speculate that you may be a "f*cking retard".

I've been called worse by better. But this ******* retard has got your number. Don't hate the player, you should hate the game such as your losing.
If there are such retards in America then there is no wonder there are retards in less developed parts of the world.

Yup i hear there is a bunch of retards over our border and it's not the southern border i'm talking about.

All hale the "New CanadiMessiah."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 03:46 pm
You stated - "Hadn't you heard, Z0z0 is the "New Messiah!" "

I have already shown you that I never stated that I AM a "Messiah".
I was speculating about what is required to be a Messiah.

There is no semantics there. That should be easy to understand.
Yet you still keep on pushing something that was never said and is not true.

Interesting that you do the same about God.
You can't prove your comments about the existance of God but you keep on pushing.

Is that your strategy? If you say it enough times that it becomes true?
Now that is interesting logic.

Learn about the scientific method
Scientific method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A scientist/investigator makes observations and come up with an idea (hypothesis) about what might be the cause of the items being observed. Experiments are then carried out to prove whether the hypothesis is correct. If the experiments prove the validity of the hypothesis then a fact or law is proposed. This then goes to peer review. The cycle goes round and round.

Your speculation that "God Exists" is just a hypothesis. You are stuck at the hypothesis stage. You believe in a hypothesis.

Muslims have their own hypothesis that their God is the real God. How can you prove your hypothesis is better than their hypothesis?
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 03:51 pm
z0z0;8770 wrote:
Exactly - my point - thank you for showing how f*cking retarded you are. You have been shown that you have come to the wrong conclusions and yet you stand there denying that you made a mistake in your conclusions.

No point in debating with you whatsoever. I may as well try to debate with a dog.
Exactly - my point - thank you for showing how f*cking retarded you are.

Were you or were you not considering that you were a "new/modern Messiah?
You have been shown that you have come to the wrong conclusions and yet you stand there denying that you made a mistake in your conclusions.

Show me the post where you decided you were or wern't a new messiah? Or better yet show me where i said you said you were the "New Messiah?" My conclusion still awaits your proof?
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 04:03 pm
Drnaline;8773 wrote:
Were you or were you not considering that you were a "new/modern Messiah?

Show me the post where you decided you were or wern't a new messiah? Or better yet show me where i said you said you were the "New Messiah?" My conclusion still awaits your proof?

Have you not been reading anything I have been writing?

#1 Read my post #195

#2 - I have not stated anything one way or another. Read the second last line of your comment #194 ( I commented on it in my first line in my post #204)

Why do you keep asking me the same stuff if you do not read what I am writing?
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 04:19 pm
z0z0;8772 wrote:
You stated - "Hadn't you heard, Z0z0 is the "New Messiah!" "

I have already shown you that I never stated that I AM a "Messiah".
I was speculating about what is required to be a Messiah.

There is no semantics there. That should be easy to understand.
Yet you still keep on pushing something that was never said and is not true.

Interesting that you do the same about God.
You can't prove your comments about the existance of God but you keep on pushing.

Is that your strategy? If you say it enough times that it becomes true?
Now that is interesting logic.

Learn about the scientific method
Scientific method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A scientist/investigator makes observations and come up with an idea (hypothesis) about what might be the cause of the items being observed. Experiments are then carried out to prove whether the hypothesis is correct. If the experiments prove the validity of the hypothesis then a fact or law is proposed. This then goes to peer review. The cycle goes round and round.

Your speculation that "God Exists" is just a hypothesis. You are stuck at the hypothesis stage. You believe in a hypothesis.

Muslims have their own hypothesis that their God is the real God. How can you prove your hypothesis is better than their hypothesis?

You stated - "Hadn't you heard, Z0z0 is the "New Messiah!" "

I have already shown you that I never stated that I AM a "Messiah".
I was speculating about what is required to be a Messiah.

Speculation is right but the title of your post was, "Could I be a Modern Messiah? " I took the I to mean you.
There is no semantics there. That should be easy to understand.
Yet you still keep on pushing something that was never said and is not true.

