cicerone imposter
Sun 27 Jan, 2013 11:32 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
I agree! Seems some people are having difficulty with "does nothing exist?"

I thought the concept of "something exists" was so simple. Mr. Green
0 Replies
Berty McJock
Sun 27 Jan, 2013 01:56 pm
lol i agree that in principal nothing cannot exist, i'm just trying to shake it up a bit and put it in a realm where our rules dont apply.
nothing is impossible (or do i mean everything is possible? lol).

does nothing non-exist?
Tue 29 Jan, 2013 02:16 pm
@Berty McJock,
nothing is what exist always the most, when any is only absolutely then nothing of course exist
who is to say what there is??? a limited perspective dont u think
what can a limited perspective see other then nothing u tell me

when things are only absolutely then limited perspective is logical, or mayb u really think that ur god words are so brillant and not clearly the print of limited one

in another dimension just to prove how far only nothing is real, opposite of same things is possible only if reality is nothing or that no thing is real

also in complete other dimension, the more u invent things to say the more u live by urself as real, that prove how nothing exist only so the more u say nothing real the more u r alive

while people like me who are a bit above nothing, the more we say the least of common fact in logical terms the more we sound like inventin the futur while we are sayin nothing at all
Berty McJock
Wed 30 Jan, 2013 01:48 am
you did this in another thread. you clearly have not read/understood a word of what i'm saying (or what anyone else is saying, according to your rants). science clearly explains that nothing cannot exist within our known laws of physics, and therefore in our universe, and language clearly makes the case for the meaning of the word. maybe before you claim to know everything, you should at least be clear on what it is you think you know. when i speak of "outside our universe" i am trying to invoke the idea of a place we dont understand, know nothing about, or even if the laws of physics exist (never mind if they are the same or not), if indeed it is even a place. my point being that in a completely different environment of which we have no experience, understanding or knowledge, nothing itself may have properties. i am trying to raise questions, not give answers.

"or mayb u really think that ur god words are so brillant"
at no point did i claim to be, to know, or to understand God. i never invoked his existence, and for the record, i'm a non believer in the god of any organised religion.

"what can a limited perspective see other then nothing u tell me"
a limited perspective can see infinitely more than nothing, as if nothing really is nothing, it cant be there to be seen. also you answered that question with the question itself...a limited perspective is only still exists, and therefore sees "something", no matter how small.

"in another dimension just to prove how far only nothing is real, opposite of same things is possible only if reality is nothing or that no thing is real"
this doesnt even make sense. how can the opposite of anything exist only in a world where nothing exists? the opposite of something is still something. you dont have stages of either is or isn't.

...and people say i haven't thought things through?!?!?! the mind boggles.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Jan, 2013 08:19 am
it is amazin how far u r insolent to any conscious pretense, when u cant reason stop meanin knowin anything at all and focus on urself alone to b only out of ur own reasons

opposites cant exist but bc nothing exist, in all terms even literally, if smthg exist then that existence is the thing reality moron head
Thu 31 Jan, 2013 09:14 am
while on the contrary science explain clearly how nothing exist, by provin chaos so the lack of any order seen in scientifical experiments studyin the laws of physical forms

when science point everything being constantly relative to probabilities forces, then science is also pointin nothing relativity too

while nothing there seem the more constant reference so true existing fact
and when existence is the thing then nothing is smthg more then anything else u see, limited happy head

and no miss, limited dont see smthg, bc smthg exist then existence of smthg is real, that is how only liars and abusers and insolents and criminals are the limited pretenses of seein any

i dare what do u see missy, say anything
0 Replies
Berty McJock
Thu 31 Jan, 2013 09:15 am
i repeat, you clearly have not understood me. that's fair enough, the concept i'm trying to portray is difficult to imagine, and also difficult to explain, and i accept i may be misleading.

however, if you plan on just insulting me, may i suggest you stop replying to me on this, or any other thread. this is the second thread you have done this to me on, and i've noticed you do it to others too. you are a nasty little troll. consider any and all of my posts as irrelevant to you, as you are to me. our correspondance is terminated.
Thu 31 Jan, 2013 02:57 pm
@Berty McJock,
u deserve insults when clearly u mean being everything use in the most comfortable invented stand by deforming it

understand u??? if it is about u stop then pointin anything and talk about urself only

and there cant b any correspondance between opposites, so terminate urself so i cant see u or wait for existence that would terminate ur pretenses to b
in any case, u cant decide for me anything and when u dont want me to reply to u u should then not reply urself
0 Replies
Mon 18 Feb, 2013 09:07 pm
@mark noble,

