@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:
What in the hell does it mean all meaning and no being, uh ???
Meaning ON WHAT ? What is left if no being to be meant ?
You don´t/can´t know what you´re saying...meaning and no being ?
Just what do you think in the first place meaning reports to, eh ? do you know what a representation and symbol are about ? It seams that a great deal of confusion goes on your notions...
All moral forms like Justice, mind, nothing, God, freedom, honor, do not point to a material existence but to a spiritual meaning... Physical forms have meaning and being, but moral forms are meaning only... And what can one say of moral forms that can be proved, and how can they as a group be defined other than as meaning, and finally where does that meaning come from... Meaning is value, which works fine for Nothing... Justice, or God, or love are values too, and not one that can be thrown on a scale and weighed, but have a value we give to it out of the store house of meaning, the source of all meaning which is our own lives... Physical being will still exist when we are gone, though we will not be, in any sense, to give them meaning... All the moral forms we give meaning to will die with us, deprived of meaning with our consciousness...
The confusion is not mine, but ours, the common quality of humanity, and you can see it right through the dialogues of Plato's Socrates... No answer will be forthcoming... It is easy to see that agreement can be reached, and that individual instances of some moral forms can be found... For two people disputing over justice in a particular instance may judge justice, and what is justice for one is justice for each, but behind that agreement is the relationship and life each seeks to maintain... The notion of distributive justice as presented by Hobbes cannot be maintained... All moral forms as much as physical forms are forms of relationship, but in moral forms it is the desire for the relationship that gives the form meaning... What is love without a lover??? What is justice without one to share justice with??? The last person on earth will be deprived of meaning before the loss of being, because when we live and when we communicate what we communicate is meaning, and yes, being once an English major, I know what representation and symbol are, and you must know that even for some physical beings like scents no symbol can be formed apart from the object causing the scent, such as smelling like a rose... Just as with moral forms, scents are perceived subjectively and not at all accurately, so it is by agreement that they are in every instance defined... Otherwise, moral forms are infinites... The character of justice in one situation may have nothing whatever in common with justice in another situation even though people may agree that eact are examples of Justice, and no third example will be like the first two.. They are all infinite, because they are not objects... Existence or life or reality are not objects, and cannot be considered as objects, but have meaning without a specific being... All moral forms are in-fin-ites, which no amount of attention can de-fin-e... There is not end to love, and there is no end to nothing...