Now your denying you were considering yourself to be of holyer heights, LOL. What happened to being more benovolent, "******* retard " was the answer. Seems like you might be losing your one follower. Well you can always be a legend in your own mind.
Interesting that you do the same about God.
You can't prove your comments about the existance of God but you keep on pushing.

Is that your strategy? If you say it enough times that it becomes true?

How many times have you said to yourself there is no God? Did you say it enough times to make it true? Can you prove it?
Interesting that you do the same about God.
You can't prove your comments about the existance of God but you keep on pushing.

Is that your strategy? If you say it enough times that it becomes true?

Can observations be wrong?
idea (hypothesis)

Are idea's (hypothesis) subject to personal bias from the ovserver?
Experiments are then carried out to prove whether the hypothesis is correct. If the experiments prove the validity of the hypothesis then a fact or law is proposed.

Even with experiments to go along with a certain train of thought. They can turn out to be wrong. What happens to the valitified hypothesis? It's wrong but considered by you to be fact?
Your speculation that "God Exists" is just a hypothesis. You are stuck at the hypothesis stage. You believe in a hypothesis.

What do you call your idea that there isn't? Hypothesis maybe? How come your "Hypothesis" is of a subject that is not observed? Lord knows to be scientific investigator you should have something to look at. Other then fairytail books.
Your conclusion is that since you couldn't observe your subject he must no be there, very scientific of you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 04:39 pm
The words "Could I be" = speculation. This comment in no way implies that I am. This is a rather simple concept in the English language. You did though get the "I" concept right in that I was speculating about myself. If I had said "I AM the new Messiah" then that would have been a different story.

The problem is that in my youth so many people told me that God existed and I tried to tell myself so many times that God existed - but no matter how many times I tried to tell myself and believe that God existed - it never actually made him exist.

If experiments do not prove the hypothesis to be true then the hypothesis is discarded and another hypothesis is sought to explain the observations.

I don't understand your comment - what does this mean?

[INDENT]"What happens to the valitified hypothesis?"[/INDENT]

You state:
[INDENT]Your conclusion is that since you couldn't observe your subject he must no be there, very scientific of you.[/INDENT]

Have you ever heard of "luminiferous aether"? It pertains to a hypothesis about the propagation of light. It has never been observed - does it or does it not exist.

I admit that there are phenomenon - such as elementary particles which were proposed through mathematical logic before they were ever observed. These particles were later proven to exist once the equipment was developed to "find them".

Taking this line of logic to "God" - can you show me any logic that would show or predict the existence of "God"? Why is your hypothesis of the Christian "God" more valid than the Norse Odin or the Greek Jupiter myths? How do we know that the Christian God is the one true God?

If you can prove to me that the Christian God is more valid than Baal, Jupiter or Odin then I will consider subscribing to your belief system.

Maybe in another 2,000 years people will consider your God to be on par with these other "discredited' gods.

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Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 04:39 pm
z0z0;8774 wrote:
Have you not been reading anything I have been writing?

#1 Read my post #195

#2 - I have not stated anything one way or another. Read the second last line of your comment #194 ( I commented on it in my first line in my post #204)

Why do you keep asking me the same stuff if you do not read what I am writing?
Yes i've read every thing you've wrote and i even understud it, not bad for a ******* retard.
#1 Read my post #195

I did, this is the whole post.

Could I be a Modern Messiah?


Following my comments about Heaven and God, I began to contemplate whether I am a Modern Messiah with a goal of telling the people of the Earth that they have "Gone Wrong".

Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs and everyone else we have gone down tangents that lead us away from the truth. We worship the institution of religion more than we worship spirituality.

Order = Life.
Entropy = Death.

Is entropy destroying our Spiritual Life?

A gut feeling (Voice of God) tells me that we need to seek the truth of the Grand Unified Theory of Spirituality (GUTS).

If I have this message for mankind, how can I determine whether I am a Modern Messiah? Or am I just a Nut Case?

Note: I assume that we are all sophisticated enough to understand the difference between Spirituality and Religion.

