ConnorBerge wrote:
I would say that 'everything' 'has' existed. A matter that goes in and out of time at some point has existed. Does it exist? Not really, because now it's gone. That is like everything in the universe -flicking in and out as infinate time progresses. 100 years from now we won't exist. Because things are temporary, and they dont exist in the future or past, and the future and past is only relevant when considering the universe, then we dont exist.
The reason why i'm not in two locations is because of time. I can be in both locations, but only in different moments of time. The probability of me being in a location at some point during an infinate amount of time is 100%, because we have no limit on time. That being said, given no limit on time, everything will exist at least once. Every situation, every 'thing'. But because nothing is permanent, nothing exists.
So in my oppinion, this statement is true.
Hi Connor!
Good post! To a point.
What makes you believe that a thing cannot be permanent? I ask this because you, I - any observer is restricted to the point of view gathered from the moment it/we exist in. I cannot say that what has been, is no longer because I am in a seperate dimension to that what 'has been' according to my perception. My perception is subjective to the point in spacetime it is confined to.
We can speculate that what has passed has ended - We cannot factualise it though.
IMO Everything is both infinite and eternal, yet cannot be percieved by a sentience that has moved beyond the point of perception.
Thank you, and have a great day.