Re: itching hands and feet driving me nuts!
dov1953 wrote:
I'm looking for a regular, non-binding, not legally liable, solution to the itch that's driving me crazy. My hands and feet itch so bad I can't think of anything else. Are there any remedies out there that are personal favorites? Help!
For starters, I'd switch soaps. Then I'd have my thyroid examined. Are you hypothyroid, by any chance?
Itching of the hands and feet, especially between the digits, are a sign of scabies, I hear. Go see the Doc.
Oops I should have read the entire post before replyimg.. Dov- I'm glad you got the answer as to why you were itching!
SSooo, how'd ya do?
I just found this site by placing "itchy hands and feet" onto MSN's search engine. I'd like to know what happened... Did you have liver problems, eczema, fifth disease, nickle allergy, lack of B-12, scabies, high salt, circulation problem, hypothyroid, or what? I'm going crazy! Can't sleep! And I noticed that after I've itched a spot, I get a little fluid blister there and the next day the area has turned brown, like a tan.
Has anyone tried the B-12 or is it just me... my friend had another kind of itch..only on the back of her neck..she tried the b 12 dot and called me up to say that after about a week the itching was try works
I was mostly free of it for the last year or two, and now it is showing up again. In my case I know I have excema, showing up rather late in the game of life. It beats sneezing, and rivers of water running through your nose. The two sets of symptoms seemed to switch places for me. Now I hardly ever sneeze. Last time I got rid of the itching, I took low doses of benadryl, until the symptoms tamped down. From what I remember about allergy, when you are in a sensitive state, all sorts of things set it off, but there is a tolerance level below that to aim for. Don't quote me, it's just old memory.
B12 is very available in our foods, and ordinarily doesn't need to be supplemented with vitamins - unless you are a vegetarian, in which case vitamins might be in order.
Thanks guys!
My diet is pretty good, eat lots of everything, so I probably don't need B12. I'll try the Benedryl (sp?). Will let you know if it worked in a week. Annie
The Benedryl didn't help. Finally went to the doc. He says it's STRESS related. Started trying to get more sleep, exersizing, and do gardening every morning. Seems to be helping.
I also have very itchy hands and feet. I have been diagnosed with Urticaria. It took a couple of years to get to the right doctor who could tell me what I have. I take Zyrtec twice a day and that helps with the itching. I also use Sarna lotion, but it smells bad so I don't use it that much. The itching is better when I shower in cool water and use lotion. I also tie my shoes very loosely. One day I ate a bowl of tomatoes and my hands itched unbearably for a couple of days. Please let us know what the doctor tells you.
I just left the hospital. I entered though the emergancy room after being give a steroid and antihistmien, for swollen and itching (maddeningly so) hands and feet. The steroid caused esophagitides. They still don't know whay my hands and feet are itching so badly and it has continued to get worse. I think they forgot why i was there and started to put a tube in my thought to inspect for the esophagitides. I told the doctor that i was still having the trouble with my hands and feet . I got frustrated and signed myself out from the hospital but still have no idea what is happening to me and the itch is Maddening and my hands look like oven mitts.
itching all over
I have been fairly healthy so far in life. 30 years and now 3 months ago i started itching like crazy. never could connect it with anything new. went to the allergist. was tested for 73 allergens. no reaction to anything. blood work checked.. all fine. and yet here i am. still itching. the hand are worse in the am. doctor put me on zyrtec which knocked me out and then finally allegra. works ok but is daily and i want to solve the problem not just treat it. i have a dermatology appt friday 9/21/07. will let you all know what i find out. all the things you have written about.. the blisters that seem to be under the skin and itching between fingers all sound like me. as a nurse i have been in contact with scabies.. however i have treated myself with no change in symptoms...i may try the b12 after my dr. appt. you have to be off mediation for 4 days prior to be accurate. i am itchhing to death today.. day 1 of 4 without my precious allegra!!!
