@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:...first you have to understand that something multiplied by zero is not multiplied at all...
Then, according to you:
1. A number is not something.
2. A number is nothing.
3. Nothing is all numbers.
4. Nothing can be multiplied by zero, as also by any number.
I can only regret your incapacity to reason logically.
Fil Albuquerque wrote:less alone nothing... I think NR was n´t up to believe the degree of insanity in your reasoning or that you meant what you actually meant...
I can only regret logically thinking being "insanity" to you.
Fil Albuquerque wrote:...you fail to realize the basics, that you need operators to make an operation...from there there´s nothing else to say to you...
Even though these operators are not something, right? It is indeed obvious that you have nothing to say to me.