I agree with the second post of this thread that "nothing" can't exist. Simply because it's no thing.
People ask if we came from nothing. That's impossible.
What was before the universe? Eternity (the absence of space and time). What is "eternity"? It's not "no thing". It's also not what makes up space (distance between matter) and time [the movement of matter (such as earth's rotation around the sun) measured]. What eternity is, isn't what we know. Eternity is what was, is, and will be. Eternity is outside of reality. What is "what was" before reality came into being? I believe the "what was, is, and always will be" (eternity) is truth. The truth that we cannot reach. I believe "truth" created this temporary reality to transform itself from eternity to infinity.
I also believe that there's not enough words created for me to explain what has been shown to me.
I re-read what I write, imagining what one would get from my words that doesn't know my perspective. One would think I'm either crazy, confused, or mis-understanding.
An old philosophical saying sais "just because I don't understand you, doesn't mean you don't understand your self".
Keep that in mind when I say this: The changing of ones self is what give us hope. Know your self. Be quick to correct your self. Don't dig your heals into what you THOUGHT when you see something different. Don't fear anything, especially your previous self. We change constantly. What are we changing into?
Tue 5 Mar, 2013 11:13 am
Looking4Truth wrote:


I agree with the second post of this thread that "nothing" can't exist. Simply because it's no thing.
(the absence of space and time). What is "eternity"? It's not "no thing". ... Eternity is what was, is, and will be. Eternity is outside of reality.

it is incredible how u dont feel any shame while makin bigger errors then ur head to spout ur selfish wills in meanin knowin everything

how nothing cant exist bc it is no thing??? who told u that existence is a thing

and if existence is a thing how eternity is outside of reality??? if eternity do not exist then what is that existence of what moron

Tue 5 Mar, 2013 01:24 pm
So you say existence is nothing? You also say eternity is a part of reality? So eternity is existence? So eternity is nothing? I just speak my mind. Feel free to show me otherwise. I like seeing what other minds think. Just because I think I know or don't know and just think, doesn't mean I know. We All think we know or don't know and think. Why get angry with me for questioning reality and coming to conclusions then question conclusions and answering the unknown? Just because I experiment with questions and answers to get others and myself to wonder? If you think you know then you loose your wonder. I don't claim to know. I like to wonder about the unknown. We have a vast more questions than answers. We know practically nothing compared to ALL things. I don't choose to sit PROUDLY on the pinnacle of stupidity. I remain curious of our ignorance. I don't claim to understand but wish to understand. Do you admit to ignorance? If not, then you should be proud. I'm not proud. I don't know, I wonder.
Wed 6 Mar, 2013 04:38 pm
Looking4Truth wrote:

So you say existence is nothing? You also say eternity is a part of reality? So eternity is existence? So eternity is nothing? I just speak my mind. Feel free to show me otherwise. I like seeing what other minds think. Just because I think I know or don't know and just think, doesn't mean I know. We All think we know or don't know and think. Why get angry with me for questioning reality and coming to conclusions then question conclusions and answering the unknown? Just because I experiment with questions and answers to get others and myself to wonder? If you think you know then you loose your wonder. I don't claim to know. I like to wonder about the unknown. We have a vast more questions than answers. We know practically nothing compared to ALL things. I don't choose to sit PROUDLY on the pinnacle of stupidity. I remain curious of our ignorance. I don't claim to understand but wish to understand. Do you admit to ignorance? If not, then you should be proud. I'm not proud. I don't know, I wonder.

u r really stupid for what u enjoy playin the role that u r all what can b done

hey i didnt say that existence is not existing, i said true existence is not about things, that is how nothing exist but not absolutely while at certain dimension of nothing existence is absolutely real
like u show clearly how u cant b existing, even pains would need u to play and invent reactions, but for others no they are real in sorrow and laughter

but where u r exhibitin being stupid is another thing, to u if nothing exist then existence is about nothing
this is stupid bc if nothing exist while since nothing is negative statement, then we are not sayin anything about what exist as objective thing
we are simply sayin that existence things is not absolute existence, so no thing also exist

u want to post in philosophy forum while u lack the basic rule to think philosophically, all ways positively since it is the only way for objective existence to b abstractly while perceivin the end being really positive truth
Wed 6 Mar, 2013 06:47 pm
Thank you for that challenge. Nothing then would exist. In fact, the deeper in thought I go, existence is nothing. This is where you would disagree Wink. We exist and experience reality. We are something, but nothing compared to all things.