#2 - I have not stated anything one way or another. Read the second last line of your comment #194 ( I commented on it in my first line in my post #204)

I did not say you stated anything. I stated "Hadn't you heard, Z0z0 is the "New Messiah!"
That is my opinion

Why do you keep asking me the same stuff if you do not read what I am writing?

I ask because you do not answer the question. You writing does not mean you answered.

I ask again. Were you or wern't you considering yourself a "Messiah?"

0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 04:59 pm
I think that my post speaks for itself and I have already answered your question.
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 05:02 pm
@Brent cv,
The words "Could I be" = speculation. This comment in no way implies that I am. This is a rather simple concept in the English language. You did though get the "I" concept right in that I was speculating about myself.

So what did you conclude about your dietyness?
If experiments do not prove the hypothesis to be true then the hypothesis is discarded and another hypothesis is sought to explain the observations.

For your experiments of God, what do you observe or what are you looking at? Why have you not discarded your hypothosis with what has to be deemed as lack of observable material?
Taking this line of logic to "God" - can you show me any logic that would show or predict the existence of "God"?

The big bang. Every scientist will tell you it was a caused event. We know that for some thing to be caused there had to be a trigger. All that is in our universe didn't com from an infinite source, it had to come from a finite source or originating point. Who or what do you think was the trigger?
Why is your hypothesis of the Christian "God" more valid than the Norse Odin or the Greek Jupiter myths?

Who said it is more valid?
How do we know that the Christian God is the one true God?

I don't know, but you on the other hand have already figured it out. We are all wrong. And your right. Even for a hypothosis.
If you can prove to me that the Christian God is more valid than Baal, Jupiter or Odin then I will consider subscribing to your belief system.

I'll do no such thing. Why do you think it up to other beliefs to prove it to you? You need to find the truth yourself, nobody it gonna have a ready to feed version like you think there gonna have.
Maybe in another 2,000 years people will consider your God to be on par with these other "discredited' gods.


Maybe and then again, maybe not.
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 05:07 pm
z0z0;8779 wrote:
I think that my post speaks for itself and I have already answered your question.
Run, run around the bush. If you can't admit it to me you'll never get past yourself.
If you were a "New Messiah " i sure don't think you would be more benevolent then the old one. As you said your posts speak for themselves.
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Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 06:25 pm
Drnaline;8762 wrote:
I cannot do one as you will never be able to do the other. Aren't you a so called believer of his not being?
and of those many times being asked, how many times have you proven that there is no God?

See? I rest my case. Prove there is a God. I see proof all over that there is no god. Murder, rape, pillaging for profit, oil lust, etc, etc, etc. If there was a god, he/she would not stand for that intolerance, and would discipline his/her children. Seems the wealthy class of murderous political thugs get richer, not punished, so, obviously there cannot be a god.
Another case in point. Relgions stating for eons about the end of mankind in some kind of "final battle"...still waiting...has never happened, although religions constantly call for it happening, over and over. Next point. Ten commandments in this "word of God" book. It's amazing how many of those supposed sacred commandments are broken daily, all in the name of a flag, or country. Now if it is true that it is against a commandment, would "God" not punish that nation? Seems the US has got quite wealthy breaking these sacred testaments. So why does it still exist?. What, "God" has a special love for countries that depend they are faithful and democratic? LOL!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 06:33 pm
@Brent cv,
Why do you keep baseing what man does to use as fact to there being no god? Two negatives don't make a positive
Why do you keep judging these people of faith when you have no faith yourself?
Now if it is true that it is against a commandment, would "God" not punish that nation?

Seems the US has got quite wealthy breaking these sacred testaments. So why does it still exist?.

Because we are the badest mofo's on the planet.
What, "God" has a special love for countries that depend they are faithful and democratic? LOL!

I don't know how many?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 07:00 pm
Dietyness? Who said I was on a diet? I also never said I was a deity.

Hypothosis? I am questioning YOUR hypothesis of God. My hypothesis is that there is no humanistic deity that some people call "God". If anything, God is the humanistic face of the Universe.

