@sometime sun,
sometime sun wrote:
Yes I will make sure my feelings are kept yo myself in future.
Well, given that you have done no such thing, I'll take that as untrue.
Given that it appears that you are seeking help with these scared feelings, what are you wanting from people? Just that they murmur sympathetically? That people offer to die first to protect you from challenge?
Or are you wanting to overcome these fears?
Much of what you believe about atheists is ridiculous (yes, I know you move the goal posts when challenged...and on this one you moved it to "atheism" not "atheists"...but I don't buy that distinction)...did you want us to SUPPORT these beliefs?
In my view much of the anxiety we give ourselves, and that you give yourself, is not reality based but the result of irrational beliefs.
I have no comment to make on your religion...I can't disprove your god, and have no interest in converting theists. But when you have fears of atheists and some of the fears are totally unreal and irrational, and you continue to post about them here, then I will challenge those beliefs.
It's not saying that YOU are necessarily irrational, we ALL have irrational beliefs..and yours seem to be causing you distress. (I have a number that cause me distress too, and I challenge the hell out of them.)
Actually, most of these demonisations and fairy tales you distress yourself with about atheism seem to me to be smoke-screens for a much more realistically based existential anxiety...about emptiness and meaningless and mortality..."the void" if you will.
That's a fear most of us face (unless, I suppose, so embedded in some religion or other, that we never think for ourselves) and deal with. Part of the human condition and all.