I know, I know, I'm exaggerating. So along with All things, nothing also exists. Is that better? Your right, nothing does exist. Thanks for the reply Smile .
0 Replies
Wed 6 Mar, 2013 07:20 pm
You say "while perceiving the end being really positive truth", right, but also after the end, the beginning being only truth. Positive and negative, good and evil, light and darkness, they were created simultaneously. Without one wouldn't be the other. With one there must be the other.
Wed 6 Mar, 2013 09:19 pm
If light and darkness were created simultaneously, how did they come into being? More importantly, why? Do you agree with me that there's a reason for the being of reality? If so, what is this ever-changing being of reality becoming? Why this? Why the NOW that we see? This present state that we dwell in constantly changes. Is there a reason for its change? If so, why? If so, what's it changing into?

Is the past gone? Is the future coming to pass us and be gone? Is this present (constant now) separate from what we have experienced or will experience? If not, then is the past, present, and future to dense to be in the same place at the same time? Would that be a reason for the separation of reality (what was, is, and is to come)? nothing can be in the same place at the same time. For now. Just for the "now". Wink .
Wed 6 Mar, 2013 10:16 pm
What would be the reason of a being questioning why existence is? In fact, what would be the ONLY reason for man to question his existence?

Is it obvious yet? Has it hit you yet?

Who is the creation to question the Creator?

Who is the creation from the Creator?

Know thy self. Where did thy put thy self?

Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here? What is this trip we are traveling through? Where are we going?

Do you see what I see? Do you see the "Why"?

What would be the ONLY reason for what was, is, and is to come to become existence separated into past, present, and future, perceived from a constant ever-changing now forever gaining knowledge but never coming to the knowledge of truth???

Is there any body in their?

Here is my question.

Any guesses?
Thu 7 Mar, 2013 02:06 pm
Looking4Truth wrote:

What would be the reason of a being questioning why existence is? In fact, what would be the ONLY reason for man to question his existence?

Is it obvious yet? Has it hit you yet?

Who is the creation to question the Creator?

Who is the creation from the Creator?

Know thy self. Where did thy put thy self?

Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here? What is this trip we are traveling through? Where are we going?

Do you see what I see? Do you see the "Why"?

What would be the ONLY reason for what was, is, and is to come to become existence separated into past, present, and future, perceived from a constant ever-changing now forever gaining knowledge but never coming to the knowledge of truth???

Is there any body in their?

Here is my question.

Any guesses?

god is a myth based

Therefore only exists in the mind
0 Replies
Thu 7 Mar, 2013 04:21 pm
Who is the creation to question the Creator?
Who is the creation from the Creator?

In the Upanishads, in the "Creation of the World from the Soul" there is an interesting concept.

[After the generative monad initiates creation and having gone through the requisite activities up through copulation with itself to create all animal life forms, etc.]

He said “I AM this creation for I have poured it forth from myself. In that way he became this creation… [Then comes the heart of myth]… Verily, he a creature in this creation who knows this becomes in this creation a creator.”
Thu 7 Mar, 2013 04:41 pm
Zarathustra wrote:

Who is the creation to question the Creator?
Who is the creation from the Creator?

In the Upanishads, in the "Creation of the World from the Soul" there is an interesting concept.

[After the generative monad initiates creation and having gone through the requisite activities up through copulation with itself to create all animal life forms, etc.]

He said “I AM this creation for I have poured it forth from myself. In that way he became this creation… [Then comes the heart of myth]… Verily, he a creature in this creation who knows this becomes in this creation a creator.”

How does this have anything to do with the op ?
0 Replies
Thu 7 Mar, 2013 04:55 pm
Looking4Truth wrote:

You say "while perceiving the end being really positive truth", right, but also after the end, the beginning being only truth. Positive and negative, good and evil, light and darkness, they were created simultaneously. Without one wouldn't be the other. With one there must be the other.

it is incredible how u say nothing in form of very smart thing from u, u r nothing but u pretendin being able to anything u r also the proof of what opposites are never to anything at all but to kick at the end out of any

first illuminated ****, u cant use the word created when u r meanin things of truth, created by what moron then speak of that creator for truth
second, beggining and end are the same truth which is superiority always, but then end is positive superiority so objective existence while the begining is relative superiority so only superiority always but cant stay constant, it depends on objective conception being relatively existing

what is superior and objective since existence is true watever u wish the opposite, is always only linear way and when it is not really being superior it is free where freedom is always superiority base
what is nothing objectively but existin consciously so free from all is superior whatever always right
but also what is individually free is the most in truth one, bc existence is true so the only freedom is gathered in terms of positive identity of superior right
u r a loser bc u dare think negative and opposites and inferiority as sources, which show how u have no least idea of being someone urself nor about any conscious u might pretend being able to claim seein a point

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