"Every scientist will tell you it was a caused event. " - Really? Where do you get that fact? Every scientist? I thought most real scientists question everything and are still looking at finding an understanding of how it all started. The "Big Band" is still just a hypothesis which has not been proven. The Big Bang hypothesis does fit many of the observations that we see of the expanding universe.

As for the USA being the 'baddest mofo" on the planet. You might be today - but is you know anything about history try to learn a lesson from ancient Persia, the Greeks, the Romans, the British etc. All empires rise and fall. The USA is on the rise - or maybe plateau. The USA will one day fall as well. The next superpower is probably China. They are already starting to grow. They have the discipline that the decadent, lazy and stupid USA no longer has. A 'bully" that depends on force might not see China as a threat because they do not have a military today but the Chinese are smart because it is about building a strong economic base on which to build your military. Maybe the Chinese God is more powerful than the American God
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 09:56 pm
@Brent cv,
God sent His only begotten Son to the Jews because they were the most spiritually enlightened people of their time. Jesus Christ was sent to communicate the Good News to humanity through them. By rejecting his message, however, the Jews vetoed God's plan, and caused the Holy Spirit to seek refuge among the Gentiles. God knew His message had to be embraced by the real power brokers of humanity at the time, so He directed St. Paul, a man specially chosen because of his unusual and outstanding traits, to take Christianity to the Greeks and Romans. This was the beginning of God's multi-phased conversion, transformation and glorification of the West as His new elect nation. This process spanned a series of distinct, developmental periods, each contributing to the building up of Western culture. They included the near conversion of Rome, the conversion of the barbarians, the rise of the Holy Roman Empire, the Crusades, Renaissance, the re-conquest of Spain, the discovery, conquest and colonization of the New World, the Reformation, Enlightenment and modern age.

At the dawn of the third millennium, we can truthfully say the West has been the most blessed of all nations. And this reality conforms to God's plan to give full knowledge of His Son and the New Covenant to those best qualified to receive and act on them. This we did early on, by building a civilization specifically tailored to know, love and serve Christ. It is absolutely imperative, therefore, that Western culture be purposefully linked to Christianity, and aggressively evangelized worldwide in conjunction with it. Christianity, unprotected by Western culture, instantly becomes vulnerable to alien adulteration and if exposed too long to foreign cultures, would die a slow and painful death. Such a tragedy in turn would sound the death knell of humanity.

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Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 10:06 pm
Your comments while interesting do not prove that God exists. Your comments do show a lack of historical knowledge in that Christianity did spread in the EAST as well. Initially Christianity was based out of the Middle East, including Egypt and Turkey. Ever heard of Byzantium and the Eastern Orthodox Church?

If the Jews were the most spiritually enlightened then did not God fail in his Godhood duties if he had to exterminate his Chosen People in the flood and kills how many in Sodom and Gomorrah? Then his only Begotten Son is not worshiped by the Chosen People. How could a "God" screw up so bad?

Humanity will exist whether it believes in God or not.
In 2,000 years there will be other "Gods" being worshiped.

Technically speaking - should we all not be "Jews"?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 10:42 pm
"....Christianity did spread in the EAST as well. Initially Christianity was based out of the Middle East, including Egypt and Turkey."

Minor advancements. Christianity in the Roman Empire made all the difference.

"If the Jews were the most spiritually enlightened then did not God fail in his Godhood duties if he had to exterminate his Chosen People in the flood and kills how many in Sodom and Gomorrah?"

No. A chosen people must prove itself, time and time again. Leadership must be fought for, constantly.

"Then his only Begotten Son is not worshiped by the Chosen People. How could a "God" screw up so bad?"

God didn't 'screw up'; Man did -- that is, those who rejected His Son.

"Humanity will exist whether it believes in God or not."

Humanity will blow itself up. The story of Man's end is found in the Bible. The process is well under way.

"In 2,000 years there will be other "Gods" being worshiped."

Maybe, but not by Mankind. Do you really believe Man will still exist in 2,000 years? If so, you're one heck of an optimist.

"Technically speaking - should we all not be "Jews"?"