Itchy hands and feet
I am turning 35 and have been on Allegra for about 10 yrs now- to stop the itching on my hands and feet. After being 'drugged' on allergy meds for almost 2 yrs, the dr's finally put me on Allegra- which does work, but now, I'm really wanting to know the cause of my itching- it is the worst, unbearable itch anyone can imagine- with absoluty no rash, bumps or any visible sign. Been thru allergy testing- nothing. Basically I'm told it's axienty and that's why I itch. This came out of nowhere in 1996. I'm afraid my only choice is to take Allegra till the day I die......?
Just started Itching
I, too, have the unbearably itchy palms and digits. It only occurs for me at night, usually right before I go to bed. I have no earthly clue what it is. I don't get any visible bumps or raised rashes or hives or anything, but it literally feels like fire is pulsing in between my fingers and toes, and on my palms and soles of my feet. Has anyone learned anything new or found anything out? It can't just be stress - I'm a pretty mellow person! This is driving me nuts - any advice would be much appreciated!
itching hands
i am going nuts with the itching hands and will try the b12 doc has advised allegra 180
My wife has developed itchy fingers within the last couple of weeks, and recently a few of her toes too. WHich is driving her mad with unbearability.
With her fingers it started about 8 in the evening for the first week but now has become mosly continual.
A few weeks before this she started a new job where she handles food and thus wears disposable gloves (using vinyl, non latex ones).
The doctors have therefore said it is a contact allegy. However a few points don't quite seem to add up to me:
- she doesn't wear gloves on her toes
- first one cream prescribed by the docter, and then a much stronger one have had no effect at all. In fact, sometimes if her fingers aren't itchy and she puts on some cream it starts making them itchy. (multiple other things such as Sarna lotion etc. have no effect either).
- she has worn these gloves in the past without effect, if she takes a couple of days off work, not wearing them for a few days doesn't diminish the itching in any way
- she's not stressed out.
If it is a contact allergy then why are her toes starting to itch too?
Are there any other possible causes and doctors might be jumping to conclusions quickly?
If anybody has any experience or comments to share regarding itchy fingers I'd be really grateful to hear them.
I noticed an earlier posting said nickle allergy could cause itching in hands/feet. My wife does have this, but if she's had a nickle allergy for years could it suddenly result in this? And if so why does it appear in the hands if the point of contact with nickle is elsewhere (i.e. a pair of jean's button).
Your wife may be allergic to latex in those glove, but then I don't understand the feet itching as well. But there may be some systemic connection so that may be an ignorant comment on my part. They do make gloves like that without latex in the product inside the gloves - I think I've read about that.
On allegra, I tried it once years ago. Expensive, and simple benedryl works better for me - in fact, 1/2 benedryl will work for me now, if it is necessary. I don't get the itching often now, but have had maddening bouts in the past, so y'all have my sympathies.
I remember buying that expensive oatmeal bath stuff. Worked while I was in the bathtub. 15 minutes later, itch city. Sheesh.
Thanks. The gloves she uses are already latex free. They are made from vinyl I believe.
She does have a nickel allergy but from googling it seems reactions to that are generally localised and due to contact.
Maybe she should strap a small piece of glove to her arm for a few hours and see if there is a reaction, and if not see what the doctors say about that and see if it forces a rethink out of them.
If it is the gloves, is it possible that contact in one part of the body can effect other parts of the body like her toes that have no contact?
I'll see if I can get some benedryl tonight and give them a try.
It's my theological speculation that Hell is a constant itch and Heaven is a constant stratch.
For me, the nickel allergy manifested itself in diet (many vegetables and fruits contain nickel because it's in soil). And I had the itchy fingers. So, hmmm.
A definite maybe (real helpful, I know. Sorry.).
One thing, though. Allergic mechanics are still not too well understood so it's possible that it's an allergy just coming out now even if she didn't have it before. Maybe it's the powder in the gloves, or it could be a lotion or soap at the new job. There are all sorts of opportunities for coming into contact with new and different chemicals so it may be the gloves but it could (also) be something else there. I hope you find the answer soon; I know what it's like, and it's maddening.