Hi Bill,
I agree. The permian extinction was 99% land, 93% ocean = 96% av. Snowball earth, fireball earth, co2 earth, sulphuric earth. All catastrophic, I grant, but it will take a lot less than any of these to decimate mankind. The greatest problem we face right now is the methane hydrate problem - It is increasing at an unprecedented rate. Once levels reach a certain amount, it will instantly trigger the global temperature to rise between 5 and 10 degrees... That should fry all life above ground, hard bake all life below ground and make the seas boil - It will melt the icecaps within a year and flood 4/5ths of the continental land mass. No plant life will survive and everything left alive will starve. The sun will be blotted out due to the increase in volcanic activity, the earth will shift off its axis by .9 degrees, tectonic shift will tear continents to pieces, set off 11 super volcanoes, and the moon - due to the shift in tilt will plunge into the earth - vapourising all solid materials (except the core) and Wallmart will relocate to the planet mars.
I can't see any of this being a problem till summer 2013. So you've got three years to pack some stuff ready, I mean - How long does it take???
Thank you Bill, and have a lovely day, sir.