No. Their leaders framed and beat Jesus, convinced the Romans to torture and execute Him, and manipulated street mobs to praise His death-sentence before Pontius Pilate. We Christians owe a lot to the Jews. Nonetheless, we are not Jews. :FU1:

[SIZE="4"]* I do not advocate violence toward the innocent, ever.[/SIZE]
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Dec, 2006 10:57 pm
Yes - I am an "optimist". Humanity will survive and in 2,000 years humanity will be worshiping new Gods.

As for humanity being "tested" - that sounds really creepy to me. Why would an omniscient and omnipotent deity need to test us? Why would the deity be genocidal? For what purpose?

Why would leadership have to be "fought for"? I don't ever hear Christ saying anything along those lines.

Ever heard the term "Judeo-Christian"? The Christian Old Testament is the same book at the Jewish Torah. Christians and Jews have the same stories of the Garden of Eden, Abraham, Moses and the Ten Commandments etc.

Christianity is more modern than Judaism - but along the same form of logic Islam is more modern than Christianity since Mohammad taught 700 years after Jesus.

God is a screw-up because he still has not figured out how to teach his children. Think of modern family life. Children grown up to be good or bad people depending on how good the parents are at educating the children. The fact that humanity is so fractured and screwed up is a direct sign that God is not being a good "parent". If God even exists. The fact that humanity is living a "Lord of the Flies" existance is great evidence for the hypothesis that humanity is orphans - with no parents - and that God does not exist (or is an absentee parent).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jan, 2007 09:35 pm
z0z0;8796 wrote:
Dietyness? Who said I was on a diet? I also never said I was a deity.

Hypothosis? I am questioning YOUR hypothesis of God. My hypothesis is that there is no humanistic deity that some people call "God". If anything, God is the humanistic face of the Universe.

"Every scientist will tell you it was a caused event. " - Really? Where do you get that fact? Every scientist? I thought most real scientists question everything and are still looking at finding an understanding of how it all started. The "Big Band" is still just a hypothesis which has not been proven. The Big Bang hypothesis does fit many of the observations that we see of the expanding universe.

As for the USA being the 'baddest mofo" on the planet. You might be today - but is you know anything about history try to learn a lesson from ancient Persia, the Greeks, the Romans, the British etc. All empires rise and fall. The USA is on the rise - or maybe plateau. The USA will one day fall as well. The next superpower is probably China. They are already starting to grow. They have the discipline that the decadent, lazy and stupid USA no longer has. A 'bully" that depends on force might not see China as a threat because they do not have a military today but the Chinese are smart because it is about building a strong economic base on which to build your military. Maybe the Chinese God is more powerful than the American God
Dietyness? Who said I was on a diet? I also never said I was a deity.

No one said you were on a diet or a deity.
Hypothosis? I am questioning YOUR hypothesis of God. My hypothesis is that there is no humanistic deity that some people call "God". If anything, God is the humanistic face of the Universe.

Question away.
Your hypothesis of a humanistic deity came from where? It wasn't the bible. He is a deity in which we believe we were formed from. Not the other way around.

Really? Where do you get that fact? Every scientist? I thought most real scientists question everything and are still looking at finding an understanding of how it all started.
The "Big Band" is still just a hypothesis which has not been proven. The Big Bang hypothesis does fit many of the observations that we see of the expanding universe.

What's your hypothesis on the "Big Bang?" Do you believe in Newtons first law, if you do what happened to get us from a finite stable none moving source to a very fast moving unstable mass? I'll not expect an answer soon if you give one at all.
As for the USA being the 'baddest mofo" on the planet. You might be today - but is you know anything about history try to learn a lesson from ancient Persia, the Greeks, the Romans, the British etc. All empires rise and fall. The USA is on the rise - or maybe plateau. The USA will one day fall as well. The next superpower is probably China. They are already starting to grow. They have the discipline that the decadent, lazy and stupid USA no longer has. A 'bully" that depends on force might not see China as a threat because they do not have a military today but the Chinese are smart because it is about building a strong economic base on which to build your military. Maybe the Chinese God is more powerful than the American God

You think the US will let that happen, we'll blow this planet to hell before it even gets close, hows that for arrogant. Oh and well make sure you get taken with us.
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