Chights47 wrote:The mind is an ethereal "thing" but it's not a physical thing".
'Mind' is a mis-representation, an illusion. It is an accumulation of characteristics culminating in a concept.
Chights47 wrote:You can't deny that emotions exist, yet you can't touch them, see them, or sense them in anyway expect within yourself...same kind of concept.
Emotions are another combination of characteristics which we assign a concept to (fear, love, etc.). Nobody has been able to 'prove' that what you're being moved by is actually love or fear. You can only say that you were moved and assign an interpretation to it according to the combination of characteristics you perceive. I have found that what you call emotions are a great way to distract our 'self' and others from 'Be'-ing and become an entity that supports their own existence (justification).
Chights47 wrote: The "concepts" and expressions in which you're talking about aren't the end of thinking, they're actually beginning.
Actually the rote memorization and communication of concepts covers up the "phenomena of be-ing" and creates 'mass' around those concepts thereby increasing believabilty and agreement for the illusion.
Chights47 wrote:The phenomena of "be-ing" can't be thought about, explained, communicated or anything. The only way to understand it, is to experience it without any thought or anything. It's just...well...be-ing. As soon as you try to explain it and communicate it, it starts to "water down" and becomes "lost in translation". So basically "be-ing" is before thought, not after it...at least that's the way I see it.
I agree with you. It's kind of like the relationship between sex and intimacy. Intimacy doesn't lend itself to be talked about so we talk about sex hoping to communicate. When you talk about sex, intimacy becomes something else which doesn't come close to intimacy. Since we (obviously) have the desire, (in fact are compelled) to communicate about 'Be'-ing, intimacy, and sex, maybe we need to invent another way to communicate and stop representing 'Be'-ing, intimacy, and sex the way we currently represent it.
Maybe the problem is the conceptualization and mis-representation of 'Be'-ing/living. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result.