sometime sun wrote:One; I am terrified of their truth taking away mine Truth.
Thomas wrote:
What do you mean by "my truth" vs. "their truth"? There is only one truth, and we atheists can't take it away any more than the Grinch can steal Christmas.
I do not believe just because someone correct or incorrect that they do not hold truth in their heart.
Your truth is your conviction and how you lead and are led by your life.
Truth is what we live, more than what we believe.
I would not take your life from you,
and would hope you would not take my life from me unless you had a life available I could lead and be led by that would be endurable.
sometime sun wrote:Two; They always seem so angry and anger terrifies me as well.
Thomas wrote:
Always? How many atheists are you counting in this thread? How many of them would you characterize as "angry"?
No offence but a couple 'seemed' angry, if not with theism here then definitely with me.
It may have been a personally justified anger, but it was not what I was looking for even though I did ask 'about' it, and it did indeed find me terrified.
As said, anger terrifies me, I mean this, so why it was presumed I was trying to elicit it I don't understand.
But do now fully accept my fault in not being more deft.
I am sorry I hurt anyone,
but I cant really be sorry for an unintentional miswriting and misreading.
Or should I be?
Thank you for your questions I enjoyed answering them.