I am truly saddened that I may have in any way or form offended you.
But to be the child here, You pushed me first.
You are not serious by saying it was out of the blue, read your first post to me again. And see there if nothing is amiss
I gave you the benefit of my doubt after you had shamed me in public, I asked you where your creative side was when making an assault upon me,
sorry if that sound like an exaggeration but that is what it felt like.
How do you think it sounds when you hear someone say to someone they don't agree with "I feel sorry for you", and be thanked for it no less,
I opened a thread in all good conscience to find if there were any atheists who would try to sooth my fears, to help me understand, to show me some compassion, not provoke the negative stereotype I am holding onto.
Even in my thread I gave you most of the benefit of the doubt and welcomed your input, I did not just think that religious people would visit this.
How were you doing any thing other than compounding fears?
Fears I may add I think I was pretty brave in actually voicing, although definitely ignorantly as I had no idea the hail storm it would bring on me.
So just in case any one thinks I meant this;
I do not nor ever have thought atheists were a justifiable fear.
Nor do I think they are deserving of my fear. (not a put down)
But forgive me if I am found regularly intimidated by them.
Again I am sorry I have offended you it is not my life's work to do such things.
And I know it is weak to say this but it is all I have;
You hurt me first.
It does not excuse me but I don't think because you are now hurt you are also excused.