@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:
I just did explain to u the diference in between an assumption and something which can be observeble or manifest itself...did u care to read twice?
U have to employ the use of a concept to confront a concept...looool....
You sentence "nothing is nothing" has two meanings:
1) No being is a being called nothing.
2) No being is no being.
The first assumes nothing to be something, then denying its existence, which means not only that whatever we call nothing must not exist, but also that nonexistence is a being.
The second asserts that every being is a being, rather than being nothing.
Your statement "there is no nothing" can only make sense if we take nothing to be something, thus denying the existence of that something. But what is that something? If nothing is not a being, then we cannot even deny that it exists in the first place. And if it exists, then our denying its existence is a lie.
Now I hope you stop laughing for a moment and think a little for a change.