Thu 20 Nov, 2003 04:02 pm

I'm looking for a regular, non-binding, not legally liable, solution to the itch that's driving me crazy. My hands and feet itch so bad I can't think of anything else. Are there any remedies out there that are personal favorites? Help!
I recommend you visit with a doctor.
stop itch
try gold bond powder,i'll check my medical book and let you know of a different thing [friday] just in case the powder's not good for you.
Lotions and moisturizers. Body butters. Something rich and creamy.
Vasaline is great for severely dry skin.
Dov, a visit to your doctor to be referred for a lab blood test is important to be sure you do not have any liver disease. Extreme itching is a liver disease symptom that should be eliminated.
For temporary itch relief:
Most lotions won't help much unless they contain anti-itching medication. Two goods ones are:
Sarna anti-itch lotion:
Neutrogena anti-itch moisturizer:
Your doctor may also prescribe Triamcinolone Acetonide ointment sup. 0.1% to help cure the itch.
If your feet/ankles are swollen and there is a red blistery-type rash that exudes a crusty clear liquid, you may have an edema rash from excess salt and poor circulation. Your doctor should check you for this condition.
I agree with the folks who suggest a visit to a doctor. It may be nothing, but it is important that you rule out anything serious. Even if it is only a dermatitis, the doctor can prescribe a medication that you won't be able to get over the counter!
And while you're at the doctor, have him or her check you for a nickel allergy - one of its symptoms is itchy fingers and soles of feet.
I have had an itching problem like the one you describe.
I went to a dermatologist who told me to use Dove soap for showering followed by a large application of Vaseline Intensive Care lotion.
The doc's suggestion worked for me without any side effects at all.
Along with others here, I agree you need to see a doctor if only for peace of mind that you have nothing seriously wrong. That's the course of action I took.
Good luck!

Thank you all for your kind suggestions about stopping my itch. I have a doctor's appt on the 5th so I'll have to try and find some lotion until then. Theres nothing like a mad-itchy to take your mind off other problems.
Let us know how it goes dov.
Congratulations on deciding to see a doctor. We're itching to know how things turn out
Re: stop itch
frankemp wrote:try gold bond powder,i'll check my medical book and let you know of a different thing [friday] just in case the powder's not good for you.
DOV1953: did you try the [gold bond's]powder?
I know you didn't ask me . . . but here goes, for what it's worth.
I have tried Gold Bond Powder. It is soothing to the skin upon application because it has menthol in it. After a while, it is as soothing as baby powder.
Since it has the consistency of baby powder, the Gold Bond can be dangerous to those with respiratory problems who inhale it. I find Vaseline Intensive Care lotion to be a more effective itch stopper.
If it's a serious itch, see your doctor. S/he may prescribe an antihistamine such as Benadryl for your problem. Use antihistamines with caution. Some can cause drowsiness.

Again, thank you all for your kindness. I'm touched; more specifically by Gold Bond powder. It helped a lot. I called my old nuerologist and he said that the itching was another symptom of an old problem. About three years ago I woke up one morning as usual and I could barely walk. It took me nearly 6 months before I could walk normally. It still hasn't gone away. It was nerve damage. The doc said it has "traveling" characteristics. Itching and a burning feeling on my feet are one one of those symptoms. Just thought I'd let you great guys know.
itchy hands and feet
dov1953 how did things turn out on your symptoms. I was searching the internet for the same problems, experienced by my husband, and found this interchange between you and other members. I am curious as to what you found out and what you have been doing to eliminate the problem. Please write. caity
I once had similiar symptoms and went to the doctor. I was told I had hand, foot, mouth disease and the doctor asked if I had been around any young children lately. Seeing I had just come back from Disneyworld the answer was yes. Come to find out it is a childhood sickness that is highly contagious. Typically most people get it as a young child with very mild symptoms - so mild that most never even know that they have had it - once caught, you are immune. As many childhood sicknesses, it is worse as an adult.
Basically the doctor suggested I use antihistamine to relieve the itching and it will go away after several days.
Linkat, now That Is Interesting. Antihistamine did work for me, but rather faster than several days - twenty minutes (Benedryl, the pink pill that Costco has for about $4.00 for four hundred..) The symptoms would come back though. Let's see, it's called Allergy Medicine, by Kirkland; is 25 mg. of diphenhydramine hydrochloride.
Mine just disappeared gradually, sssshhhhhh!, with no change in behavior since I could never pin down what any proximate cause was.
Haven't even taken a benedryl for at least a year...
I do remember from years ago understanding that allergy has a kind of line in the sand for sensitivity, that once the allergen load is over that, symptom phenomena get activated.
Sorry ossoboro - the itching went away pretty quickly, but the hand, foot, mouth stuff was still around for a few days.